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The study was set out with four objective: to determine the relationship between kidnapping and national security, to examine the various factors responsible for kidnapping in Nigeria, to determine the implication of kidnapping on national security, examine the challenges of curbing kidnapping in Nigeria and proffer ways of curbing the spread of the menace of kidnapping in Nigeria. The methodology used included the questionnaire as well as descriptive analysis of data presented. The study revealed that kidnapping has not only become a criminal phenomenon or an academic issue of discuss but also a major threat to national security. Kidnapping has been related in some countries to the crime of terrorism which shares a major threat to national security. Kidnapping in Nigeria, however considered new to the security or crime challenges to Nigeria, has taken a rather dramatic and worrisome position. This has been due to the dimension it took in its widespread in almost all the region of Nigeria. The causes of kidnapping in Nigeria have been grouped under economic and political factors. Economic in the sense of the low per capital income, poverty, unemployment to mention a few has been a major factor that has propelled the adoption kidnapping especially by youths. The political factors have been related to the political struggle for self for attainment and development of the Niger Delta region, as well as its adoption by political miscreants. In  To this end, there is the need to put in place some measures in order to achieve the essence of national security as well as well human development some of those measure as recommended in this study include the adoption of developmental project for the youth of the society including the full implication of MDG project. Another measure to this the creating of an enabling factor for self employment of the youths of the country as well equipping in capacity and sophistication security personnel in to combat the kidnapping menace head on



1.1    Background of the Study

All over the world societies have had to deal with criminality in various forms. Some of these forms of criminality have proved a great challenge to the society and stretched the debate on what crime is. The concept of crime has a long history in the civilization of man. Some religious communities see crime in the perspective of sin (Wikipedia Encyclopedia 2010).  Some highlighted the issue of crime as sin in a mythological or legendary account of the origin of man. One of such is the Quran and Biblical records of the fall of man which tells the story of Adam and Eve’s eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden (King James Bible). There are disparities on the concept of crime with regards to people and places (Hulsman, 2000: 2).  Nevertheless, when it bears its effect upon individuals and national security, it often becomes an issue of national concern. Some of these crimes have evolved through societal and legal processes giving some form of societal idiosyncrasies to some criminal acts.

        One of such criminal act is kidnapping. Defining kidnapping poses a number of definitional problems in relations to a country’s legal and moral viewpoints as well as the availability of variances such as hostage taking and hijacking. However, in the context of this paper, Kidnapping in criminal law is an offence involving taking and conveying away a person against his or her will, either by force, fraud or intimidation (Wikipedia Encyclopesia, 2010). The issue of kidnapping however gained its early prominence in England when kids were abducted (EtymologyOnline, “Kidnap”). The word kidnapping thereby culminated from the phrase “kid nabbing” and was first recorded in the year 1673 (EtymologyOnline, “Kidnap”). Over the years, it has taken different forms with regard to the reason for carrying out such action by perpetrators.

        Kidnapping is a global phenomenon which has been of great challenge to every government of affected countries. Some areas of concern to most government and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are the relationship of kidnapping to the issue of human trafficking and prostitution (SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking of Women and Chilren for Prostitution).  In recent times, the crime of kidnapping has been linked to political intents where victims are kidnapped to push forward a political statement (Cambodian Law of Kidnapping and Trafficking).  It has also been related to the issue of terrorism which has threatened global security (Osaghae, 2007: 19-22). Another reason for kidnapping which has recently gained prominence in Nigeria is kidnapping for ransom. Each and every one of these reasons has in one way or the other threatened the national security of countries where such crime is perpetrated. Its resultant effects have been the proliferation of arms and the parting of large sums of money to kidnappers from victims. This has therefore been a major threat to national security of any nation.

        As a matter of importance to the survival of any nation, the issue of national security becomes paramount in the policies of government. This is as a result of the fact that the survival of the political, economic, social and diplomatic sovereignty of any nation depends highly on the national security of that nation (Yun, Hostage Taking and Kidnapping in Terrorism). The concept of national security is wide with different definitions; as there is no universally accepted definition of national security. Chief  Olusegun Obasanjo defined National Security as “the aggregation of the security interests of all individuals, communities, ethnic groups, political entities and institutions which inhabits the territory of our great country Nigeria” (A Priority for U.S National Security and African Development).

        A more comprehensive and all-emcompassing world-view definition of national security was made by President Barack Obama in the context of the US which can also be adopted by other nations. He defined national security as the security of the US, its citizens, partners and allies, a strong innovative and growing economy and an open international economic system that promotes opportunity and prosperity. He added that national security also encompass the respect for universal values at home and around the world and an international order that promotes peace, security, and opportunity through stronger cooperation to meet global challenges (International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Assembly Resolution, 1976 ). The crime of kidnapping however threatens the very elements of this definition which is encompassed in national development which should therefore be of serious national concern.

        In Nigeria, the crime of kidnapping gained prominence lately with the political strives of militants of the Niger Delta region of the South-South Nigeria (Barack, 2010). The kidnapping of expatriates in Nigeria threatens the very economic base of the nation which is oil exploration. To further push forward their political statement, the militants stepped up their criminal acts by kidnapping Nigerians of high political status or political figures. This eventually led to the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) taking decisive steps in checking the activities of militants which eventually resulted in the amnesty programme of the Late President Umar Yar Adua (Akpan, 2010). Unfortunately, the business of kidnapping spread to other areas of the country especially in the Eastern part of Nigeria and metamorphosed into a business mostly perpetrated by youths to make money.

