Young Women Working On Andrew Tate’s Sex Cams Were Tattoed “Owned By Tate”

Young women working on Andrew Tate
It has been claimed that young women who went to work for Andrew Tate in Romania were tattooed with the words “owned by Tate.”

The social media influencer, who has risen to notoriety in recent years for his attitude towards women, is alleged to have had some of those working for his online sex business branded.

Tate is currently being held in jail in Romania while police investigate claims he was involved in the rape and human trafficking of women at his luxury villa.

The probe began after a 22-year-old woman told police she was held against her will last year.

Police managed to get Andrew Tate’s location thanks to the pizza box he posted to troll climate change activist Greta Thunberg.

On December 29, 2022, police arrested him and his younger brother, Tristan, alongside two assistants.

Police sources told the Times that the woman and other alleged victims were tattooed with the words “owned by Tate”.

Authorities in Romania allege the 36-year-old kept six women under “house arrest 24/7 like prisoners” at his compound.

One judicial source previously told the Mail: “The abuse was physical and emotional. They were not allowed to leave the house without security and they were watched day and night.”

They added that the women were “deprived of their freedom and followed everywhere”.

It is claimed that Tate forced the women to create pornographic content against their will and he kept the proceeds for himself.

Tate was arrested on suspicion of human trafficking, rape and forming an organised crime group.

Officers from the city’s anti-organised crime unit searched the property and took both brothers, alongside their assistants, into custody.

A day later a Romanian judge gave police permission to keep Andrew Tate in custody for 30 days while the investigation continues.

Tate has denied all the allegations, with his representative Avocat Vidineac Eugen Constatin saying they would appeal the judge’s decision.

In a ruling released on Thursday, Jan. 5, a judge said prosecutors had shown Tate has an “attitude of disregard towards women in general, which he only perceives as a means of obtaining large profits in an easy way”.

Young Women Working On Andrew Tate’s Sex Cams Were Tattoed “Owned By Tate” – Crime – Nigeria (

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