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Discipline lays the foundation for good behaviour in schools. In order to successfully achieve the objectives of a school, all members of the educational organization are required to strictly adhere to the various behaviour patterns. The study was carried out to investigate the influence of teachers disciplinary styles on students’ adherence to instruction. The study was guided by three research questions and two null hypotheses. The design of the study was ex-post-facto design. Purposive and simple random sampling techniques were respectively adopted to select 10 schools and draw sample of 400 primary six students. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire on disruptive behaviour and motivation to learn. Cronbach Alpha method was employed to ascertain the internal consistency coefficient of the instrument. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions and step-wise multiple regression analysis for testing the null hypothesis at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study showed that: the disciplinary styles have significant influence on students adherence to instructions, with the influence of democratic and laissez faire styles being dominant; and also the disciplinary styles have significant influence on students’ motivation to learn with the influence of autocratic style being dominant.



Chapter one: introduction

Background of the study.

Statement of the problems.

Purpose of the study.

Significance of the study.

Research question and hypothesis.

The theorical frame work.

Assumption of the study.

Scope of the study.

Operational definition of terms.

Chapter two.

Literature review.

Conceptual frame work.

Theorical frame work.

Review of empirical studies.

Summery of literature.

Chapter three

Research method and procedure.

The design of the study.

Area of study.

Population of study.

Sample and sampling technique.

Instrumentation for data collection.

Validation of the instrument.

Reliability of the instrument.

Method of data collection.

Method of data analysis.

Chapter four.


Overview of the chapters.

Demography of the respondents.

Answer to research.

Test of hypotheses.

Summary of findings.

Chapter five

Discussion, conclusion and recommendation.

Overview of chapter.

Discussion of finding.

Summary of the study.


Suggestions for further studies.

Limitations of the study.





Background of the study.

In child development, discipline refers to methods of modeling character and teaching self-control and acceptable behaviour both at home and school. Discipline is about changing behaviour, not about punishing children (Yang, 2009). Discipline allows children to develop self-discipline, and that affects a child’s moral and psychological development. Discipline strategies can be categorized into three main styles; preventive, supportive and corrective.

Preventive aspect of discipline involves establishment of expectations, guidelines and rules for behaviour change during the first schooling days of a student. The ultimate goal of preventive disciplining style is to provide proactive interventions to potential disruptive behaviors by clearly explaining to Students what good behaviors are. Supportive aspect of discipline provides a student with suggestions and options for correcting behaviour before a consequence is necessary such as verbal warning, suggestions for correcting behaviour, reminders, redirection and nonverbal communication. Corrective aspect of discipline may be the alternative when the student has failed to redirect his/her behaviour after repeated attempts. It refers to the set of consequences delivered to Students following an infraction (Wolfgang, 1999).

For one to make success in school, desirable or adaptive behaviours ought to be exhibited. However, where there is persistent disruptive behaviours amongst Students in the school system, a cog is constituted in the attainment of educational goals. A disruptive behaviour is that behaviour which does not enhance the attainment of instructional objectives. According to Des in Montgomery (1989) disruptive behaviour was defined as that which interferes with the learning and opportunities of other students and imposes undue stress upon the teacher. National Teachers’ Institute (2000) noted that disruptive behaviours are those behaviours of children which are against school or class routines, practices, and rules. The institute went further to indicate that the behaviours disturb lesson and cause discipline problems in the class. According to the institute, disruptive behaviours can be classified into two broad categories namely: minor disruptive behaviours and major disruptive behaviours. Under minor category include; inattention, lack of interest in class work, lateness to school, being suggestible. The major ones include physical aggression (pushing others, arguing and interrupting), moving or wandering around in class, challenging of authority, talking aloud in the class, disobedience to teachers and noise making. In their own perspective, Onyechi and Okere (2007) indicated some of the disruptive behaviours to include: calling teachers provocative nicknames, walking out on the teacher, noise making, sleeping in class, pinching, aggression, vandalism, pilfering, lies, truancy, lateness, irresponsibility, cheating, immorality, alcoholism, use of drugs, cultism, and examination malpractices.

A student may misbehave at one time or the other but this misbehavior cannot make such a student to be considered a disruptive student, if it is an isolated event. Montgomery (1989) noted that it is when Students’ misbehaviours create problems for teachers and themselves; and when they begin to occur frequently and pervade many areas of activity. Montgomery listed the following as disruptive behaviours: attention seeking, continuous talking and muttering, making annoying noises, lack of attention, poor concentration, distractibility, shouting out, wandering about, snatching other Students’ property, annoying and distracting other Students and teachers, provoking each other by name calling, unpleasant comments, lack of interest and motivation to work.

For this study, disruptive behaviours are those behaviours which when they are exhibited by Students can interfere with the teaching and learning process. Such behaviours include: noise making in class, lateness to school, hatred for teachers, distracting others, interrupting the teacher, drinking alcohol, being domineering, pushing, fighting others. Also included are use of hand set in class, lack of interest, stealing, not having a locker and seat, engaging in subject other than the one being discussed, attention seeking, staying outside the class as lessons go on, sleeping in class, and malpractices in assessments. These behaviours are obviously cases of indiscipline amongst Students, and when they are exhibited by students or Students especially in the classroom interfere with the instructional process. It takes the good observation of a teacher to know when a student has started exhibiting one or more of these behaviours.