        Presently, the rate of kidnapping in Nigeria, in spite of the effort of police and other security agencies has been quite worrisome and poses a great challenge to the national security of the country. It has stalled business activities in some areas as well created fear in the minds of Nigerians.  On the other hand, the perpetrators, who are mostly youths, are lost to such criminal activities instead of being gainfully employed as productive citizens for Nigeria’s development. The kidnapping of some journalists around Abia state was regarded as the height of the insensitivity of kidnappers (Egwemi, 2010).  This has prompted the government of Nigeria to initiate strategies to check kidnapping in the country. The various states in Nigeria are initiating steps at establishing stringent laws to dissuade would-be kidnappers (Nigeria’s Latest Booming Business, AFP).  There is however the need for government to initiate more strategies to curb the menace of kidnapping which threatens the national security of Nigeria.

1.2    Statement of the Problem

        Kidnapping took a rather dramatic dimension in Nigeria recently with its spread to other areas of the country from the Niger Delta region. This has therefore posed a serious challenge to Nigeria’s national security. Its impact on the nation has been quite enormous as it affects the socio-economic cum political lives of average Nigerians.   This study in the quest of finding solution to the menace of kidnapping in Nigeria, seeks to answer the following question.

1.3    Research Questions

(1)    What is the relationship between kidnapping and national security?

(2)    What are the factors that are responsible for the increase of kidnapping in Nigeria?

(3)    What are the effects of Kidnapping on Nigeria’s national security?

(4)    What are the challenges faced in dealing with the problem of kidnapping in Nigeria?

(5)    What are the roles of government in curbing the menace of kidnapping?

1.4    Objectives of the Study

        The specific objectives of this study therefore are:

(1)    To determine the relationship between kidnapping and national security.

(2)    To examine the various factors responsible for kidnapping in Nigeria.

(3)    To determine the implications of kidnapping to Nigeria’s national security.

(4)    To highlight the challenges in eradicating the problem of      kidnapping.

(5)    To propose in Nigeria measures that could be adopted to effectively check the growth of kidnapping in Nigeria.

1.5    Research Assumption

        At the inception of democracy in Nigeria kidnapping cases were perpetuated by militants of the Niger Delta who were fighting for a common course of resource control. The capabilities of the militants to carry out attack especially in engagement with the military shows the level of security deterioration in the Niger Delta region.  Likewise, the kidnapping of people which has bedevilled the society recently is also perpetuated by youths of the society.

        This study therefore seeks to establish that if opportunities of good education, employment and an environment for self sustenance are provided for these youths, the problem of kidnapping will be easily curbed. It also seeks to establish that a proper training and equipping of the security agencies will go a long way in reducing crimes especially kidnapping incidences.

1.5    Significance of the Study

        The issue of kidnapping could be relatively new to Nigeria compared to other countries. This therefore poses a great challenge to the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in its combating of crime and maintaining national security. This paper therefore will be beneficial to the government of Nigeria in putting in place machineries to fight against this menace. It will also be beneficial to security agencies who are directly or indirectly involved in curbing the problem of kidnapping in the country.

        This study will also add to the existing literature and body of knowledge on the topical issue of kidnapping as it relates to the issue of national security especially in Nigeria. It will also be a reference material for subsequent research work.

1.6    Theoretical Frame Work

What this research will achieve in the theoretical concept of the iron law of responsibility. This law states that in a long run, those who do not use power in ways that society considers responsible will tend to lose it.

The implication of this theoretical constant is that those multinationals organization that are blind towards the provision of infrastructure and social amenities to the host communities will eventually have opposition at a long run.

A typical example is the agitation of the Niger – Delta situation which has affected the production of crude oil by multinational companies operating the region, which SHELL is a Victim.

There are so many social threats in the region like kidnapping, pipe lines destruction, militant killing among others.

The Niger Delta Situation

Education is not the cause of unemployment per se but the skill required in the relevant areas. The reason for this is that individuals in the past make the opinions and attitudes to the world of work and the vocation they intend to take up in the future. This dictates the discipline they intend to pursue to be skilled. The right of choice of vocations by individuals is now violated by parents most especially by mothers without measuring the ability of their choice with capability of those for whom they decide for. Individuals come out and get dissatisfied with the jobs available because they do not have the skills in the relevant areas; hence there is lack of job satisfaction.

Oladiti (1990) describes job satisfaction as the extent to which a person is satisfied by the content and the environment of work. Job dissatisfaction is the extent to which a person is displeased or frustrated by inadequate working conditions and tedious job content. What exists in the Niger Delta is job dissatisfaction because the youths want to work in the areas for which they have no skill. There is therefore lack of basic skill for employment and the youths are not ready to take challenging jobs.

In the area, three classes can be identified, the political elite who use their affluent life style to cause terrorism and kidnapping. There are those in absolute poverty who are unemployed and have no income or resource to maintain minimum healthy living. There are also those in primary poverty whose minimum income or resources in enough for physical maintenance or health. These last two groups of classes see the affluence of the political class who may not be better than them educationally but use state resource to their satisfaction.

