CALL: 08068231953, 08168759420


  1. The effects of soil degradation to sustainable agriculture in chongwe district, zambia
  2. Modern electronics for agriculture
  3. Soil moisture conservation, cropping systems and soil fertility effects on soil and maize performance in machakos county, kenya
  4. Contribution of ngusishi water resource user association towards farm forestry adoption in ewaso ng’iro north catchment area, kenya
  5. Distribution, utilization and management of prunus africana (hook. F) in gichugu division, kirinyaga district, central kenya
  6. Effects of gibberellic acid and cytokinin application on morphological development, growth, quality and yield of french beans grown under different irrigation schedules
  7. Effects of fertilizer-n and organic resource management on soil aggregates formation and carbon cycling in the central highlands of kenya
  8. Assessment of efficiency of agrofood marketing systems: a case of macadamia nuts value chain in the central kenya highlands
  9. Effect of conservation agriculture on water retention, soil properties and maize yields in semi-arid kajiado county, kenya
  10. Effects of rainfall variability and integrated soil fertility management on maize productivity in embu county, kenya
  11. Role of school based clubs in addressing environmental threats in the nile basin, case of jinja district, uganda
  12. Biogas energy electricity generation and interconnection to the power grid
  13. Sustaining rural livelihoods: on-farm climate smart adaptation measures among smallholder farmers in rural ghana
  14. Vegetable farmers’ perception of wastewater use in ojoo local government area (lga) of lagos state
  15. Effects of contract farming scheme on cassava production enterprise in oyo state, Nigeria
  16. Coverage and content analysis of biotechnology and genetically modified organisms in four selected Nigerian daily newspapers
  17. Selected factors influencing sustainability of cereal banks among maize farmer groups in kimilili sub-county, kenya
  18. Roles of women’s non- farm income generating activities to household food security: case of bagamoyo district
  19. The role of wild foods in household income and food security in mufindi district, tanzania
  20. Effect of ict use on performance of agrienterprises. A case of smallholder pineapple
  21. Farmers in kiambu county, kenya.
  22. Assessment of emerging roles and training needs of extension personnel in kogi state agricultural development programme
  23. Socio-cultural factors influencing maasai women participation in income generating activities: case of arusha chini and maboghini wards, moshi rural
  24. The contribution of community development initiatives tasaf project in poverty reduction: the case of urban west region in zanzibar, tanzania.
  25. Contribution of sorghum production towards household food security in tanzania: a case study of singida region
  26. Effectiveness of exit strategies on sustainability of development projects in tanzania: a case study of selected world vision tanzania projects
  27. Perceived impact of climate variability on availability and utilisation of non-wood forest products among rural households in bahi district, tanzania
  28. Assessment of community participation in solid waste management: the case of mbeya city council tanzania.
  29. Socio-economic factors affecting infant mortality in morogoro district, tanzania
  30. The role of networks in information dissemination in tanzania: the case of selected communities in morogoro region
  31. Effectiveness of communication channels and smallholder farmers’ adoption of improved legume technologies: a case of morogoro region, tanzania
  32. Socio-economic constraints among local artisanal miners in simanjiro district, tanzania
  33. The impact of a dairy cattle project on households’ livelihoods in kasulu district, tanzania
  34. Comparative study of livelihood strategies and food security of recent migrants and non migrants in kilombero valley
  35. Organic spices farming in west districts, zanzibar: its contribution to livelihood outcomes of smallholder farmers
  36. Sexual hiv transmission risky behaviour of people living with hiv and aids in kinondoni municipality, dar es salaam – tanzania
  37. Challenges in administering the cross river state ministry of agriculture, nigeria
  38. The role of migowe towards rural poverty alleviation in njombe district, tanzania
  39. Effect of ict use on performance of agrienterprises. A case of smallholder pineapple farmers in kiambu county, kenya
  40. Impact of climate change on gender roles in agropastoralists community in mvomero district, tanzania
  41. Knowledge, attitude and sexual behaviour of university students concerning hiv/aids: a case of public universities in tanzania
  42. Effects of government ban to harvest trees in agroforestry farms on household income in moshi district, tanzania
  43. Community response to hiv/aids: a case of pastoralists in kilosa district, tanzania
  44. Factors contributing to low literacy among primary school pupils: a case of mkuranga district, tanzania
  45. The role of income generating groups in poverty reduction in kigoma district, tanzania
  46. Microfinance institutions and women economic empowerment in arusha district council, tanzania
  47. Educational quality achievements of primary education development progarmme phase ii in selected primary schools in morogoro district, tanzania
  48. Factors influencing empowerment of cooperative members in tanzania: a case of nyanza cooperative union, mwanza region