When disruptive behaviours become sustained among Students they could manifest in drop out from schools, frictions between Students and authorities, examination malpractices or poor performance in school. Onyechi and Okere (2007) observed the existence of disruptive behaviours like calling teachers provocative nicknames, walking out on teachers, noise making in class, aggression, truancy, lateness and others among Primary school Students. Nwosu, (1997) and Okolo, (2003) equally observed the prevalence of disruptive behaviours in Nigerian Primary schools. Eze and Umaru (2007), noted that in Nigerian schools teachers believe they spend a disproportionate amount of time dealing with behaviour problems compared with time spent on instruction and academic activities. Montgomery (1992), noted clearly that disruption and other associated behaviour problems seem to be on the increase particularly in some schools. According to him this increase seems to be associated with a curriculum which emphasizes academic competition, places little value on non- academic pursuits or individual needs and aspirations, streams its Students in this setting, imposes a heavy and inflexible code of school rules, and fails to involve Students and staff in corporate development. In line with these observations, Bolarin (1996) indicated that the effects of such disruptive behaviours is remarkably felt in the adolescent academic achievement as it manifests in constant poor grades in class and repetition of classes. The situation affects both boys and girls.

Eliminating the disruptive behaviours helps in enhancing Students’ disposition to focus on their academic work. Montgomery (1989) noted that because Students come to be regarded by teachers or the school as being disruptive, it is usual for such Students to be regarded as owners of such problems and for discipline and correction to be directed towards such Students with disruptive behaviours. Such instrument is not only directed at Students  with disruptive behaviours but generally to maintain an orderly, purposeful and stable system.

In order to facilitate the attainment of educational objectives, discipline amongst student is very necessary. School discipline is the system of rules, punishments, and behaviour strategies appropriate to the regulation of children and maintenance of order in schools (Arum, 2003). Jordan in Nkomo (2010) simply puts discipline to mean teaching a child those behaviours that are acceptable and what behaviours are not acceptable.

For this study, school discipline entails the externally imposed and self- generated conducts that produce orderliness in behaviour and enhance the attainment of educational goals. Hall in Myers (2007) made it clear that unrestrained freedom for Students should never be tolerated. He was of the opinion that Students must be ever mindful that reasonable measures of control have been established by the school to preserve both the freedom of the individual and that of the group.

The school is always concerned with appropriate adolescent behaviours that will protect the rights of the group as well as those of the individual (William, 1984). Large proportion of failure results from a teacher’s inability to maintain good class discipline. Children’s Aid Society in Nkomo (2010) made it clear that discipline involves the following; the process of education, guidance and learning to help children develop self control; is characterized by mutual respect and trust; and aims at development of internal controls that helps the child relate to others in a positive and responsible way. The teacher has the primary responsibility of maintaining school discipline and the principal has the obligation to support the teacher and assist him in maintaining order in the school.

Sequel to the need for discipline in Primary schools, one ought to be bothered about the kind of discipline existing in a school and the results that emanate from the approach adopted, in terms of whether it enhances Students’ motivation to learn or not, and also if it helps to reduce or increase Students’ disruptive behaviours. The importance becomes immense considering the fact that motivation and emotion are related concepts. According to Zurbriggen and Sturwan (2002) emotion and motivation are often intertwined as  motivation can cause emotion, while emotion can cause motivation. Both motivation and emotion are expressed in behaviour. Unpleasant emotions such as fear and anger are usually powerful, and they exert a lot of influence on behaviour. If for example, a student is severely punished, it can cause the generation of a negative emotion in the child such as fear which in-turn will affect the behaviour, and probably the motivation to learn. It is clear that emotions, whether pleasant or not can trigger off certain types of behaviours in Students. When Students probably as a result of certain negative emotions or some other factors, develop and adopt behaviours which are capable of impeding their learning, such behaviour can be termed disruptives behaviour. Apparently, there are different approaches to put discipline in place in a school.

Shankar (2006) summarized the approaches as the authoritarian, the democratic, and the Laissez-faire types. The authority of a school normally adopts the approach which they deem suitable for achieving discipline in the school. By the disciplinary style, the researcher means the approach which the school authority deems suitable and adopts to maintain discipline in the school. The critical issue here is how the Students perceive the disciplinary style with regard to whether they see it as being the autocratic type, the democratic type, or the Laissez-faire type. The need arises considering the nature or character of Students in the area of study who are disposed to indiscipline. If parents do not devote time to inculcate the spirit of discipline in their children, disciplinary problems develop right from homes. Where parents spend most hours of the day carrying on their businesses or other activities as observed in the area under study, there cannot be adequate time to stay with the children, which would enhance the imparting of discipline. The situation is not helped by the seeming financial autonomy which many Students do have. A good number of the Students make little incomes through some means e.g barrow pushing. Consequently, such Students develop feeling of independence. The feeling of independence arises from parents’ failure to impart discipline on their children at home, coupled with the seeming financial autonomy such children or adolescents have. When Students feel that they are independent, imparting discipline on them always poses problems with regards to their behaviours and motivation to learn

