CALL: 08068231953, 08168759420


  1. Economic analysis of pig production in biase local government area of cross river state, nigeria
  2. Analysis of the impact of physical and social capital asset holdings on poverty among farm households in nigeria
  3. Credit use and its effect on profitability among smallholder maize farmers in the brong ahafo region of ghana
  4. Effect of nucleus farmer-outgrower schemes on input use efficiency and profitability among smallholder farmers in the northern region of ghana
  5. The role of agriculture the economic development of ainamoi division kericho district Kenya
  6. Effects of rhizobial inoculation and phosphatic fertilizer on soil chemical properties, growth and yield of sorghum – cowpea intercrop in eastern Kenya
  7. Socio-economic factors influencing smallholder pumpkin production, consumption and marketing in eastern and central kenya regions
  8. Evaluation of grafting technology for management of bacterial wilt (ralstonia solanacearum) of tomato (solanum lycopersicum l)
  9. Assessment of water quality and soil properties for irigation in the horticultural crops producing areas of alhegaina, north kordofan state sudan
  10. Assessing the status of crop farming and strategies used to scale up yields for enhanced food security in turkana county, Kenya
  11. Analysis of vertical and horizontal integration as determinants of market channel choice among smallholder dairy farmers in lower central Kenya
  12. Effects of integrated soil fertility management and tied-ridging on maize-soybean yields and selected soil properties in tharaka-nithi county, Kenya
  13. Low cost tissue culture of selected cassava (manihot esculenta crantz) and sweet potato (ipomoea batatas (l) lam.) Varieties
  14. An analysis of sesame crop value chain: a case study of kordofan region, sudan
  15. Profit and risk management strategies in selected agribusinesses in imo state, Nigeria
  16. Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizers on growth, yield and quality of amaranths in kiambu county, kenya
  17. Economics of biological control of cereal stemborers in eastern africa: a case study of maize and sorghum production in kenya
  18. Technical, economic and allocative efficiency among maize and rice farmers under different land-use systems in east african wetlands
  19. Comparative analysis of productivity and efficiency in low and high external inputs technology agriculture in imo state
  20. Analysis of value addition in commercial catfish (clarias gariepinus heterobranchus spp.) Production in rivers state, nigeria.
  21. Analysis of the competitiveness of high quality cassava flour value chain in imo state, nigeria.
  22. Analysis of sustainable agricultural resource use in nigeria: an ecological footprint approach
  23. Analysis of small-scale cassava-based farmers’ demand and utilization for microfinance banks credit in imo state, nigeria.
  24. Analysis of risk management strategies among rural cassava-based farmers in imo state
  25. The impact of education on productivity in the commercial poultry industry in the greater accra region (ghana)
  26. Assessment of the impact of the european union and african caribbean and pacific countries economic partnership agreement on agricultural trade of the sudan with special reference to major ex
  27. Effect of credit acquisition and repayment on agricultural production in cross river state, Nigeria
  28. Economic appraisal of fodder crops production under risk and uncertainty in sultanate of oman
  29. The marketing of ginger in kaduna state, Nigeria
  30. An analysis of the financial structure and profitability of rice enterprise: the case of adarice project participating farmers in enugu state, Nigeria
  31. Market age, enterprise size and relative efficiency in broiler production in imo state of Nigeria
  32. Estimation of competitiveness of sudanese mango fruits exports to kingdom of saudi arabia during the period 2010- 2012
  33. Economic efficiency of resource use among urban waterleaf farmers in akwa ibom state, Nigeria
  34. Technical efficiency in the production of nsukka yellow pepper among rural farmers in enugu north agricultural zone, enugu state, Nigeria
  35. Influence of gender on sustainable management of forest resources in abia state, Nigeria
  36. Banana and plantain marketing in enugu state, Nigeria
  37. In vitro morphogenic performance of ginger (zingiber officinale) as influenced by media variations
  38. Economic analysis of resources use in milk production in kuku farms- east nile- khartoum- sudan
  39. Economic efficiency and return to scale for small broiler farms in khartoum state, sudan
  40. Assessment of demand for dairy cow feeds and market participation decision of small-scale farmers in kiambu county
  41. Analysis of production efficiency in irish potato production in kenya: the case of nyandarua north district
  42. Analysis of the marketing behaviour of african indigenous leafy
  43. vegetables among smallholder farmers in nyamira county, Kenya
