Father’s Day: FatherHood Is A Blessing

It is with great pleasure that I wish to celebrate this year’s Father’s Day.
God has really taught me a lot about Fatherhood.
It is amazing how we can think we already know, when we have only barely scratched the surface.
I am in awe of what I am yet to know that He will still reveal as time unfurls.

First, let me start by thanking God himself, our Heavenly Father. Words will be exhaustive if I should begin to adorn him with His due praises. He knows my heart of gratitude cannot be expressed by words but worship. All I can say here is ABBA FATHER!

Then I wish to thank our biological Fathers and those who played the role of Father in our lives.
Fathers are a blessing that nature has not been so kind to especially in this generation.
Since the fall of our first earthly parents, Adam and Eve, man has been under the curse to toil and suffer on earth, not because God is a wicked God but simply because the devil is a evil being.
He knows the consequences of sin and tricked Eve to sin against God. Adam being a lover, unwittingly chose Eve over God and like wise disobeyed God.
Love no go kill person.lol

God being Just, simply announced the consequences of their action/sin. I can imagine how much it grieved God. I know that God has redeemed Adam and Eve through the Blood of Jesus Christ and I also forgive their carelessness cos who would not have fallen? Well, except Christ.
Thank God the curse has also been lifted in Christ. Hallelujah.

I am lucky to be blessed to have a good man as a Father. He has his weaknesses but he truly is an epitome of a Father. His shortcomings did cost us his children a lot of pain and wasted years but understanding has made me not only to forgive him but I I am trying my best to exonerate him of any blame at all. Recognising who our mutual arch enemy has always been- the devil.
It some times takes maturity to understand that our parents were simply learning parenting themselves as we were learning childhood and adulthood.
God bless my dad and mom and every parent out there.
I celebrate especially those who try to fulfill their responsibilities and make effort to be good parents, my prayer is that God will reward you beyond your own imaginations. I pray that no matter the fault in your motive or heart, God will correct your motive and help your motive to be right with him. You will truly continue well and end well and enjoy in good health and wealth the good fruits of your good labour in Jesus name.
For those that the pressure of parenting was unbearable for, I pray God forgives your weaknesses and renews your heart and strengthens you to truly seek forgiveness and redemption both with God and your family.

I now wish to celebrate Spiritual Fathers.
This is a sensitive one. So many spiritual Father’s have destroyed so many homes and lives. But that does not in any way mean we will not celebrate the true Spiritual Father’s who have ministered where it matters most- to our spirit and souls.
I have a lot of Fathers of faith and I thank them all for all they have sown into my spirit and soul and even flesh. If I have to mention names, I fear I may err in commission or omission.
I do pray to be blessed enough to be a blessing to all by spiritual parents as God Wills and according to God’s Grace- both male and female.

I seek to appeal to our ladies, especially single mothers. I understand that some men have nearly ruined the name Father and made it almost impossible for some ladies to love men again. But I thank you for taking it upon your selves to try to raise good sons. And I pray that God heals your heart and soul and every hurt you have experienced and are experiencing. I pray God reveals his Fatherhood to you more than ever before. I pray God restores all you have lost, even that which you pray for according to His will and pleasure in Jesus name. Amen.

It is with great pleasure that I wish all Father’s, Happy Father’s Day.

And I pray for the revelation and blessing of this parting Word in our hearts in Jesus name. Amen

Gen.18.19 – For I have known him, in order that he may command his children and his household after him, that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice, that the LORD may bring to Abraham what He has spoken to him.”

Father’s Day: FatherHood Is A Blessing – Family – Nigeria (nairaland.com)

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