At the context of national development, the core-periphery model can be applied to the region. The golden egg which makes the area a core is the oil exploration and exploitation. The oil and gas found in the region are propulsive forms capable of generating large scale employment. The hinterland of the Niger Delta or the rest of Nigeria is the periphery to the core. The model refers to the spatial division of Nigeria into an economic relationship. The core is oil-gas rich area of Nigeria and the periphery are the areas articulated to the need of the core area.

No special criteria have been used to define poverty nor is there data to buttress the level of poverty. However, the paper adopts the inadequate supply of money, inadequate educational opportunities and inequality as measures of poverty. Equally budget standards can be applied to the definition. The adoption of budget standards presumes that the adoption of N 10,000.00 minimum national monthly wage would be applicable. The use of these budget standards assumes that those who are employed would earn this amount. For those unemployed this minimum wage is a mirage and makes the absolute poverty applicable.

The inability of indigenes to be appointed is because of lack of relevant skills due to inadequate educational opportunities. For example if vacancy exists for a petroleum engineer and an electrical engineer surfaces, he stands unappointable because his skills is not in the relevant area. Similarly youths may be unwilling to take up jobs whose income cannot commensurate with the political class. Most people now look for easy means of making money, just as they perceive of the political class.

Acts of terrorism, insurrections and kidnapping have become synonymous with the Niger Delta youths because of connivance with some political groups which they see as alternative to means of livelihood and a route out of the poverty syndrome. By August 2007 relatives of politicians had fallen victims of kidnapping. For example the mother of Celestine Omehia, River State Governor was kidnapped. Madam Hansel a.k.a. Mama Yenogoa, mother of Speaker, Bayelsa State was kidnapped and a N50million ransom was demanded, Margaret Hill was also kidnapped (Odume, 2007). Mr. Odili’s nephew to former Governor of River State, Peter Odili was kidnapped and a ransom of N50 million demanded (Guardian, 2008) etc. recently, N 4 million was demanded for a kidnapped victim but was later found dead a day after N 2 million was paid for his release. A relative of a member of River State House of Assembly was kidnapped in River State and a ransom of N 440 million demanded was not fully met, it was partially met but not publicized. To the youths involved in this act of terrorism, it is a profitable “employment”.

1.7    Scope of the Study

        This study covered the period between 2005 and 2010. This is the period when there was a significant increase in kidnapping cases in Nigeria. This period witnessed the increase of the active militant struggle in the Niger Delta region of South-South Nigeria. The period also covers the recent spate of kidnapping in several parts of which included the kidnapping of journalists and some children in Abia state amongst other states. Some Kidnapping cases in Nigeria from 2005-2010 is at Appendix I.

        This study will therefore be restricted to reference materials on the issue of kidnapping as it relates to the concept of national security from 1999 to 2010. Referrals on the issue of national security will also be based upon materials within this period.

1.8    Limitations of the Study

This study is impaired by the challenge of few materials available for reference on the topic of kidnapping in Nigeria. This has only been a new topic of discuss in the academic setting. Some information which would have been relevant for this research work was not disclosed by security agents who were interviewed.

1.9    Research Methodology

The data for the study were derived from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were collected through the use of questionnaires and oral interview with people considered relevant to the subject matter. Secondary data on the other hand were collected from newspapers, journals, other unpublished materials and the internet.



2.1    Introduction

        The concept of national security and the rate of kidnapping in Nigeria have not only been an issue of great challenge but also a matter of national importance. This has created the need for measures to be adopted to bring about the transformation in Nigeria with regards to kidnapping. As a matter of fact the recent increase of kidnapping in Nigeria has also brought about the legislature making laws both nationally and at state level to curb this social menace.

        This literature review therefore seeks to establish a platform by which the issue can be discussed, analysed and recommendations made. This will mean to establish a connection between kidnapping and national security especially in the context of the Nigerian state. Hence, it will review literatures on the concept of kidnapping, concept of national security, origin of kidnapping in Nigeria, the relationship between kidnapping and national security with respect to Nigeria’s national security.

2.2   The Concept of Kidnapping

        Kidnapping is a social crime which cuts across the borders of many nations. In other words, it is a global issue. The diversity in defining kidnapping lies in the reason that different legal background defines kidnapping in different perspective.  It has however been linked to a lot of criminal act especially terrorism. According to the US Army Training Command, kidnapping is seen as a means to an end rather than an end itself. It is taken into consideration in the battle of the US against terrorism when terrorist embark on kidnapping US military personnel in war areas (US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 2008: 3). It is therefore defined as an act that completely seizes, confines, moves, decoys or abducts any person or persons to extort ransom or reward, spotlight an agenda and compel other involuntary concession (US Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), 2008: 4).

        In US, Federal kidnapping investigations, the categories of conduct that frame the crime are usually limited duration kidnappings where the victim is released unharmed such as kidnapping that occurs as part of another crime and kidnapping for the purpose of ransom or political concession. Other legal considerations describe the crime as involving the duration of kidnapping and if the victim was injured causing a permanent disability or life-threatening trauma. The consideration could also include if the victim was sexually exploited, whether or not a dangerous weapon such as a firearm was used, or if the victim was murdered during the kidnapping (Colin, 2008: 787).