  44. Intrahousehold decision making and implications on food security among smallholder farmers in chepalungu constituency, bomet county, Kenya
  45. Comparative analysis of greenhouse versus open-field smallscale tomato production in nakuru-north district, Kenya
  46. Effect of agricultural land rental market participation on agricultural income of small scale farmers in kwale county, Kenya
  47. Analysis of technical efficiency and welfare effects of snow peas production by small scale farmers in nyandarua county, Kenya
  48. Evaluation of factors influencing smallholder dairy farmers’ decision to deliver milk to cooling plants in sotik sub-county, Kenya
  49. Effects of dairy cooperatives on incomes of smallholder dairy farmers: a case study of mkulima bora dairy cooperative in embu county, Kenya
  50. Influence of microfinance participation and socio-economic factors on dairy commercialization: the case of smallholder farmers in bomet county, Kenya
  51. Gender food insecurity perceptions and effect of sustainable agricultural intensification practices on household vulnerability to poverty in western and eastern Kenya
  52. Effect of transaction costs on choice of mango marketing channel and income of small-scale farmers in makueni county, Kenya
  53. Response of agricultural exports to fluctuation in exchange rate in rwanda: case of coffee and tea between years 2001-2016
  54. Gender perspective in economic assessment of east coast fever vaccination on household welfare among smallholder dairy cattle farmers in uasin gishu county, Kenya
  55. Analysis of willingness to pay for community based potato cold storage facilities: a case of small scale producers in nakuru county
  56. Adoption of assisted reproductive technologies and sahiwal cattle breed and their impact on household farm income in narok and kajiado counties of Kenya
  57. Determinants of adoption of improved wheat varieties and fertilizer use by smallholder farmers in njoro and kieni west, divisions
  58. Impact of farmer groups on crop enterprise productivity and economic welfare of smallholder farmers in south kivu territories, democratic republic of congo
  59. Gender perspectives in economic assessment of east coast fever vaccination on household welfare among smallholder dairy cattle farmers in uasin gishu county, Kenya
  60. Evaluation of knowledge and practices of managing citrus pests and diseases and the willingness to pay for an integrated pest management strategy in selected counties in Kenya
  61. Effect of semi-formal credit use on rural farm household income in kakamega county, Kenya
  62. Socio-economic and institutional factors influencing smallholder farmers’ participation in cassava production in msambweni sub-county, kwale county, Kenya
  63. Effect of zai pit and half-moon technologies on household income among small-scale farmers in kita cercle, mali
  64. Analysis of structure, conduct and performance of small ruminant stock market participants of isiolo –nairobi trading market, Kenya
  65. Effect of push-pull technology adoption and dis-adoption on livelihood outcomes of smallholder maize farmers in homa bay county, Kenya
  66. Influence of dairy business models on economic performance and efficiency of smallholder dairy farmers in nyandarua and nandi counties
  67. Market potentials for selected organic leafy vegetables
  68. A comparative analysis of the structure and performance of agricultural science and technology policy system in kenya and Uganda
  69. Analysis of price transmission and market integration of sugar: a case of selected markets in Kenya
  70. Impact of agricultural exports on economic growth in ethiopia: the case of coffee, oilseed and pulses
  71. Maize supply response in kenya: a farm-level analysis
  72. Influence of gender time allocation on poverty status of rural farming households in southwestern Nigeria
  73. Income diversification and poverty among rural farm households in southwest Nigeria
  74. An economic appraisal of the rubber processing industry in bendel, ogun and ondo states of Nigeria
  75. Report of sensitization of marginalized and vulnerable groups under the national fadama development project-ii in ogun state
  76. Analysis of common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l) cross-border trade and market efficiency in east africa: a case study of kenya.
  77. Spatial market integration and price transmission of selected groundnuts markets in zambia.
  78. Adoption of innovations and resources optimization in crop-livestock integrated production system among small-scale cotton farmers in southern mali
  79. Evaluation of economic efficiency of rabbit production in buuri sub -county, meru county, Kenya
  80. Effect of women access to land on household nutritional outcomes among small scale farmers in machakos county, Kenya
  81. Influence of farmer organizations as a market information system on market access and income of smallholder vegetable farmers in babati district, tanzania.
