UPDATE: Snake In My Roof


I will try to be detailed as much as possible. You might draw one or two lessons from it, or you can simply discard it altogether.

After a heavy fumigation in 2019, my family and i left the house for a few days. Upon returning, i thought there is no way in hell that the reptile up there in my roof would survive this fumigation.

Since returning home, we live easy and slept peacefully without any funny sound or movement in the roof, so we thought the snake is probably dead or something.

Even up to 3 months after the fumigation i still throw away dead lizards in my compound, meaning that the fumigation was very strong. And still no sound in my roof, nothing.

A little while later and towards ending of 2019 and through out 2020, lo and behold the snake is still living and thriving up there. Again we began hearing the sound of it’s movement, slithering movement/sound. One can tell that it’s big snake just hearing how it slithers around with joy.

Snake is Mostly active at night. During daytime it usually stays in a certain location inside roof, and changes location during night time. Just as if it has room and parlour up there.

The reality of the situation became registered in our minds. Real fear began setting in.

I threw powdered garlic, several hard boiled eggs inside the ceiling, and this certain leaf that repels snake (i have forgotten its name), all inside the ceiling but it seems none worked.

Reasons for the fear:

1. Constant nightmares experienced by myself and my wife.

2. Other private things i can’t mention here.

Regarding the constant nightmares, i contacted a man here on nairaland, Ebankole, he has his own website now. I told him some of these dreams which he interpreted saying there is a stranger in our home ( didn’t even mention about the snake to him), he even told me some other things regarding my family (wife, kids and i) which i never mentioned to him and all he said checked out correct!.

He’s true seer.

Note that i have never met him in person, we only communicate on nairaland but mostly through his website.

That was when i started serious praying & fasting as advised by Ebankole. A xtian family here anyway but i l rarely go to church except on Dec 31st, but my wife goes every Sundays and other days.

Talking to fellow landlords.

Towards mid 2021, its beginning to dawn on me that i have a Very serious issue at hand. I approached a fellow landlord just opposite my home. He’s a very elderly man. I told him about what i have been grappling with. He queried why i kept quite for long. Well, im a very quite person in our community. I mind my business.

We went to see an Islamic cleric in a nearby town. After briefing and debriefing, this is what the cleric told me verbatim: you have been sleeping and waking up with dark unseen entities/demons.

Eventually he said he and other clerics would have to come to my house to pray and recite Quranic verses and that the snake and other dark entities would leave thereafter.

I didn’t go back.

Soon after, I approached my CDA chairman on a Saturday after a landlord’s meeting, i told him about the guest in my roof. He was surprised that how could it be.

He came to my home, inspected and saw that truly that snake can’t get down into the house because of the POP ceiling everywhere, but what’s the snake eating all these while?

He also noted the following:

1. that could the snake be leaving the roof to go hunt for food outside and return inside the roof when ever it so wishes. And that if this so then its not natural.

2. that Is there a way lizards or rats gain entrance into the roof, thereby making themselves easy snacks for the snake? But this is most unlikely because i have since blocked all tiny crevices that tiny lizards can use to gain entrance into the roof, and i showed it to him.

Oh i almost forgot, he advised that i cut a small part of the outside ceilng, that maybe the snake can have a easy way out. I used PVC for outside ceiling, so i removed a small plastic from the PVC ceiling outside.

Eventually, he promised to get intouch with a snake charmer, maybe they can help call the snake out from the roof. I called our chairman again a few times to ask about the Charmer he said he’s Gonna bring to my home but he kept posting me.

My journey into the CCC ( Celestial church)

Will continue tomorrow. Feeling sleepy now.

UPDATE: Snake In My Roof – Family – Nigeria (nairaland.com)

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