        Defining what is kidnapping poses a number of definitional problems in relations to a country’s legal and moral viewpoints as well as the availability of other variances such as hostage taking and hijacking. Mohammed attempted some clarifications of the definitional position of the term with respect to the legal point of view of some countries. He used Malaysia to illustrate that the kidnapping of adults within the borders of Malaysia come under the heading of abduction in sharp contrast to the UK meaning (Mohamed, 2008: 61 – 73). Clutterbuck also attempted to clarify some terminological differences between kidnapping, hostage-taking and hijacking. He argued that where hostage-taking and hijacking are concerned, victims are held in a known location, such as plane, ship or building. He further noted that hijacking may be thought of as refinement of hostage-taking, when a vehicle of some kind is seized along with its passengers. According to him “the theft of container lorries (with their cargo but without their driver) has been referred to as hijacking; however, most jurisdictions would classify and count this as theft and reserve the term hijack for the illegal seizure of vehicle and people together” (Clutterbuck).

        Turner defines kidnapping as “all situation where persons are forcibly seized and transported to a destination where they are held against their will in unlawful confinement” (Turner, 2000: 145 – 160).  It also describes the incidents when persons are lured away and then held illegally. This may involve force. This study adopts Turner’s working definition of kidnapping. Although this definition did not state the reasons for which such kidnapping act is based upon, this does not in any way impair the essence of its adoption in this study.  

Alix, in one of his few studies, extracted information on kidnapping from newspaper accounts. He mentioned that kidnapping as ransom was a rare event in the US in the latter part of the nineteenth century. He recorded that the first classic ransom kidnapping was recorded in 1874, which was the abduction of a young boy in Philadelphia (Alix, 2001: 64).  He also noted several increasing trends during the turn of the 20th century, between 1920s and 1933, and after 1968 (Alix, 2001: 69).  In another study, Crew and Lammers, based on the U.S. District Courts (federal criminal courts), stated that kidnapping was a relatively infrequent crime. In 1997, there were 49,655 federal criminal cases recorded, and only 99 of these were filed as kidnapping cases. The other official data source    (the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s National Crime Information Center) mentioned by Crew and Lammers, maintains information on reported missing people. In 1998, among 932,190 persons, only a small proportion of missing person cases is suggested as being due to kidnapping (Crew, 2001).

        A news story (The Guardian June 22, 2005) reported that half of all kidnappers and victims in London are estimated to be foreign nationals. It reported that kidnapping is particularly prevalent in the Chinese, Afro-Caribbean, South Asian and Eastern European communities, where extreme violence and torture is sometimes common. This seems to suggest nationality differences among kidnappers in London       (Guardian, June 22 2005).  Kidnapping is not a homogeneous offence. There appear to be various methods and motives among kidnappers. In the Alix study, 15 types of kidnapping were distinguished, such as classic ransom kidnapping, development ransom kidnapping, skyjacking, ransom hoaxes, conspiracy to kidnap for ransom, and kidnapping as extortion threat. He summarized that the types of kidnapping suggested 3 basic motives; the intent to exchange the victim for ransom or other benefits such as escape; the intent to harm the victim, and the intent, usually in child abductions, to keep the victim indefinitely (Alix, 2001: 17).

        More recently, Tzanelli has challenged the use of classification that simply describes the phenomenon as not being “helpful for sociology-oriented criminological enquiry”. He suggests that “the main kidnapping mechanism is that of exchange and equation (‘misrecognition’) of various forms of capital, value and status”, going on to argue that “kidnapping is then the by-product, rather than the ‘enemy’ of social order, in our late modernity” (Tzanelli: 929-947). Tzanelli’s view is accepted by this study as the very essence of kidnapping in a society like Nigeria is only a repercussion of a failing societal and economic values.

2.3   Kidnapping in Nigeria

        Kidnapping has been linked to other crimes that threaten national security. Some of these crimes are armed robbery, militancy and terrorism. As an effect of the crises in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, kidnapping gained ground as a weapon used by militants to fight the government and oil companies. It can be said that kidnapping although a crime that gained prominence recently in the polity of Nigeria has almost non existing explicit laws on the crime in some states (Nwokedi: History of Terrorism and Kidnapping in Nigeria).  However, the crime of kidnapping could be seen in the capacity of the reasons that brought about the crime in Nigeria. The struggle for self attainment which is basically linked to the natural resource control of the Niger Delta Region became a point of argument on the development of kidnapping in Nigeria. Map of Nigeria numerically showing states typically considered part of the Niger Delta Region where kidnapping was earlier recorded is at Appendix II.

        In the view of Townsened, “natural resource nationalism” which is the tendency to seek bigger share of the returns from natural resources as expatiated by Akpan, is the root and cause of kidnapping in Nigeria (Townsend, 2008: 11-12). This is in support of the view that kidnapping is a culmination of the crises in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. It is also worthy of note that the Niger Delta “question” of today is a heritage of Nigeria’s unstructural flaws  which is fundamentally constitutional and political. Onduku classified these flaws into categories. The first has to do with the division of the country into 3 unequal regions, with the population of the size of the Northern region alone exceeding that of the two southern regions put together. The second flaw as postulated by Onduku involves the political and demographic domination of the Northern, Western, and Eastern regions, being the majority ethnic nationalities and the attendant marginalisation of the minority ethnic nationalities. The Niger Delta is one of such minority groups and its position becomes so important given that Nigeria’s economy depends on petroleum resources, which is explored in the region (Onduku, 2001).