  82. Conversion and hedonic price analysis of agricultural land due to urbanization in njoro sub-county, Kenya
  83. Scale efficiency and determinants of productivity of new rice for africa (nerica) farmers in kaduna state, Nigeria
  84. Effects of oil exploitation on the efficiency of artisanal fishing
  85. households in the niger delta region, Nigeria
  86. Economics of farm-gate rice marketing in enugu state, Nigeria
  87. Role of farm attachment programme on technology adoption among small holder farmers in baringo and nakuru counties, Kenya
  88. Payment for environmental services: land use practices influence on livelihood- environment nexus and environmental services value in lake naivasha watershed, kenya
  89. Influence of social capital on producer groups’ perfomance and market access amongst smallholder french bean farmers in kirinyaga county
  90. Income, crop diversification strategies and agricultural practices in crop and livestock production systems in southern mali
  91. Effect of agricultural intensification practices on livelihood outcomes among smallholder farmers in makueni and nyando sub-counties, Kenya
  92. Ex-ante evaluation of economic and environmental effects of using precooked bean products by schools in Rwanda
  93. Evaluation of the impact of backyard gardens on household incomes in southern district, Botswana
  94. An analysis of determinants of market participation among smallholder common bean farmers in rwanda, a gendered approach
  95. Evaluation of climate change adaptation strategies: a case of greenhouse tomato production among smallholder farmers, nakuru county
  96. Economic analysis of rift valley fever control options from a one health perspective in Kenya
  97. Evaluation of climate change adaptation strategies and their effect on food production among smallholder farmers in bungoma county, Kenya
  98. Economics of catfish (clarias gariepinus) production in bayelsa state, Nigeria
  99. The role of scaling upfarmer field schoolsand rainforest alliance certification on sustainable tea production among small-scale tea producers west of rift valley, Kenya
  100. Factors determining choice of market facilitators by smallholder horticultural farmers in laikipia county, Kenya
  101. Effect of improved sweet potato varieties on household food security in bungoma county, Kenya
  102. Economic analysis of indigenous small ruminant breeds in the pastoral system: a case of sheep and goats in marsabit district, Kenya
  103. Economic cost evaluation of selected vegetable post-harvest losses in babati district Tanzania
  104. Analysis of farmers’ adaptation to climatic change in kilimanjaro region
  105. Marketing efficiency of beef cattle value chain in longido and monduli districts in Tanzania
  106. Empirical analysis of federal government expenditure policy on agriculture in Nigeria
  107. Effects of participation in limid programme on household welfare of small stock producers in boteti sub-district, Botswana
  108. An assessment of dry beans market integration in selected markets in Kenya
  109. Market participation and its effect on employment and food access within households of smallholder women farmers in Rwanda
  110. Influence of social networks on agricultural commercialization: case of tissue culture banana in murang’a county, Kenya
  111. Analysis of structure, conduct and performance of cow milk market in sululta woreda, Ethiopia
  112. Analysis of resource use in smallholder food crop production at river njoro watershed, Kenya
  113. Evaluation of milk marketing by sahiwal farmers of kajiado and narok counties: deteminants of participation, outlets choice decision and prices
  114. Determinants of adoption of shade coffee technology and the role of agroforestry in the productivity and profitability of coffee in imenti south district, Kenya
  115. Analysis of production and marketing potential for paprika as an alternative crop to tobacco in urambo district,tabora tanzania
  116. Economic evaluation of existing and potential market opportunities for quality beef in tanzania: a case of dar es salaam and arusha cities
  117. Perceptions of enhanced freshness formulation technologies and adoption decisions among smallholder banana farmers in morogoro, tanzania
  118. Evaluation of microbial quality and safety of milk in smallholder dairy production system in mbeya and mbozi districts, tanzania
  119. Demand, supply response and preference switch for rice in Nigeria
  120. Impact of microfinance institutions on poverty reduction among smallholder farmers: case of selected saccos in dodoma urban and kongwa districts
  121. Co-operative members’ decisions on coffee marketing channels and factors influencing their choices in rombo district, tanzania
