Lessons From Hadith 1 Of The Forty Ḥadīth Of An-nawawih

The first hadith of Arbahuna annawwaiy emphasizes the importance of intention in Islamic worship. It has been called the axis of Islam and contains a third of knowledge. The niyyah (intention), which is in the heart, serves two functions: to define the worship intended and to discern whether the particular act is one of worship performed for Allah or is one of habit, custom, or worldly motivation. The ḥadīth confirms that any work is judged by Allah exclusively on the merit of intention, not on its quantity or apparent greatness. Thus, a seemingly small act done sincerely could be valued by Allah more than a rather conspicuous one. The Messenger of Allah followed his statement with an example of two types of intentions: one pleasing to Allah and another unacceptable, although the deed itself was in all outward appearance the same. The original meaning of the word “hijrah” is “to leave behind” or “to shun” something, and it is perceived that there are two categories of hijrah: the Islamic one for the cause of the religion and the worldly one for any other purpose, be it ḥalāl or ḥarām. Leaving behind a life of disobedience is always a priority.

Below are some of the lessons we can learn from the hadith regarding the importance of intention in Islamic worship:

– The intention is a crucial element of Islamic worship, as it determines the sincerity and validity of one’s actions.

– The intention should be solely for the sake of Allah, and not for any other worldly gain or personal interest.

– The intention should be made before starting any act of worship, and it should be clear and specific.

– The hadith highlights the importance of seeking knowledge and understanding the purpose and significance of each act of worship.

– The hadith emphasizes the need for Muslims to constantly renew their intentions and remain mindful of their actions, as this helps maintain sincerity and increase the reward for their deeds.

– The hadith also reminds Muslims to prioritize their intentions over their actions, as even the most seemingly insignificant deeds can become a means of great reward if done with the right intention.

– The hadith teaches us that Allah rewards us based on our intentions and efforts, and not merely on the outward form of our worship.

To be continued next week, In shaa Allah

Lessons From Hadith 1 Of The Forty Ḥadīth Of An-nawawih – Islam for Muslims – Nigeria (nairaland.com)

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