        As supported by Akpan, kidnapping has, in recent assume alarming dimension in the States in the Niger Delta region opening up opportunities and avenues for dangerous degeneration. Its occurrence and impacts started to be felt this early 21st century, a phenomenon induced by oil resource exploration. There are many factors that have contributed to the emergence of kidnapping in the region. Apart from the wider liberation consciousness of the people over the years, social, economic and political reasons have come to play prominent roles for the rise in the industry of recent (Akpan: 39).  Some of these reasons were more prominent in the Eastern and Western region of Nigeria.

2.4   The Concept of National Security

        The concept of national security as it concerns a universal definition remains vague and ambiguous even till this day especially to social scientists. The concept gained its prominence in a scholarly manner after World War II, where it interchanged other concepts that dealt on the issue of the struggle of states to overcome threats both externally and internally. Most of the early concepts emphasized the use of military power to maintain the sovereignty of a state. However today, the concept of national security emphasizes more than military factors. It includes the use of other factors such as economic, political, and the use of diplomacy.

        An early definition of national security was given by Walter Zipperman in 1943, however in the concept of war, when he said that a nation is said to be secured when it has the ability to maintain her legitimate interest even at the time of war and be able to make war to sustain such interest (Paleri, 2008: 215). This was evident of the early relationship of the concept of national security to military power. However between 1977 and 1981, a more encompassing and modern view of national security was given by the then US Secretary of Defence. He defined it as “the ability to preserve the nation’s physical integrity and territory; to maintain its economic relations with the rest of the world in reasonable terms; to preserve its nature, institutions, and governance from disruption from outside and to control its borders” (Watson: 281).

        In 2010, a more encompassing definition of national security as it pertains to national interest was given by President Barack Obama of the US.  He views national security as the security of the US, its citizens, the US allies and partner; a strong innovative and growing US economy in an open international economic system that promotes opportunity and prosperity. He went further to stress national security as the respect for universal values at home and around the world and an international order advanced by US leadership that promotes peace, security, and opportunity through stronger cooperation to meet global challenges (Barack, 2010). At the beginning of his administration, President Obama was faced with the task of maintaining an already struggling status of a world power of the US. Some of these challenges facing the US at that time included a long protracted war with a bad national image and a failing economy. Hence he emphasized the issue of national security in the challenge of restoring the image and security of Americans and its allies in the area of economic development with more of diplomatic relations and the reduction of war expenditure.

        In Nigeria, a definition that wholly alienated the issue of military factor or element was Etim Bassey’s views on national security as being more psychological than physical. He focused more on the other elements of national interest which include economic, political and diplomatic indices. In as much as it is an arguable fact that in modern times the concept of national security has taken a different dimension from solely military power, the element of the military cannot be totally dismissed. Philip Ujomo, argues his point on national security in the context of Nigeria as the ethical principles of the nation. He emphasizes the moral balance in the political entity of Nigeria. He bases his argument on the ability of constituent units to find solace and a reason to survive with others in the multi-diversified groups of Nigeria. He mentioned that, national reconciliation, national survival and national development as being imperative for the survival of Nigeria’s national security (Ujomu, 2001: 245). Ujomu’s sees national security being achieved when a government is in place that is guided by the laws of the land. This is basically stressing the element of good governance which is only one of the factors to be considered in national security.

        In formulating a Grand National Strategy for Nigeria, Obasanjo emphasizes more on the socio-economic approach. He stated that the primary objective of national security is to strengthen Nigeria and to advance her interest (Olusegun, 2002). He however did not neglect the element of defence, when he described the key constituents of national security as covering foreign policy, defence, economy, social development, law and order. Obasanjo summed it all up in his definition of national security as the ability of Nigeria to advance her interest and objectives, to contain instability, control crime, eliminate corruption, improve the welfare and quality of life of every citizen (Olusegun, 2002).

        Another aspect of national security which Mohammed emphasized is the aspect of law and order which was also mentioned by Obasanjo. He defined national security thus as the aggregate of the security interest of all individuals, communities, ethnic groups, political entities and institutions which inhabits the territory of Nigeria. He thereby concluded that national security from any perspective is about safeguarding the interest of citizenry and providing the type of atmosphere that is free of threats that could inhibit the pursuit of the good of all. It is about the processes and measures required to preserve law and order (Mohammed, 2006). This definition along side with that of Obasanjo suits the very purpose of this study as it relates to the very essence of national security which is the security of citizens and the ability to progress without fear or threats.

2.5   Kidnapping and National Security

In the words of Gen Ihejirika, the menace of kidnapping alongside other social vices like arms trafficking and arms banditry is a serious threat to national security (Mushibau, 2010). He further emphasized that one of the immediate challenges facing the army is the elimination of kidnapping in Nigeria. The former Inspector General of Police, Mr Ogbonna Onovo also concurred with the statement Gen Ihejirika, when he said that “the phenomenon of kidnapping in Nigeria has taken an alarming and disconcerting dimension which tends to threaten the substratum of our national security (Chris, 2010).

The issue of national security of any nation is paramount for the survival of the sovereignty of that nation. This is quite important that one of the primary goal of any nation is to maintain the national security of that nation. Such menaces as kidnapping are not only peculiar to Nigeria but also to other countries of the world. At the summit organized by the Ministry of Interior, Nigeria, emphasis is made on the issue of kidnapping as a threat to national security. According to the summit as quoted in ‘Next’ internet publications, “kidnapping remains one of the latest additions to the list of violent criminal activities in the country. It is more threatening to the state and national security” (Sebastine, 2010).

