People Are Suffering.

If you are living abroad and have some families here in Nigeria,pls don’t hesitate to reach out to your brothers,sisters,uncles and aunties here in Nigeria.

The situation on ground is so bad that u see people groaning and talking to themselves,well kitted men and women turned cunny beggars just to meet up with daily activities.

Most families that I know have dump their cars especially here in Abuja. When u move around the city,u will see the situation on ground.

The subsidy removal has affected everything including the way of life of many people here in Nigeria. In my office today,many guys now come to office few times in a week just to cushion the effects of the subsidy removal.

Now that the electricity tariff is about to go up…I wonder how people would cope going forward.

And for those who feel everything is normal,just wait it will soon go round,no one would be spared.

People Are Suffering. – Family – Nigeria (

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