  122. Effects of rural-urban linkages on markets access in kibaigwa emerging urban centre, kongwa district, tanzania
  123. Gendered analysis of the determinants of adaptive capacity to climate change among smallholder farmers in meatu and iramba districts, tanzania
  124. A comparative assesment of performance of private and cooperative institutional arrangements of irrigation schemes: case study of mbarali district, tanzania
  125. Projection of sorghum production response through multiple uses promotion strategies in selected districts of tanzania
  126. Cost efficiency of small scale sunflower processors in dodoma region in tanzania
  127. Performance of sesame marketing system in nasarawa state, Nigeria
  128. Response to effects of climate variability and willingness to pay for insurance by smallholder farmers in laikipia west sub – county, Kenya
  129. Assessment of the impact of contract farming on farm productivity and returns: a case study of tobacco in uyui district
  130. Marketing of dry season vegetables in south-east Nigeria
  131. Analysis of bean commercialization and food sufficiency trade-off: a case of smallholder farmers in Rwanda
  132. Market intergration by small-scale rice farmers in kilosa district, tanzania
  133. The determinants of credit demand for micro enterprises a case study of southern highlands of tanzania
  134. Evaluation of participatory poverty reduction through water delivery support of local empowerment and environmental management project (leemp) in rural southeast Nigeria
  135. Evaluation of irish potato production and marketing performance: a case study of mbeya rural district, mbeya region, tanzania
  136. Estimating the cost efficiency and profitability among cotton smallholder farmers in chato district
  137. Economics of indigenous vegetable marketing: a case study in arumeru district.
  138. Feasibility analysis of vegetable seed propagation technologies in arumeru and mvomero districts, tanzania
  139. Influence of multi stakeholder(s) platforms in promoting agribusiness development in kilombero district, tanzania
  140. Analysis of the dairy value chain in the dar es salaam milk shed, tanzania
  141. The economics of warehouse receipt system: a case of smallholder cotton producers in maswa district, shinyanga-region
  142. Intercommodity price transmission: an analysis of tanzanian maize and rice markets
  143. Determinants of derived demand for improved maize seeds in rural mainland tanzania
  144. Impact of credit on rural livelihoods of smallholder farmers: a case of kagera agricultural and environmental management project
  145. Challenges facing sugarcane supply to mtibwa factory: empirical evidence from mtibwa sugarcane outgrowers scheme, morogoro, tanzania
  146. Determination of the integration of rice markets in enugu state, Nigeria
  147. Evaluation of response of tobacco growers in teso district-kenya to global fight against tobacco
  148. An evaluation of smallholder cotton marketing in malawi: a case of salima and balaka rural development projects, Malawi
  149. An analysis of marketing of african indigenous vegetables among agro-pastoral maasai of narok and kajiado counties
  150. Determinants of non-traditional agricultural exports growth in zambia: a case of cotton and tobacco
  151. Analysis of quality control in the informal seed sector: case of smallholder bean farmers in bondo sub-county, Kenya
  152. Factors influencing on-farm common bean profitability: the case of smallholder bean farmers in babati district, tanzania
  153. Economic analysis of farmers-managed irrigation schemes in tanzania: a case of mombo, kivulini and lekitatu irrigation schemes
  154. Marketing strategies and upgrading opportunities in the indigenous beef cattle value chain in mwanza region, tanzania
  155. Economic analysis of soil conservation practices among crop farmers in enugu state, Nigeria
  156. An evaluation of impact and challenges of tissue culture banana technology in Kenya
  157. The role of warehouse receipt system in improving cashewnuts marketing by smallholder farmers in mkinga district
  158. Resource productivity in ornamental plants production in jos metropolis, Nigeria
  159. Perception of farmers on cassava as a potential crop for climate change adaptation in kigoma region, tanzania
  160. Adoption of quality protein maize technology in tanzania: the case of northern zone
  161. Adoption of system of rice intensification and impact on yield in mbarali district in mbeya, tanzania
  162. Economic and energy balances of jatropha production in tanzania: a case of monduli and mpanda districts
  163. Livestock related factors and farmers’ choice of maize cultivars in tanzania
  164. Financing agricultural marketing in tanzania: acase study ofsmall scale millers in dar es salaam and morogoro regions
