My Wife-To-Be Provides Everything In The House, No Juju Involved

I lived with my father’s brother for a long time. he didn’t work one day, all he does in the morning was to wash his mouth, have his bath then have his meal, awaiting his wife to come back from her trade in the market.. Then off she went to prepare another meal.. Staying With them was hell for me because sometimes there was hardly food in the house but my uncle hardly cares about that, it is either he is in one joint with his friends on a sunny day or he is at home listening to radio stations. His wife was the provider and never for once did she insult him…

This same character has gotten into me deeply, I can’t help myself. I can’t do thing’s for myself.

My girlfriend cohabiting with me is the one providing almost everything we need all I do is to give her my G-15 in the evening. I’m always at home 24/7. She’s never complained, I love it, for me to get a job and be answering Sir sir to people, I can’t.

Stay fresh, bath, eat and sleep is the order of the day.

Few women are like this,
just the other day she asked me to come pay her bride price before the year ends, I asked her where would I see the money… baby girl told me not worry that something huge is coming..

I love this freedom, but sometimes I get a mixed feelings of been a liability, ants feeding on sugars. Anyway I’m enjoying myself quite well.

The real thing is my masculinity as the head of the house still intact.

My Wife-To-Be Provides Everything In The House, No Juju Involved – Family – Nigeria (

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