My Adventurous Trip To A Local Village Market In Delta State To Buy Yam Tubers.

So guys,I embarked on another eventful trip to ugbolu market in Delta state,which is a rural market to buy tubers of yam again,but to be honest with you they re very pricey.

It’s seems like these villagers has wisened up more than us that resides in the city.
The prices of commodities has skyrocketed,I pity the common man.

One major problems I encountered was the monetary exchange,as I didn’t go with cash,and majority of the villagers wants cash,I told the lady to pls allow me make transfer to her acct,she pointed a POS lady to me who’s charges were high.

My Adventurous Trip To A Local Village Market In Delta State To Buy Yam Tubers. – Business – Nigeria (

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