What A Fellow Job Seeker Did To Me This Afternoon

I have noticed that some Nigerians have a way of putting all the blames on politicians as the ones destroying the country when they themselves are equally contributing.

A fellow job seeker turned back and do evil to me for the good intention I had for him. I was only trying to be a human which of course I always try to be no matter how tight it is with me. Not as though I have but I would share the little i have when I see someone so in need.

I met this guy in an interview venue and we got talking based on job search experiences, how we got to hear about the very one we were at, about the company, tips we can use to perform better in the interview and all that.

I think we were more than 40 in that place and interview was based on first come, you pick a number based on your arrival time and wait to be called in.

So the guy went in first before me, and came out to meet me waiting. On coming out, I tried to ask him to hint me based on some questions asked inside. The interview was scheduled for 10am but it started way late, around to 12pm. So not long after which he came out, he started complaining of hunger. I told him I am hungry too, and truly nothing entered my mouth that morning, so I was seriously hungry too. From hunger, he brought in the issue of how he managed to get to the venue due to lack of transport fare. He then asked me if I can assist with any amount to pay his way back. To be very open with him, I removed the last N500 that was with me and showed him. I told him I am the same. We are all struggling as we don’t have a job yet. In fact, why I have N500 in my pocket is because I woke up early enough to prepare which I partly trekked to the place just to save some expenses. Just because I saw frustration in him and the humanity in me won’t let me be, I wanted to give him N150 from the money while I keep N350 for myself. From our conversation, my distance was even farer than his.

So I wanted to go out with him to go look for change but just then, it was my turn to go in for the interview. Already the money was in his hand, so he said I should go in for my interview while he goes out to look for change and come back. I thought I was dealing with a human being, not knowing I was making a mistake. Leaving him with the money was the mistake I made. I’m only human after all, and I have learnt my lesson but it won’t stop me from being good.

To cut the story short, that guy ran away with my only N500. That was all that was with me in and out. I mean home and abroad, all with me was the N500. Account balance looks like a radio frequency – 87.9. Laughable. So nothing was reachable any where else but even after telling him, he still decided to pay me back with evil.

To think he is a job seeker and he still behave that way, I won’t curse him even though he succeeded in making me trek for more than 2 hours, going home with an empty stomach.

May he reap whatever he sows. I’m sure he won’t come back to the place even if he’s called up for the job, which I doubt though. And I pray I am shortlisted for the job, to bring joy to me.

Although a sad one for me but I pity his life.

What A Fellow Job Seeker Did To Me This Afternoon – Jobs/Vacancies – Nigeria (nairaland.com)

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