People And Bad Birthday Attitude

There is an evil which the daughters and sons of men have put into practice this days that ought not to be so. I know birthdays are days of celebration to many but there are some of us who either see birthdays as insignificant or as equal as the other days of the year.

First of, know that no body owe you the responsibility of putting your birthday before other things in their life, if I can’t even remember mine why should I remember yours?

Secondly, if I don’t send you a message or give you a call on your birthday it doesn’t mean I don’t wish you well, how important is my good will message to you being alive next year?

Thirdly, with emphasis on the ladies, stop demanding anyone to get you a birthday gift, if you need something start contributing the money and buy it for yourself. Also you can gift us some snacks on your birthday if gifts are so important.

In conclusion, please stop flooding our DM with your pictures a day before your birthday, if we want to post you we know where to get it. Sending me your pictures doesn’t mean I will post you or even send you a happy birthday message. I mean no problem, this is the bitter truth and I just said it. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT

People And Bad Birthday Attitude – Events – Nigeria (

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