Observation and interviews made by the researcher in some Primary schools indicate that the use of punishment especially the corporal type to impart discipline has continued to be the practice. The use of cane is a very common phenomenon, often with the intent to get the Students change undesirable behaviours. For the Students who feel they are independent starting from home, the fact remains whether the approach has been able to achieve the desired results in them or whether the approach has been resulting in disruptive behaviours and lack of motivation to learn. It is worthy to note that the disciplinary style of a school is a product of whichever of the different approaches adopted to maintain discipline. The subtle matter of concern is then, the influence Students’ perception of each of these approaches in place (disciplinary style) can have on the students’ adherence to instructions and their motivation to learn.

Statement of the problems.

The rate of disruptive behaviours exhibited by primary school students has continued to be on the increase with the attendant negative consequences. Coupled with this phenomenon is Students’ lack of commitment to academic work or display of lack of motivation to learn. The aims of education cannot be attained under conditions where Students persistently exhibit disruptive behaviours and do not show commitment to their academic activities. The high rate of examination malpractices and poor performances of Students could be largely attributed to lack of motivation to learn on the part of Students.

On another note, many parents do not have time to impart discipline in their children. To worsen the matter, such children have one way or the other to make little incomes that make them have a feeling of independence. Such feeling results in Students’ display of undisciplined behaviours at school. Discipline ought to be maintained in the school, as a state of indiscipline can never allow for the attainment of educational objectives. However, the style of discipline must be such that encourages Students’ display of desirable behaviours and motivation to learn. In line with Students’ predisposition to indiscipline and a feeling of independence, the salient issue is the Students’ perception of the style of discipline in the school, with regard to whether the style is perceived as being autocratic, democratic, or laissez-faire. There is paucity of work on the influence of the style of discipline in a Primary school on Students’ disruptive behaviours and also Students’ motivation to learn especially in Rivers East senatorial district of Rivers State. The problem of this study posed as question therefore is. “What influence does the Students’ perception of the disciplinary style in their school have on their exhibition and students adherence to instructions and also their motivation to learn”?

Literature review#

Students are priceless assets and most essential elements in education. It is absolutely necessary to direct students to exhibit acceptable attitude and behaviour within and outside the school. In an attempt to achieve an organized and peaceful school environment and maintain law and order, school management specifies rules and regulations to guide the activities of members of the educational organisation. 

Student’s discipline is a prerequisite to almost everything a school has to offer students (Selfert and Vornberg, 2002). Seifert and Vornberg further link discipline with both the culture and climate of the school thus: “In order for a satisfactory climate to exist within a school, a certain level of discipline must exist”. In schools where discipline is a serious problem, for example, where students bully others, parents can transfer their children to ‘better’ schools. And because the well behaved usually perform well (Rigby, 2000), their transfer can affect the overall performance of that school. Troublesome students can sometimes make teachers react emotionally to the extent of using punishment. But punishment, instead of curbing behaviour, can aggravate it (Dreikurs et al., 1998).  In   the  words  of  McManus  (1995):  punishment does not discourage misbehaviour but rather reinforces the pupils’ view of adults as treacherous”. 

Students’ indiscipline seems to be ubiquitous in the 21st century in Nigerian secondary schools. Child’s discipline is a part of socialization. With recent increase in school enrolment, students discipline problems are bound to accentuate and cause more burdens on teachers and school administrators. Students’ indiscipline has plagued schools leading to series of unrest. It is observed that students resort to unconstitutional measures in channeling their grievances; and it is not unusual that schools have been blamed for the awkward and uncivilized behaviour demonstrated by the students. 

This situation has been a major concern to parents and those in the school community who suggest that disciplinary strategies be applied by teachers and that rapport be created between students and teachers as a systematic way to solving the problems. 

In the school system, discipline is necessary for the effective management, if the goals of the schools are to be accomplished. It is an element of managerial tasks that involves the measurement and correction of the performance of the subordinates  to  make  sure  that  the  objectives of the academic industry and plans desired to attain them are accomplished. Discipline in school organisation includes any rational approach used by teachers to overcome the problems of the school environment. To bring about effective discipline of students, the school formulates a set of rules to guide the conduct of students. 

The power of teachers to discipline students in the school stems from the doctrine of teachers acting in inloco parentis, that is, on behalf of the parents with respect to the education of their children. The doctrine of in loco parentis had been based on the assumption that by sending their children to school parents agree to delegate to school officials the power or parental authority to control their children’s conduct in a manner that will be of best interest to the child. This situation is changing because parents however, agree that when the concept originated, education was voluntary and personal, the parent voluntarily committed the child to the authority of a teacher who usually spent the entire day with the child either in classroom or school thereby, developing something akin to parent/child relationship with the pupil. Today, most teachers instruct children for only part of the day to have fewer opportunities to form class relationship in large classes and schools. 

