Why I Gave My Life To Jesus

The reason I gave my life to Christ is that it is the only sensible thing to do with an everlasting reward; Every other thing is a façade and a chase after the wind.(Ecclesiastes 1:14).

Now let’s look at it together…

life is indeed very short . With GOD, a thousand years on earth is like 1 day (2 Peter 3:8 ).This means even if you are fortunate to live 100 years on earth in great wealth and grandeur you have only lived for just 2 hrs 40mins in the eyes of GOD.

Now here is where it gets even more interesting…

Life is so fragile and hangs by a very weak Silken thread and it can snap at anytime when you least expect and the moment you die you lose everything you have sweated all your life to get except your salvation.

The world will not stand still when you die…Your spouse or lover will move on with another person faster than you can ever imagine, your family members may grieve your loss for a short time but will move on. Your wealth and all you have laboured for all your flimsy years on earth will be controlled by another person and your friends and even enemies who wished you dead will only take few seconds to write R.I.P and that is where it ends.

That Job or position that you so much cherish will be given to another person immediately and the beautiful body we nurture and cherish so much will become nice meal for maggots.

But one thing that remains forever is your Soul and the only way you can save your soul for eternity is to give your life to JESUS CHRIST this very moment when you still can cos the moment you close your eyes to say good bye to this world, you will never have the opportunity ever again and the best part is that accepting Jesus as your lord and saviour is easier than you can ever imagine …it is the easiest thing anybody can ever do.

The Bible says in the book of Romans 10:9 ”if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”

And OH YES it is that easy so no matter where you reside on the surface of the earth, just read the words below out and you will automatically be saved.

”Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Saviour, thank you for saving me”.

If you read those words out then you have done exactly what Romans 10 vs 9 instructed hence your name is now written in the book of life and your Soul is forever secured in Christ Jesus.

Why I Gave My Life To Jesus – Religion – Nigeria (nairaland.com)

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