If You End Up In Hell Fire, Who Would You Blame?

If You End Up In Hell Fire, Who Would You Blame?

Humans generally have the tendency to apportion blame to others for their own mistakes.

Instead of taking responsibility for them, they were quick to find someone else to blame.

Some are quick to even blame the devil when caught in the act, even though the devil cannot force them to do anything without their own consent.

This tendency, they seemed to have inherited from their foremost ancestors, Adam and Eve, who after eating the forbidden fruit which God commanded them not to eat were blaming someone else for their own error, with Adam blaming “the woman” while Eve “the woman” blamed “the serpent”… Genesis 3:12-13

So sadly it seems humans have not yet learnt from the errors of the first humans on earth, as they’re still playing the blame game up til date, so they were bound to continue repeating the same mistakes they made instead of repenting from them, which however comes with serious eternal consequences, for “the wages of sin is death…” Romans 6:23

Hence the question, who would you blame if you end up in hell fire?

As for me, I would only have myself to blame because if after God has done everything thing He could to ensure I don’t end up in hell fire but have eternal life, I still managed to end up there for whatever possible reason I could conjure, it could only be my own fault and no one else, because no one, not even the devil, could force me to reject life and choose death without my consent.

If You End Up In Hell Fire, Who Would You Blame? – Religion – Nigeria (nairaland.com)

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