Although the crime of kidnapping is a relatively new to the polity of Nigeria, it has in its short period of existence being a major worry for both the government of Nigeria and the people of Nigeria. The issue of human security as it relates to national security is highly threatened by the menace of kidnapping that has ravaged the country. According to Said, national security and human security are mutually supportive (Said, 2008).  After all, most of the security problems that are reflected in intra-state warfare are the result of the absence of human security. In support of this view, however an idealistic view, Seidensticker adds that human security can reduce excessive state discretion in the realization of rights (Seidensticker, 2008).

Seidenstickers assumes the position of the fight for human right is only the way to national security. This could be attributed to the fact that if everybody in a nation lives well without fear, hunger, exploitation, disease, injustice amongst others, there will be a state of human security hence the national security may not be threatened. In the words of the former Secretary General of the UN, Kofi Annan, “today no walls can separate humanitarian or human rights crises in one part of the world from national security crises in another” (Kofi, 2009).

The case of national security in Nigeria as it relates to the issue of kidnapping is highly inherent on the issue of the Niger Delta crises. It also bears it effects from the issue of the fight of human right as proposed by Seidensticker. This is approvingly the aftermath of a social crisis and human right struggle. Although the menace of kidnapping evolved into the propelling issues of the economic conditions of youths in the society by their demands for ransom, as postulated by Alix, it is however rooted in the concept of a failing state as supported by Tzanelli.

2.6   Summary

The review of existing literatures has established that kidnapping is a social menace and a crime which undermines the very essence of national security. Kidnapping has been linked to a lot of criminal act like terrorism. Although defining kidnapping poses much definitional problems, it is however been defined as a situation where persons are forcibly seized and transported to a destination where they are held against their will in unlawful confinement. Kidnapping has also not been viewed as a homogenous offence since it takes different forms. However, the variation in kidnappings has been based upon the motives of perpetrators. Nevertheless the crime of kidnapping has also been viewed as a by-product rather than the enemy of a failing state. This has been linked to the effects of a society based upon failing societal and economic values.

In its relationship with national security, the menace of kidnapping has also been a factor to be considered as among the major criminal activities that threatens the very essence of the survival of man. In Nigeria, the criminal activity of kidnapping has been of great importance to various security agencies including the military. Hence, major decision making bodies on the national security of Nigeria have seen this menace as an issue not to be taken lightly. However it would be vague to view the fight on kidnapping mostly on the basis of social factor. This according to Tzanelli which the study agrees to would be tantamount to not been fair to sociological order of the society. Kidnapping as a crime can then be judged on the perspective of a failing state which has the characteristics of economic and political ills.



Title page  –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        i

Declaration           –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        ii

Approval Page –  –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        iii

Dedication –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        iv

Acknowledgement-      –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        v

Table of Contents –      –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        vi

List of Tables      –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        x

List of Figures-    –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        xi

List of Abbreviation      –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        xii

Abstract     –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        xiii


1.0    General Introduction-   –        –        –        –        –        –        –        1

1.1    Background to the Study –     –        –        –        –        –        –        1

1.2    Statement of the Problem-    –        –        –        –        –        –        6

1.3    Objectives of the Study-        –        –        –        –        –        –        7

1.4    Research Assumption –        –        –        –        –        –        –        8

1.5    Significance of the Study      –        –        –        –        –        –        8

1.6    Theoretical Framework          –        –        –        –        –        –        9

1.7    Scope of the Study      –        –        –        –        –        –        –        13

1.8    Limitations of the Study-        –        –        –        –        –        –        14

1.9    Research Methodology-        –        –        –        –        –        –        15

          References –       –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        16


2.0    Literature Review-        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        18

2.1    Introduction         –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        18

2.2    Concept of Kidnapping-        –        –        –        –        –        –        19

2.3    Kidnapping in Nigeria   –        –        –        –        –        –        –        24

2.4    The Concept of National Security  –        –        –        –        –        26

2.5    Kidnapping and National Security  –        –        –        –        –        30

2.6    Summary   –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        33

          References –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        35


3.0    Research Methodology         –        –        –        –        –        –        –        38

3.1    Introduction         –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        38

3.2    Research Design-        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        38

3.3    Area of Study-     –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        39

3.4    Research Population-  –        –        –        –        –        –        –        40

3.5    Sampling and Sampling Technique-       –        –        –        –        40

3.6    Instrument of Data Collection         –        –        –        –        –        41

3.7    Validation of the Instruments-        –        –        –        –        –        41

3.8    Method of Data Collection    –        –        –        –        –        –        42

3.9    Method of Data Analysis       –        –        –        –        –        –        42

3.10  Weakness of the Study-        –        –        –        –        –        –        42

3.11  Summary- –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        43

          References         –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        44


