Erectile Dysfunction Driving Me To Sucide

First off, the sucide was a joke. I would never do such. But I really need help What is a man without his dick?

I’ll start from the beginning.

As a child, I used to be very anxious, it’s even worse now that I’m a grown man. My anxiety can be so bad that my heart will be beating super fast like I want to die. This even happens when I’m with a woman, or when my woman tell me she’s coming on so-so-so date. I’ve tried breathing technique but it doesn’t work.

When I wake up in the morning, I get normal erection, say thirty minutes, after urinating. But when I’m with a woman, I can’t perform. The only time I get effortless erection is in the morning. Every other period it’s not so easy, and especially before sex.

I used to rely on drugs to help me. But one day, even Viagra failed me. Although, the anxiety was through the roof on that day and I had weak erection that can’t penetrate. But when she left, after some hours, my anxiety level went down again. This happens with every girl. I usually don’t have sex drive, in fact, it’s only when I wake up I do.

I’ve failed my girlfriend. Although she’s been understanding and told me she’ll stay if I can find a solution to this.

From test to medicine, what can I do?

Erectile Dysfunction Driving Me To Sucide – Health – Nigeria (

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