Disobedience To Husband And Issue Of Attending Different Churches

Many women today are the cause of the problems in their families because they have insisted on attending a church different from their husband’s church. This has led to divorce/separation between husbands and wives.

What women don’t know is that they are on their own before God. God hates such act of disobedience. As long as your husband didn’t say you should not worship God. I will point out why it is wrong with bible verses.

1. True worshippers of God worship him in spirit and truth. These are the people that God is looking for. Not those that destroy what God has joined together because they are looking for God on a mountain, in a temple, or church. God is a spirit and is everywhere, even in your room. Jesus told us what God wants from those seeking Him in John 4:20-24.
Matthew 6:6.

God hates divorce/separation as seen in Malachi 2: 16, Matthew 19:3-9, Mark 10:2-12. Divorce is the word used for separation between husband and wife. If you are a pastor, prophet, prophetess, or a wife that breaks home because of ministry, church or mountain prayers, you have a case to answer before God on the judgement day. The warning… Matthew 19:5-8, Ephesians 5:31-33.

2. Obedience to the will of God is better than any sacrifice you think you are making for God in disobedience to your head/husband. Saul was rejected by God as king because he thought that offering fat rams to God in a temple(worship) is better than the instruction God gave. 1 Samuel 15:3, 20-23.

3. Any pastor, prophet, or prophetess who knew but kept encouraging you to keep attending his church or ministry which is causing problem between you and your husband is practising lawlessness. Matthew 7:21-23. These things are not a guarantee of being right with God. Overzealousness is nothing. The will of God is above everything.

Even though they prophecy in his name, cast out demons in his name, and perform many signs and wonders in his name, they will be rejected by God on the last day. Same with the overzealous disobedient wife. Do not be deceived.

4. If your husband has this issue against you and you think by being too zealous for God that he will accept you, you are wrong and on your own. You cannot appear before God with sin as a disobedient wife who is striving with her husband and expect God to accept your work, gift, or sacrifice in the church or ministry you attend. Before God will accept you anywhere, you must go and make peace with your husband first. See it here in Matthew 5:23-24.

5. They tell you there is no husband in heaven but they won’t tell you there is no church in heaven. They won’t tell you that you must give account of what you did with your husband on earth before they allow you pass through the gate of heaven. If not, you are going nowhere. God only desire those that will worship him in spirit and truth wherever they are.

Know this, that if you move from one church to another, it will not be used against you on the judgment day. But when you move from one husband to another, or abandon the one that married you, you have a case to answer. God hates divorce, Malachi 2:16. So if your desire to worship with a particular pastor, church, or ministry is making you to do what God hates, then you will have yourself to blame on the day of judgement.

6. This is what it means to love God, that you keep his commandments and yet his commandments are not burdensome. His will that you seek to do is not a burden that can cause problem and separation between husband and wife, Deuteronomy 30:11-14, 1 John 5:3. What he desire from us is simple, see also Micah 6:7-8.

The purest and undefiled form of religion/worship before God is to help the orphans, widows, and to stay away from worldly things, James 1:27.

7. Let no man judge you because of keeping the Sabbath day for it ts not a requirement for going to heaven, Col 2:16-17.

Submit to your husband and have deep respect for him, Ephesians 5:22-24, 1 Peter 3:1-2, 5-6.

If you are a pastor, prophet, or prophetess, and you have a member who is having such issue with her husband, it is better to do the needful accordingly to what is written in Matthew 5:23-24. Let them go make peace first with husbands and come clean before God for worship.

Even if it means they won’t come back, at least you are not guilty of causing division and breaking what God has joined together.

Disobedience To Husband And Issue Of Attending Different Churches – Religion – Nigeria (nairaland.com)

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