4.0    Data Presentation Analysis and Findings of the Study       –        45

4.1    Introduction         –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        45

4.2    Respondents Profile    –        –        –        –        –        –        –        46

4.3    Analysis of Data –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        49

4.4    Kidnapping in Nigeria   –        –        –        –        –        –        –        50

4.5    Causes of Kidnapping in Nigeria    –        –        –        –        –        54

4.6    Economic Factors as A Cause of Kidnapping In Nigeria    –        55

4.7    Implication of Kidnapping on National Security –        –        –        61

4.8    Summary of Findings   –        –        –        –        –        –        –        66

References         –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        69


5.0    Summary Conclusion and Recommendations- –        –        –        71

5.1    Conclusion-         –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        71

5.2    Recommendations-     –        –        –        –        –        –        –        73

          Bibliography        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        74

          Appendix   –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        79

          Appendix II –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        81

          Appendix III         –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        82

          Bio Data     –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        –        85


Serial Title of TablePage No
1.Distribution of respondents by location (states)47  
2.Profession of respondents48  
3.Opinion of respondents to the question whether Nigeria could be considered a kidnapping nation50    
4.Opinion of respondents to economic  factor as a cause of kidnapping in Nigeria55    
5.Opinion of respondents to political instability as a cause of kidnapping in Nigeria58    
6.Answer of respondents on kidnapping as an adverse effect on national security61


Serial Title of TablePage No
1.Pie Chart Showing Percentage of Questionnaires Returned  46
2.Pie Chart Showing distribution of respondents by profession  48
3.Bar Chart Showing percentage of respondent on whether Nigeria  51
4.Bar Chart Showing percentage of respondent on economic  factor as a cause of kidnapping in Nigeria  55
5.Bar Chart Showing percentage of respondent to political instability as a cause of kidnapping in Nigeria  58
6.Bar Chart Showing percentage of respondent on kidnapping as an adverse effect on national security62


NGOs        –        Non-Government Organisations

US              –        United States.

UK              –        United Kingdom

UN              –        United-Nations

MDG          –        Millennium Development of Nigeria

FGN           –        Federal Government of Nigeria

MEND        –        Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta


The study was set out with four objective: to determine the relationship between kidnapping and national security, to examine the various factors responsible for kidnapping in Nigeria, to determine the implication of kidnapping on national security, examine the challenges of curbing kidnapping in Nigeria and proffer ways of curbing the spread of the menace of kidnapping in Nigeria. The methodology used included the questionnaire as well as descriptive analysis of data presented. The study revealed that kidnapping has not only become a criminal phenomenon or an academic issue of discuss but also a major threat to national security. Kidnapping has been related in some countries to the crime of terrorism which shares a major threat to national security. Kidnapping in Nigeria, however considered new to the security or crime challenges to Nigeria, has taken a rather dramatic and worrisome position. This has been due to the dimension it took in its widespread in almost all the region of Nigeria. The causes of kidnapping in Nigeria have been grouped under economic and political factors. Economic in the sense of the low per capital income, poverty, unemployment to mention a few has been a major factor that has propelled the adoption kidnapping especially by youths. The political factors have been related to the political struggle for self for attainment and development of the Niger Delta region, as well as its adoption by political miscreants. In  To this end, there is the need to put in place some measures in order to achieve the essence of national security as well as well human development some of those measure as recommended in this study include the adoption of developmental project for the youth of the society including the full implication of MDG project. Another measure to this the creating of an enabling factor for self employment of the youths of the country as well equipping in capacity and sophistication security personnel in to combat the kidnapping menace head on



1.1    Background of the Study

All over the world societies have had to deal with criminality in various forms. Some of these forms of criminality have proved a great challenge to the society and stretched the debate on what crime is. The concept of crime has a long history in the civilization of man. Some religious communities see crime in the perspective of sin (Wikipedia Encyclopedia 2010).  Some highlighted the issue of crime as sin in a mythological or legendary account of the origin of man. One of such is the Quran and Biblical records of the fall of man which tells the story of Adam and Eve’s eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden (King James Bible). There are disparities on the concept of crime with regards to people and places (Hulsman, 2000: 2).  Nevertheless, when it bears its effect upon individuals and national security, it often becomes an issue of national concern. Some of these crimes have evolved through societal and legal processes giving some form of societal idiosyncrasies to some criminal acts.

          One of such criminal act is kidnapping. Defining kidnapping poses a number of definitional problems in relations to a country’s legal and moral viewpoints as well as the availability of variances such as hostage taking and hijacking. However, in the context of this paper, Kidnapping in criminal law is an offence involving taking and conveying away a person against his or her will, either by force, fraud or intimidation (Wikipedia Encyclopesia, 2010). The issue of kidnapping however gained its early prominence in England when kids were abducted (EtymologyOnline, “Kidnap”). The word kidnapping thereby culminated from the phrase “kid nabbing” and was first recorded in the year 1673 (EtymologyOnline, “Kidnap”). Over the years, it has taken different forms with regard to the reason for carrying out such action by perpetrators.

          Kidnapping is a global phenomenon which has been of great challenge to every government of affected countries. Some areas of concern to most government and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are the relationship of kidnapping to the issue of human trafficking and prostitution (SAARC Convention on Preventing and Combating Trafficking of Women and Chilren for Prostitution).  In recent times, the crime of kidnapping has been linked to political intents where victims are kidnapped to push forward a political statement (Cambodian Law of Kidnapping and Trafficking).  It has also been related to the issue of terrorism which has threatened global security (Osaghae, 2007: 19-22). Another reason for kidnapping which has recently gained prominence in Nigeria is kidnapping for ransom. Each and every one of these reasons has in one way or the other threatened the national security of countries where such crime is perpetrated. Its resultant effects have been the proliferation of arms and the parting of large sums of money to kidnappers from victims. This has therefore been a major threat to national security of any nation.