There are alleged cases of teachers being threatened by students in course of discharging their lawful duties. In some cases, the attacks have been violent. In the midst of these problems, there is a growing debate over the declining standard of education due to incessant students’ unrest and the attendant blame on teachers. Whatever the case, it is obvious that the indiscipline in Nigerian secondary schools is a matter that should be of concern to every individual who has the interest of the youths at heart. 

This paper therefore, points out that apart from imparting knowledge and facilitating student learning, teachers are expected to maintain security and order in their classrooms (Bogdan, 2004). Thus, the issue of student conduct is a factor in their job satisfaction and they can resign from the profession if students’ misbehaviour is unbearable (Mclntyre and Silva, 1992). Students’ misconduct is not only a nuisance to teachers; but the whole society also gets concerned. In the light of the above, the paper will address teachers’ disciplinary approaches such as imposition of corporal punishment, suspension and expulsion, and some civil right issues.

The concept of discipline in secondary schools

School discipline is an essential element in school administration. This is because discipline is a mode of life in accordance with laid down rules of the society to which all members must conform, and the violation of which are questionable and also disciplined. It is seen as a  process  of training and learning that fosters growth and development (Imaguezor, 1997). The aim of discipline is therefore, to help the individual to be well adjusted, happy and useful to his society. 

The doctrine of school discipline according to Nolte (1980) and Barrell (1978) is based on the concept of “loco parentis” which allows school authorities full responsibility for children’s upbringing, the right of discipline and control. In effect, teachers have the right to punish students who contravene school laws. 

Discipline refers to a systematic instruction given to a disciple, a student. To discipline means to instruct a person to follow a particular code of conduct. Usually, the phrase “to discipline” carries a negative connotation. This is because enforcement of order, that is, ensuring that instructions are carried out is often regulated through punishment. Consequently, in the field of child development, discipline refers to methods of modeling character and of teaching self control and acceptable behaviour. To be disciplined is then, subject to content, either a virtue, which may be referred to as discipline procedure or a euphemism for punishment, which may also be referred to as disciplinary procedure (Reyes, 2006).

School discipline refers to regulation of children and the maintenance of order (“rules”) in schools. These rules may, for example, define the expected standards of clothing, timekeeping, social behaviour and work ethics. The term may be applied to the punishment which is the consequence of transgression of the code of behaviour. For this reason, the usage of school discipline sometimes means the administration of punishment, rather than behaving within the school rules.

Preventing and resolving students’ discipline problems in schools

In an effort to prevent and resolve students’ discipline problems and ensure efficient functioning of schools, there has to be reasonable disciplinary policies and procedures. In addition, various disciplinary approach such as corporal punishment, suspension and expulsion, exclusion and civil rights issues.

Where order is lacking, the school system crumbles. The upright will be squeezed into the mold of the wicked, the school environment will be unsafe for the good and right hearted because of the activities of the bullies. Therefore, even if the teacher cannot turn the wayward to the path of rectitude, they should at least rescue the quiet and peaceable from the incorrigible. This is because if the teacher fails in this duty and harm is done to any child, which is direct consequence of the school teacher’s lack of supervision, the school will be liable in tort

(Imaguezor, 1997.)

In an effort  to  prevent  and  resolve  student  discipline problems and ensure efficient functioning of the school, there has to be reasonable disciplinary policies and procedures. These policies and procedure are made more specific at individual school levels as rules and regulations. To be legally enforceable, school rules and regulations are to be reasonable, have educational purpose and be administratively feasible. The reasonableness of rules and regulations cannot be decided in the abstract except in the context of the application or fact of the situation. To judge the reasonableness of any rule and regulation, the following criteria should be applied to every proposed rule before being enforced by the school administrator. He should put into consideration things such as:

(i)     Is the proposed rule necessary for the orderly and effective operation of the school?

(ii)    Do the rules involve some suppression of freedom?

In Nigerian law, the human right principles which also apply to students as citizen of the country are prescribed in sections 30 – 42 of the 1979 constitution. Rules and regulations for legal enforcement must be tailored along these sections of the constitution. For in the infringement of the rights of the individuals, unless such practices are proved reasonable and justifiable in the eyes of the law, the individual may disagree and challenge disciplinary measure.

Due to the peculiar nature of the school, there are many areas a teacher has to conduct disciplinary matters. The rules and regulations are thus made to cover many grounds affecting the student, school attendance, use and uniform, personal appearance of the student, school attendance, use and misuse of school property, student-student relationship, student-teacher relationship, class regulations and test/examination.

A teacher involved in handling any of the above disciplinary matters must do it within the limit of the law.

To do this, three guidelines are given. These are that:

i)      ‘The teacher must adopt the appropriate code of conduct when dealing with the student.

ii)     The method adopted to ensure discipline, must be authorized by the Ministry of Education.

iii)    The action of the teacher must be protected by the vicarious liability, that is, he is working within the scope of his employment.

Punishment to students’ discipline problems in schools

The administration of punishment cannot be ruled out in the control and discipline of students. The right and authority of a teacher to inflict punishment on students for offences, who  breach  school  rules  and  regulations,   is  enhanced by section 34, sub section (1) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999) which specifies peoples’ right to personal liberty; and instances in which a person who has not attained the age of eighteen may be deprived of his right to personal liberty specifically, for educative and welfare purposes. However, punishment must be reasonable and properly meted out to the student on account of the offence committed, it should be moderate and commensurate with the offence committed.