  165. Assessment of efficiency in livestock markets in tanzania: the case of primary livestock markets in morogoro region
  166. Economic analysis of organic farming in tanzania: a case study of smallholder coffee production in muleba district.
  167. Effects of socioeconomic and environmental variables on renewable resource degradation in Nigeria
  168. Effects of climate on revenue from oil palm production in southern Nigeria
  169. Assessment of factors influencing the use of icts in accessing market information among smallholder rice farmers in kilombero district, tanzania
  170. Traditional irrigation systems and livelihoods of smallholder farmers in same distrct, kilimanjaro, tanzania
  171. Comparative analysis of organization of centralized and decentralized tree nursery development approaches in kenya: a case of nairobi and kisumu districts
  172. Farm livelihood impact of apron star 42 ws – dressed bean seeds and its commercialization viability in mbeya and mbozi districts, tanzania
  173. Aggregate acreage response of cashew nut and sesame to commodity price and non price factors in southeastern tanzania
  174. Role of rural institutions and farmer marketing organization in marketing of indigenous chicken; a case of kakamega county Kenya
  175. Effect of certified organic production systems on the livelihood of smallholder farmers in Kenya
  176. Economic losses and ex-post response to foot and mouth disease outbreak among smallholder beef producers in north-east district, Botswana
  177. Analysis of common bean (phaseolus vulgaris l) cross-border trade and market efficiency in east africa: a case study of Kenya
  178. A comparative economic analysis of tobacco and groundnut farming: a case study of urambo district, tabora region
  179. Spatial market integration and price transmission of selected groundnuts markets in Zambia
  180. Influence of farmer organizations as a market information system on market access and income of smallholder vegetable farmers in babati district, tanzania
  181. Gendered analysis of risk attitudes and vegetable commercialization among smallholder farmers in kilifi count
  182. Effects of the benue adp’s cassava production technologies on the productivity and incomes of women farmers in benue state, Nigeria
  183. Economic assessment of the warehouse receipt system for cashew nut marketing in mtwara region, tanzania
  184. Contribution of agricultural marketing co-operatives (amcos) in poverty alleviation: a case study of cashew nut farmers in mtwara region
  185. Analysis of factors affecting foreign direct investment flows into agricultural sector in tanzania
  186. Determinants and effectiveness of collective action in cocoa marketing among small scale producers in kyela district, tanzania
  187. Economic analysis of contract farming for small-scale tobacco producers in songea district, ruvuma region
  188. Economic impact of contract farming on income of smallholder farmers: case study of paprika contract farming in mbozi district-tanzania
  189. Rural- urban complementarities (ruc) in tanzania: analysis of savings and credit services at kibaigwa in kongwa district
  190. Analysis of production and marketing of irish potato in mbulu and babati districts in tanzania
  191. Land lease market and its effects on crop production in enugu state, Nigeria
  192. Structure and operation of rural interest rates in savings mobilization and extension of credit in the cross river state
  193. Economic analysis of cassava processing and marketing kogi state, nigeria.
  194. Impact of credit on the development of micro enterprise. A comparative study of pride and finca
  195. Analysis of cocoyam (xanthosoma sagittifolium and colocasia esculenta) marketing in rivers state, Nigeria
  196. Consumption in urban and rural areas of enugu state, nigeria.
  197. Comparative analysis of resource use efficiency in rice production among fadama iii and non-fadama iii beneficiary rice farmers in niger state, Nigeria
  198. Diversity and local uses of woody vegetation in mined arid and semi arid lands of kimwarer, kerio valley, kenya.
  199. Determinants of artificial insemination use by smallholder dairy farmers in lemu-bilbilo district, Ethiopia
  200. Determinants of pesticide use and uptake of alternative pest control methods among small scale tomato farmers in nakuru county, Kenya
  201. Effects of credit subsidy on smallholders maize productivity and farm income in chókwè district, Mozambique
  202. Factors influencing seda agricultural credit rationing to smallholder farmers in dodoma municipality and bahi district, dodoma, tanzania
  203. Institutional and economic analysis of small farmers’ contract farming: a case study of manyara region tanzania
  204. Performance of cotton smallholder farmers under contract farming in bariadi district
  205. Assessment of the performance in revenue collection from fresh water fishes at nyamagana municipal council in mwanza, tanzania
  206. Producer organizations and access to agricultural markets: the case of mwanza region in tanzania
  207. Impact of improved maize varieties adoption on smallholder farmers’ marketed maize surplus in oromia regional state, Ethiopia
  208. Gendered yield gap analysis in groundnut production in tanzania: social and economic implications
  209. Economics of grain storage techniques for smallholder farmers in kilosa district, tanzania
  210. Socio-economic determinants of household participation in large-scale agricultural investments and its influence on livelihood outcomes in kilombero valley, tanzania