          As a matter of importance to the survival of any nation, the issue of national security becomes paramount in the policies of government. This is as a result of the fact that the survival of the political, economic, social and diplomatic sovereignty of any nation depends highly on the national security of that nation (Yun, Hostage Taking and Kidnapping in Terrorism). The concept of national security is wide with different definitions; as there is no universally accepted definition of national security. Chief  Olusegun Obasanjo defined National Security as “the aggregation of the security interests of all individuals, communities, ethnic groups, political entities and institutions which inhabits the territory of our great country Nigeria” (A Priority for U.S National Security and African Development).

          A more comprehensive and all-emcompassing world-view definition of national security was made by President Barack Obama in the context of the US which can also be adopted by other nations. He defined national security as the security of the US, its citizens, partners and allies, a strong innovative and growing economy and an open international economic system that promotes opportunity and prosperity. He added that national security also encompass the respect for universal values at home and around the world and an international order that promotes peace, security, and opportunity through stronger cooperation to meet global challenges (International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Assembly Resolution, 1976 ). The crime of kidnapping however threatens the very elements of this definition which is encompassed in national development which should therefore be of serious national concern.

          In Nigeria, the crime of kidnapping gained prominence lately with the political strives of militants of the Niger Delta region of the South-South Nigeria (Barack, 2010). The kidnapping of expatriates in Nigeria threatens the very economic base of the nation which is oil exploration. To further push forward their political statement, the militants stepped up their criminal acts by kidnapping Nigerians of high political status or political figures. This eventually led to the Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) taking decisive steps in checking the activities of militants which eventually resulted in the amnesty programme of the Late President Umar Yar Adua (Akpan, 2010). Unfortunately, the business of kidnapping spread to other areas of the country especially in the Eastern part of Nigeria and metamorphosed into a business mostly perpetrated by youths to make money.

          Presently, the rate of kidnapping in Nigeria, in spite of the effort of police and other security agencies has been quite worrisome and poses a great challenge to the national security of the country. It has stalled business activities in some areas as well created fear in the minds of Nigerians.  On the other hand, the perpetrators, who are mostly youths, are lost to such criminal activities instead of being gainfully employed as productive citizens for Nigeria’s development. The kidnapping of some journalists around Abia state was regarded as the height of the insensitivity of kidnappers (Egwemi, 2010).  This has prompted the government of Nigeria to initiate strategies to check kidnapping in the country. The various states in Nigeria are initiating steps at establishing stringent laws to dissuade would-be kidnappers (Nigeria’s Latest Booming Business, AFP).  There is however the need for government to initiate more strategies to curb the menace of kidnapping which threatens the national security of Nigeria.

1.2    Statement of the Problem

          Kidnapping took a rather dramatic dimension in Nigeria recently with its spread to other areas of the country from the Niger Delta region. This has therefore posed a serious challenge to Nigeria’s national security. Its impact on the nation has been quite enormous as it affects the socio-economic cum political lives of average Nigerians.   This study in the quest of finding solution to the menace of kidnapping in Nigeria, seeks to answer the following question.

1.3    Research Questions

(1)     What is the relationship between kidnapping and national security?

(2)     What are the factors that are responsible for the increase of kidnapping in Nigeria?

(3)     What are the effects of Kidnapping on Nigeria’s national security?

(4)     What are the challenges faced in dealing with the problem of kidnapping in Nigeria?

(5)     What are the roles of government in curbing the menace of kidnapping?

1.4    Objectives of the Study

          The specific objectives of this study therefore are:

(1)     To determine the relationship between kidnapping and national security.

(2)     To examine the various factors responsible for kidnapping in Nigeria.

(3)     To determine the implications of kidnapping to Nigeria’s national security.

(4)     To highlight the challenges in eradicating the problem of   kidnapping.

(5)     To propose in Nigeria measures that could be adopted to effectively check the growth of kidnapping in Nigeria.

1.5    Research Assumption

          At the inception of democracy in Nigeria kidnapping cases were perpetuated by militants of the Niger Delta who were fighting for a common course of resource control. The capabilities of the militants to carry out attack especially in engagement with the military shows the level of security deterioration in the Niger Delta region.  Likewise, the kidnapping of people which has bedevilled the society recently is also perpetuated by youths of the society.

          This study therefore seeks to establish that if opportunities of good education, employment and an environment for self sustenance are provided for these youths, the problem of kidnapping will be easily curbed. It also seeks to establish that a proper training and equipping of the security agencies will go a long way in reducing crimes especially kidnapping incidences.

1.5    Significance of the Study

          The issue of kidnapping could be relatively new to Nigeria compared to other countries. This therefore poses a great challenge to the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in its combating of crime and maintaining national security. This paper therefore will be beneficial to the government of Nigeria in putting in place machineries to fight against this menace. It will also be beneficial to security agencies who are directly or indirectly involved in curbing the problem of kidnapping in the country.

          This study will also add to the existing literature and body of knowledge on the topical issue of kidnapping as it relates to the issue of national security especially in Nigeria. It will also be a reference material for subsequent research work.


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