Although, it has been emphasized that school authorities have the right to punish students for breach of school regulations, the administration of punishment that entails physical chastisement needs to be done with caution. Corporal punishment must not be inflicted in such a way or with such force as may be considered sadistic, cruel or excessive.

Over the years, the infliction of corporal punishment on recalcitrant children has been an accepted method of promoting good behaviour and instilling notion of responsibility and decorum into the heads of mischievous students (Chianu, 2007). It is presumed that any parent who sends a child to school gives this authority to school officials. But the desirability and effectiveness of corporal punishment have been called to question in recent times. While some parents, teachers and school administrators favour the use of corporal punishment, others are strongly opposed to its use in schools. Peretomode (1992) made the following points in support of corporal punishment:

1.     Some students only respond to corporal punishment.

2.     Corporal punishment is effective because it makes students think twice before committing the same offence and; 

3.     The use of physical punishment can be a deterrent to other students who might violate a rule in the absence of such punishment.

On the other hand Peretomode (1992) also opposed corporal punishment based on the following reasons:

1.     It is cruel and inhuman.

2.     Unreasonable corporal punishment is too difficult to prove in court. 

3.     Corporal punishment holds considerable potential for child abuse.

The reasonableness of a punishment is judged by:

1.     Whether the punishment is in accordance with school regulations and state or school board laws on corporal punishment.

2.     Whether the punishment is in proportion to the offence.

3.     The ability of the child to bear the punishment by considering the age, sex, physical mental and emotional status of the child.

Application of corporal punishment by teachers to students’ indiscipline

A teacher has authority to corporally punish a pupil even when his parent objects to that type of punishment, unless the parent proffers convincing reason. A teacher’s authority sterns from any of the following: Parental delegation, necessity, preservation of discipline, government’s duty, and public duty. In a State where corporal punishment is statutorily prohibited, a teacher’s authority to inflict corporal punishment is at an end (Zindi, 1995). Where a parent is assured by a private school that corporal punishment would not be administered on his child, no teacher has authority to inflict corporal punishment. In recent times, the use of corporal punishment in schools is becoming highly controversial. Many parents no longer accept this form of punishment for their children. Since some teachers have been found to abuse this model the courts have taken more interest in looking into the degree and manner of punishing students physically.

In secondary schools, the range of permissible punishment is at present very broad, ranging from expulsion, suspension and exclusion, to corporal punishment. Corporal punishment refers to any kind of bodily chastisement on a person by another. It is here taken to include bodily chastisement, and all forms of punishment which subjects the child to fatigue and perhaps to the derision of his schoolmates.

For ages the infliction of corporal punishment on recalcitrant children has been an accepted method of promoting good behaviour and instilling notions of responsibility and decorum into the mischievous heads of school children. It is presumed that any parent who sends a child to school gives authority to the teacher. In addition, the state has legitimate and substantial interest in maintaining order and discipline in school. Consequently, where a parent purports to withdraw the authority extended to teachers without justification, the teacher can fall back on the implied obligation imposed upon him as an agent of the State to exercise his discretion in deciding the methods to be used in accomplishing the legitimate and essential purpose of maintaining discipline in school.

If this be the nature of teachers; authority to chastise pupils, what is the effect on this authority of a government  policy statement that withdraws it? It is settled law that a government policy directive does not have the force of law; it cannot reverse an existing  common  law  or  statutory provision. If government intends to take away common law and statutory authority of teachers to inflict corporal punishment, it should do so explicitly in a statue. 

It is possible, however, that the directive may, over a period of time, crystallize into a custom that in a particular area teachers have no authority to inflict corporal punishment. If that becomes the case and parents are aware of the custom, it would be a basis to assume that a parent has no reason to expect his child to be chastised by a schoolteacher. Thus having by implication withdrawn the delegated authority of a schoolteacher to inflict corporal punishment and the State itself having done so, teachers’ authority would be eroded. This would be the case in Delta and Edo State where statute provides that “no form of corporal punishment whatsoever shall be administered by any teacher in any institution in the state.

Most schools have regulations which prescribe rules on who may inflict corporal punishment, the number of licks that may be administered, the need to keep a record of it in a register, and perhaps a requirement that the pupil’s parent should be informed promptly. 

For example regulation 3(1)(m) of the Schools and Institutions (Records) Regulations made under the Education Law of Oyo State provides as follows:

A corporal punishment book in which shall be entered by the headmaster or teacher authorized by the headmaster, the date of all such punishment awarded, the nature of the offence and punishment, the name of the teacher administering the punishment and the name of the pupil. Such corporal punishment shall be kept to the minimum and shall be administered only by the headmaster, or teacher authorized by the headmaster, such authorization is to be entered in the log book: provided that no female pupil shall receive corporal punishment from a male teacher.