  211. Value chain analysis of farmednile tilapia in selected areas, tanzania
  212. Market efficiency analysis of jatropha value chain: case study of monduli and arumeru districts
  213. Cashewnut production and marketing in mkuranga district, tanzania
  214. Consumers preferences for rice attributes in dar-es-salaam city of tanzania
  215. Employment and income opportunities in tomato sub-sector in ilula, kilolo district, tanzania
  216. Determinants of rice supply in tanzania
  217. The role of group managed grain banks in rural food security: the case of kongwa and chamwino districts
  218. Determination of profitable crop production options for bashay irrigation schemes in mbulu district, tanzania.
  219. Comparative economic analysis of conservation and conventional agricultural practices in southern uluguru mountains, morogoro, tanzania
  220. Consumption of pulses among urban and rural consumers in tanzania
  221. Factors influencing choice of milk outlets among smallholder dairy farmers in iringa municipality and tanga
  222. Analysis of profit efficiency of kilombero paddy-rice farmers using warehouse receipt system
  223. Grain quality and standards in agricultural marketing: a case of maize in sumbawanga rural district
  224. Examining the inverse relationship between farm size and efficiency in tanzanian agriculture
  225. Optimal farm enterprise mix and threshold dietary requierements for smallholder farmers in semi-arid chamwino district, dodoma-tanzania
  226. Consumers’ preference attributes for tropically adapted improved chicken in njombe and morogoro regions, tanzania
  227. Technical efficiency of smallholder pearl millet farmers in the semi-arid farming system of dodoma, tanzania
  228. Economic analysis of irish potato value chain in njombe urban and wanging’ombe districts, tanzania
  229. Economic analysis of improved banana cultivars production in tanzania. A case study of rungwe, mvomero and mkuranga districts
  230. Effects of non-farm activities on household income in selected rapidly urbanizing villages in mufindi district in iringa region, tanzania
  231. Adoption of high tunnels for tomato production in north east district, Botswana
  232. Performance and contribution of beekeeping enterprises to livelihood in songea district
  233. Consumer preference for common bean attributes in dar es salaam, tanzania
  234. Natural resource base and agricultural production options in east uluguru mountains
  235. The impact of market reform programmes on coffee prices in tanzania
  236. Determinants of low loan repayment on cotton inputs in bariadi district, tanzania.
  237. Value chain analysis of the tropically adapted improved chicken in lindi rural and masasi districts, tanzania
  238. Potential benefits of carbon trade as an economic incentives for emission reduction: a case of community based forest management in kilwa district, tanzania
  239. Supply chain analysis for agricultural inputs in tanzania: a case of subsidized fertilizer in the southern highlands
  240. Willingness to accept payment for conservation of ecosystem services in mount kilimanjaro, tanzania and taita hills, Kenya
  241. Assessment of the role of institutions and transaction cost in sorghum supply chain in singida rural district
  242. Land tenure, farm fragmentation and agricultural productivity in kilosa district, tanzania
  243. The value chain of honey in bukombe district in shinyanga region of tanzania
  244. Agricultural diversification: its determinants and contribution to small holder farmers’ incomes in pemba island
  245. Income effect of agricultural intensification on smallholder cotton farmer’s in misungwi district
  246. Analysis of tomato value chain in rugombo district, Burundi
  247. Seasonal variability of rice prices, temporal and spatial business opportunities in the major rice production areas of tanzania
  248. Determinants of total factor productivity of maize in ruvuma region, tanzania: the effect of input subsidies
  249. Determinants of adoption of early maturing maize varieties in nzega district, tabora region..
  250. Acccess to niche markets and efficiency of smallholder broiler producers in tanzania
  251. Livelihoods of smallholder farmers in southern agricultural growth corridor of tanzania: lesson from households in ihemi cluster
  252. Transaction costs in production and marketing of sugarcane under outgrowers’ schemes in morogoro region of tanzania
  253. Constraints in pearl millet marketing in tanzania: the value chain approach
  254. Potential for destocking and commercialization of pastoral and agro-pastoral farming systems in kilosa district morogoro region, tanzania
