Biden Backs Two-State Solution Of Palestine And Isreal

DIVIDING JERUSALEM? Biden says Jerusalem is ‘central to the national vision of both Palestinians and Israelis’

US President Joe Biden on Friday reiterated his support for a two-state solution, during a joint press conference with Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank.

The two-state solution – the coexistence of Israel and Palestine – is “the best way to achieve an equal measure of security, prosperity, freedom, and democracy for the Palestinians as well as the Israelis,” said Biden in the city of Bethlehem.

“The Palestinian people deserve a state of their own,” he continued.

“Two states for two people (Israelis and Palestinians), both of whom have deep and ancient roots in this land, living side by side in peace and security. Both peoples enjoying equal measures of freedom and dignity.”

His time in the West Bank consisted of visiting the Augusta Victoria Hospital in east Jerusalem, where he announced $100 million in aid to Palestinian hospitals there, before meeting with Abbas.

He further noted that Christians, Muslims, and Jews have an intense connection to the land of Israel, especially Jerusalem, which is “central to the national vision of both Palestinians and Israelis.”

“Jerusalem must be a city for all its people, its holy sites preserving the status quo,” he said, adding: “We must all be free to practice our faiths in peace, in safety, and in dignity.”

Biden ended his address by pledging “an additional $200 million for the UNRWA” refugee agency, so that it can “continue its vital work of helping the most vulnerable Palestinians.”

Biden Backs Two-State Solution Of Palestine And Isreal – Foreign Affairs – Nigeria (

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