Suspension and expulsion of students

A teacher may be suspended or expelled where he infracts a grievous school rule. The pupil should be given a hearing prior to suspension or expulsion. It is recommended that parents are invited to the disciplinary committee hearing if the sanction of expulsion is contemplated. There should be a right to appeal to a higher person or body. A principal or headmaster is at liberty to inform the entire students the reason for the suspension or expulsion if it will have a deterrent effect on them.

There is an increasing call for the reduction or elimination of corporal punishment as a form of punishment especially in private in schools. Since this call is not as a reduction in the grounds for punishment, there is a growing need to fashion alternative means of enforcing discipline in schools. Two alternatives are the title  of  this chapter. A third alternative is exclusion. By exclusion we mean that a pupil who infracts school rules may be asked to have limited contact with other pupils in the school. He may be permitted to enter the school premises solely to write an internal or external examination while he remains barred from receiving lessons or participating in other school activities.

Without attempting an exhaustive list, the following can ground suspension or expulsion: truancy, tardiness, insubordination, disobedience to teacher, insulting a teacher, talking back, swearing at a teacher, hitting a teacher, cursing or calling other students bad names, fighting with another student, inattentiveness in class, going out of school premises without permission, smoking, use of drugs or alcohol, refusal to stay for detention, refusal to clean the grounds as ordered, failure to maintain silence, lack of civility, failure to adhere to time schedules, destruction of school property.

The provisions of section 15(5) of the Child Rights Act 2003 evinces that pregnancy is no ground for expulsion from school. The subsection states:

“A female child who becomes pregnant before completing her education shall be given the opportunity, after delivering, to continue with her education, on the basis of her individual ability.”

In Delta State of Nigeria, among the records to be kept by a school is a punishment book in which shall be entered by the head of the institution or any other teacher authorized by him the date of the punishment, the name of the pupil punished, the nature of the offence and the name of the teacher who administered the punishment. 

Suspension and expulsion are too weighty to be left at the discretion and caprice of a school head or proprietor. Where the regulations are not adhered to or where they are contrary to the provisions of the Constitution, statute law or judicial pronouncements, the decisions and principles would want to challenge the punishment. Prior to suspension or expulsion, a pupil should be given a hearing.



For a teacher to ensure proper discipline of his class, it is pertinent for him to know some of the powers he has and how best such powers could be effectively utilized. These include: the power of reward, coercive power, referent power, expert power and legitimate power.

Reward power

The reward power involves the ability  or  potential  ability to bestow some rewards upon the person whose behaviour the teacher is attempting to influence. While it is necessary for the teacher to bestow some rewards upon his students he should not make such rewards too frequent, otherwise the rewards would lose their value. While parents may offer their pupils material rewards like money and clothes, the teacher’s reward should be symbolic and immaterial.

Coercive power

Although coercive power is similar to reward power, it is at the other end of the scale. By applying the coercive power, the teacher may withhold rewards or punish the student in some way for failing to perform in the desired manner. 

Although the threat of punishment may have some significant impact on the student, the teacher should not forget its negative impact on the student. Naturally, a punishment serves the following purposes: reform of the offender, the correction of his conduct, and prevention of the repetition of behaviour that interferes with the welfare of others. Doubtful punishments such as detention after school, dismissal from class, corporal punishment, suspension and expulsion, should be avoided because of their negative and complicated nature. For instance, a teacher may unconsciously vent his aggression on the student and inflict corporal punishment without knowing when to stop.

The teacher should also avoid as much as possible such undesirable punishments as sarcasm, ridicule, nagging, scolding and satire. They are the teacher’s destructive weapons of the tongue. Punishments which touch on personal dignities, such as pulling and twisting the student’s hair, pulling the ears, slapping the jaws, shaking, kicking and rapping the head, should be discouraged. Derogatory and humiliating words such as dunce, fool, blockhead, coconut head and the like which generally touch on human dignity, should equally not be used. Avoid punishments that border on prolonged torture, threats and retribution.

Referent or charismatic power

Referent or charismatic power refers to the ability of the teacher to influence the behaviour of the student in an attempt to enable him identify with the teacher. This identification does not necessarily relate to influencing the behaviour of the individual for material rewards. It relates, rather, to the feeling of admiration that the student may have for the teacher. This feeling results in the student’s attempt to emulate the teacher he or she admires and respects.

A teacher may be charismatic in one situation  and  not  in

another, depending on the attributes a particular audience is looking for…A teacher who possesses charismatic power has a very powerful weapon in class management, for the children obey and follow the examples of the person they love and admire (Nakpodia 2007: 45).

Teachers who are fortunate enough to possess the referent or charismatic power may use it as a tool for influencing their students. Nevertheless, teachers without this quality must cultivate other bases of power.

Expert or sapiential power

This form of power is based on the assumption that the teacher has superior skill or knowledge. Students readily accept the authority of their teacher if he is “acknowledged to be a master of his subject and his art.” Such a competent and versatile teacher radiates confidence; he is easily obeyed and admired. Assuming every other thing is equal, expert or sapiential power helps to contribute to effective classroom control through willful obedience of the pupils. The teacher’s mastery of subject matter confers on him overwhelming power. His mastery of the subject, which is reflected in his daily preparation, is as necessary for discipline as it is for teaching.