  255. Determinants of adoption of early maturing maize varieties in nzega district, tabora region.
  256. High-value market opportunities for smallholder vegetable farmers in arusha region, tanzania
  257. Importance of information and communication technology in rice production among small scale farmers in morogoro region, tanzania
  258. The contribution of women to household food and nutrition security in chamwino district, dodoma, tanzania
  259. Smallholder dairy farmers’ technical efficiency in milk production: case of epinav dairy project in njombe district, tanzania
  260. The impact of national agricultural input voucher scheme on rice production at the kiroka irrigation scheme, morogoro district
  261. Adaptive adoption of rainwater storage systems by farmers: a case of makanya ward in same district
  262. Livelihoods and economic benefits of wetland utilization in the little ruaha sub-catchment, mufindi, Iringa
  263. Evaluation of subsidy fertilizer distribution to smallholder farmers: a case of mbeya rural district
  264. Economic assessment of niche market arrangements in the fruit and vegetable value chain in tanzania
  265. Jatropha production in tanzania: opportunities and constraints to small scale farmers in arusha and rukwa regions
  266. Evaluation of introduced cassava processing technologies on production and consumption using goal programming approach
  267. Economic prospects of jatropha production: a case of smallholder farmers in arumeru district, tanzania
  268. The influence of ndanda traditional irrigation scheme on crop productivity in masasi district
  269. Factors influencing research –extension – farmer linkages in tanzania: a case of the western agricultural research zone
  270. Farm size and agricultural productivity across maize cropping systems in maize producing districts in tanzania mainland
  271. Analysis of governance of global value chain for organic ginger export market from same and lushoto districts in tanzania
  272. Determinants of health insurance participation among informal sector workers in rural tanzania
  273. Factors influencing seda agricultural credit rationing to smallholder farmers in dodoma municipality and bahi district, dodoma, tanzania
  274. Economic analysis of honey production and marketing in hai district, kilimanjaro, tanzania
  275. Adoption of improved maize varieties in northern and eastern zones of tanzania
  276. Physical and economic accounts of water in kikuletwa catchment, pangani river basin, tanzania
  277. Profit efficiency among smallholder rice farmers in bein garr and panta districts, central Liberia
  278. Establishing the potential of mango value chain as a source of income in urambo district, tanzania
  279. The contribution of urban agriculture to household poverty reduction: the case of morogoro municipality in tanzania
  280. Production risk under improved maize production systems in the united republic of tanzania
  281. Factors underlying common beans’ (phaseolus vulgaris l.) Consumption decisions in dar es salaam, tanzania
  282. Effectiveness of subsidized fertilizer delivery system in reaching maize smallholder farmers in njombe region, tanzania
  283. Intra-household gender relations and household food security in tanzania: a case of chamwino district, dodoma region
  284. Adoption of high tunnels for tomato production in north east district, Botswana
  285. Determinants of profit efficiency among small scale dairy cattle farmers in njombe district
  286. Inclusion of small-scale producers in dynamic local and regional markets
  287. Economics of small – scale paddy and sugarcane production in kilombero district, tanzaniaAnalysis of rice marketing systems in mpanda district of tanzania
  288. Assessment of attitudes of secondary school students towards vocational education and training in tanzania: case study of mpwapwa district
  289. Effect of east african community-common external tariff for selected agro-food sensitive products on burundi’s trade, welfare and tariff revenue
  290. Farmers’ adaptations to rainfall related climate variability risks and their implications on food security in the semi-arid sikonge district, tanzania
  291. Options for developing bee honey marketing for lushoto district, tanzania
  292. Adoption of sustainable land management technologies: revisiting impact to community livelihood in west usambara mountains, tanzania
  293. Determinants for local pearl millet consumption in singida rural and kishapu districts
  294. Perception of farmers on cassava as a potential crop for climate change adaptation in kigoma region, tanzania
  295. Economic impacts of climate change on teff production in lume and gimbichu districts of central ethiopia.
  296. Consumer acceptability and willingness to pay for selected processed orange fleshed sweet potato products in morogoro municipality
  297. Assessment of constraints in the adoption of organic cotton production practices in meatu district, tanzania


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