Legitimate power

Legitimate power gives the teacher the ability to influence the behaviour of his students simply because of his position. The legitimate power, which places the teacher on a high pedestal in society years ago, may be diminishing in some cases today. This fact is caused by the low regard for teachers by the society and the educational advantage which some students enjoy because of the high socio-economic backgrounds of their parents. Being “the teacher” is no longer enough. Instead, what is important is that the teacher should be better equipped with further education to cope with the prevalent changes which are inevitable in the contemporary Nigerian education system. According to Udofot (1995:12), the power of legitimacy can also be extended to “ ….students giving a peer a special status after they have been elected to a position of influence or authority.”

Teacher exclusion on disempowerment 

Nigerian teachers insinuated that the reason for the exponential growth of cases of student misconduct is that school regulations are not founded on teachers’ strategies for disciplining children. They claim that child discipline is an integral part of child socialization and that in Africa, particularly in Nigeria, it is not a lonesome work. 

It is carried out by the whole community. Teachers lamented that they are excluded in matters of disciplining a learner. Therefore, they did not only feel disempowered but also helpless especially when they encounter discipline challenges in classrooms where the school head is not always nearby. 

While the Ministry of Education perceives the school discipline regulations as an endeavour to promote and maintain order and safety in schools, teachers’ point of view differs. According to these teachers, the corporal punishment, suspension and expulsion regulations are a scheme which strips off their rightful authority over students. They feel disempowered. They claim that these regulations contravene the cultural practices of child upbringing where every adult in a society was regarded as a parent and had the right to discipline any child as he/she sees it fit. Each and every teacher, as a parent, in-loco-parentis would have been given the privilege of moulding students’ characters into that of desirable citizenry. This, they believe, would be a successful approach to students’ discipline. 

Because the school head, who is the only person designated to punish students cannot simultaneously be available at all times in all classrooms, teachers experience indiscipline at an alarming rate. They feel powerless. They assert that it is difficult to be a teacher these days. They complain that the Ministry of Education is not giving them enough support especially in cases of suspension and expulsion. As the saying goes, “if you can’t exercise discipline in the school, you will teach nothing, and the students will learn nothing, of significance”. Although only the school head is allowed to administer corporal punishment, most teachers ignore this regulation. Infact, teachers complain that they are rarely respected by parents and if it happens that they punish learners, their parents would come to reprimand them even in the presence of the students. 

         Teachers’ experiences on the implementation of school discipline regulations        

Teachers find the school discipline regulations practiced in Nigerian schools problematic (Nwideeduh, 2003). Were they part of your sample? First, classroom control has become somehow cumbersome for teachers. This is because students are prone to misconduct for they know that teachers are not allowed to administer corporal punishment, and the one who is designated to do so can never be omnipresent. So they make hay whilst s/he is in the administration office knowing that the teacher is not authorized to administer corporal punishment.

It was clear that often times than not, “learning is being disturbed by such behaviour, because a lot if of time is wasted on settling disputes”. This, they claimed, has proven to disturb  those  students  who  are  serious  with their work. Teachers’ concern is genuine because they are accountable to the society at large. When much of their “teaching time [is taken by] trying to settle [problematic] cases”, poor performance is inevitable.

Secondly, suspension and expulsion regulations cause some ambivalence in the school administration. When it comes to making decisions about a problem learner, the school head has to think twice in fear of embarrassment. The participants have experienced situations where the Permanent Secretary Chief Inspector of Education was pressured by social factors to revoke the school decision. Thus, one participant said, “Some parents are well connected; even if the school has a strong case against the student, that decision to expel the student can easily be overridden by the Permanent Secretary Chief Inspector of Education. Such students become a nuisance to teachers and boast to their colleagues about it, thus causing students to undermine the authority of teachers”. Also, the length of time before the matter could be settled has a bearing in school. So three (150%) of the participants said: “The process of going through all the appropriate channels is too long to address the crisis. In the mean time, the situation gets worse and other students want to copy the behaviour. After waiting for a long time, the Permanent Secretary comes and overrules the verdict. Shame! Discredit! (Peretemode, 1992). I could see it in his face and I was feeling that their colleagues have been saved from expulsion. 

Expulsion procedures make students believes that the school head teacher has no authority over them and so they sometimes mess up in front of him/her [school head] because they know he/she will keep talking without taking any action”. As a result, because of the experiences they have been through, all the participants were of the opinion that implementing the suspension regulations “is just to scare the student because the recommendation could be reversed” by the Permanent Secretary Chief Inspector of Education.

The impact of students’ indiscipline on teachers’ jobs in schools

There are at least two effects of lack of discipline on teachers’ jobs. The first one is that, teachers feel insecure. They claim that schools are no longer places of safety and order. They say unless “we go back to the roots of child socialization, teaching would become a dangerous vocation” because when it is time to go to class, you are thinking of your safety. Especially when it is the first class, you are not sure if everything will go according to your plan. I do suspect they [learners] carry guns and because of that, one needs to talk to them with some respect, not real respect as such, but out of fear” because students carry dangerous weapons, “teachers are    not   free   to   teach   students”.  When   a   student misbehaves, the teacher has difficulty of reprimanding the same. “What will I do if the student uses vulgar language at me? How will I react? What about if he/she has a knife?” These are the questions that teachers ask whenever they encounter a discipline problem in their respective classes. “Regulations for corporal punishment have made students difficult to deal with since they know their rights and will question it if a teacher administers corporal punishment” (Kayode, 1984).

The second effect of student indiscipline on teaching learning process is poor performance (Matsimoto, 2000). Because much time is spent on discipline cases, less time on teaching, and this means that the syllabus is not completed hence students’ inadequate preparation for the examinations and learning. Below are excerpts expressing this sentiment: “School discipline has a great affect on school academic performance. The school infrastructure or any other resources/materials are damaged because of this negative behaviour. They end up messing the culture of school. Teaching becomes a problem and the overall performance goes well below the least expected. Indiscipline poses a problem since it leads to poor results. Usually undisciplined students perform badly academically”.

Purpose of the study.

The general purpose of this study is to ascertain the influence which the disciplinary style in a primary school has on students adherence to instructions and their motivation to learn. Specifically, the researcher is interested in:

To find out the disciplining styles used by teachers in primary schools

Ascertaining the influence which the styles discipline have on students adherence to instructions.

Ascertaining the influence which the styles of discipline have on students’ motivation to learn.

Significance of the study.

The findings of this study will be beneficial to the students, parents, the society at large and the educational system. This is based on the various contributions the findings will make.

Theoretically, the findings will help to lay credence to and strengthen Maslow’s theory of motivation in his hierarchy of needs. Students’ perception of the tone of discipline as being friendly would create a feeling of safety in the students which in turn could propel them into more efforts to learn. The same thing is applicable to the theory of behaviour modification as is applicable in correcting disruptive behaviour problems. The influence of teachers’ orientation to Douglas McGregor’s theory X or theory Y in their approach to discipline is also highlighted.

The findings will assist schools to know what type of disciplinary approach to put in place for the good running of the school. When the school authorities know and adopt good disciplinary measures, it is hoped that meaningful results are definite to be achieved in terms of better students’ behaviours. A properly disciplined and well behaved student is of course an asset to the parents and the society.

The findings will be helpful to students. If the right style of discipline is put in place, students will feel happy and safe in the school. Most students as a consequence would see the school as a friendly and purposeful place and be ready to show interest and commitment to the educational activities which go on in the school, including of course the teaching and learning. There will be improved students’ behaviours and also they will be willing to show more commitment to their school or academic works.

The findings will equally help schools to eliminate those disciplinary approaches that could lead to disruptive behaviours in students, and total lack of interest in the educational activities of the school. Teachers will therefore experience less stress in the instructional process the likelihood of the attainment of the instructional objective will be very high. Also clashes between the school authorities which often emanate from students disruptive behaviours will be reduced to a minimal level.

On another note, the findings will assist educational planners in making decisions regarding the disciplinary practices in Primary schools that would enhance good students’ conduct and academic performance. Further researchers will equally find the work useful in studying the probable critical relationship between disruptive behaviours amongst students and poor academic performance in schools.

Research question and hypothesis.

The study will attempt to answer the following research questions

What are the disciplining styles used by teachers in primary schools in River state ?

What influence do the disciplinary styles in Primary schools namely autocratic, democratic, and laissez faire styles have on students adherence to instructions?

What influence do the disciplinary styles in Primary schools have on students’ motivation to learn?


Four Null hypotheses were formulated which will serve as a guide to this study. These were tested at P 0.05 level of significance.

HO1: The influence of school disciplinary styles on students adherence to instructions will not be significant.

HO2: The influence of school disciplinary styles namely autocratic, democratic, and laissez faire styles on students adherence to instructions will not differ significantly.

Assumption of the study.

The study makes the following assumptions

The students are exhibiting disruptive behaviours

The teachers employ autocratic, democratic, and laissez faire disciplinary styles

Scope of the study.

The study is focused on ascertaining the disciplinary styles in schools. In other words, whether it is perceived by the students as being democratic, autocratic, or laissez faire.

The study then went on investigate the influence the disciplinary styles have on students adherence to instructions and their motivation to learn. The study covered only public Primary schools in Rivers East senatorial district of Rivers State. Students of primary six who are deemed to have gathered substantial experience of activities in the school were used for the study.

Operational definition of terms.


Discipline is action or inaction that is regulated to be in accordance with a particular system of governance. Discipline is commonly applied to regulating human and animal behavior to its society or environment it belongs

Disciplinary styles

Disciplinary style is the method adopted in a school to maintain discipline among students

Disruptive behaviours

The behaviour of students in the school especially in the classroom is one of the determinants of success in the school. Inappropriate behaviours can mar the purpose of education especially when such behaviours become sustained.

Motivation to learn

Motivation to learn is an important factor in any students’ success. Hermine in Brophy (1986) defined the term motivation to learn as “the meaningfulness, value, and benefits of academic tasks to the learner – regardless of whether or not they are intrinsically interesting”


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