  49. Soil and water conservation practices in the uluguru mountains: the influence of high value crops promotion
  50. Gendered livelihood outcomes from woodlots in mufindi district, tanzania
  51. Impact analysis of credit to borrowers in tanzania: the case of mbeya municipality
  52. The status of sanitation facilities in selected public schools in kabushi constituency of ndola urban
  53. The impact of occupational health hazards and injuries on livelihoods of affected workers: a case of kitwe district
  54. Land tenure systems and conflicts in rural smallholder communities of mvomero district, tanzania
  55. The role of butterfly farming as an economic incentive to forest conservation in the east usambara mountain forests
  56. Agricultural services support programme and socioeconomic empowerment of rural women in zanzibar, tanzania
  57. Adoption of soil conservation technologies and crop productivity in west usambara highlands, tanzania
  58. Awareness of hiv/aids and sexual behaviour among secondary school students in njombe district, tanzania
  59. Community participation in implementation of district agriculture sector investment project (dasip) in shinyanga district council, tanzania
  60. Competence needs of extension agents for agricultural adaptation to climate change in anambra state, nigeria
  61. Sustainability of donor-funded community development projects in tanzania: a case of farmer groups investment sub-projects in morogoro district
  62. Access and use of information communication technologies among rural farmers in enugu state, nigeria
  63. The contribution of mangrove forests to the livelihoods of adjacent communities in tanga and pangani districts
  64. Farmers practice versus recommended pesticides spray programmes in tomato and african eggplant production: acase of mvomero district, morogoro, tanzania
  65. Role of quality obstetric care services on reducing maternal mortality in mvomero district, morogoro region tanzania
  66. Socio-economic factors affecting adolescent mothers’ struggles to revive their aspirations in makete district, tanzania
  67. Determinants of poor academic performance of secondary school students in sumbawanga district, tanzania
  68. Religious institutions and environmental conservation: a case of northern diocese of the evangelical lutheran church in tanzania
  69. The contribution of dairy cattle to poverty reduction in igunga district of tabora region
  70. The influence of women groups on income and gender relations in dairy farming: case of arumeru district
  71. Determinants of rural water project sustainability: a case of rufiji district, pwani region, tanzania
  72. Effects of watering regimes, fertilizer levels on nutrients uptake, growth and yield of upland rice in mwea, kenya
  73. Evaluating the effects of cobalt/molybdenum, rhizobium inoculants and diammonium phosphate fertilizer on the growth and yield of soya beans in kisii county
  74. Effects of intercropping amaranth with common beans, green, grams, and cowpeas on the growth and grain yield of amaranth in kitui central sub county
  75. Response in growth performance and yield of broilers fed on processed acacia tortilis seed meal as a replacement of soya bean meal
  76. Climate change information needs of rural farmers in enugu state, nigeria
  77. Effects of water conservation methods and cropping systems on growth and yields of maize and beans in wairaka, jinja, uganda.
  78. Climate change adaptation measures among smallholder farmers in mvomero district, tanzania.
  79. Effects of plant population and harvesting interval on the growth and leaf yield of slenderleaf (crotalaria brevidens) in kisii county, kenya.
  80. The effects of tourism investments on poverty reduction in rural communities in tanzania: the case of serengeti district
  81. Effectiveness of groundwater governance in mbarali district, tanzania
  82. Dynamics of juvenile delinquency and crimes in arusha city
  83. Home deliveries: factors influencing them and their impact on maternal and infant mortality in sonyea rural district
  84. The effects of electronic media on children’s self/private reading behavior: a case of morogoro municipality and mvomero district, tanzania.
  85. Impact of cost sharing in health services in tanzania: a case of geita district.
  86. Community livelihood changes and their implications on sustainable conservation of kitulo national park ecosystem, tanzania.
  87. Dynamics and sustainability of village savings and loan associations: a case of same district, tanzania
  88. Socio-cultural factors affecting community secondary school students’ academic performance: case of mvomero district, tanzania
  89. A comparative study on the contribution of livestock projects on poverty reduction in tandahimba district, mtwara region
  90. Knowledge, attitude and practice towards hiv/aids among bara baig pastoralists of hanang and babati districts -tanzania
  91. Production performance and contribution of dairy goats to income of small-scale farmers in mufindi district, tanzania
  92. Adoption of innovations in participatory agricultural development and empowerment project (padep) in tanzania: case study handeni district, tanga
  93. Influence of timber trading on poverty reduction in mufindi district, iringa region, tanzania
  94. Village travel and transport programme, peoples’ income, community participation and access to social services in kilolo district – iringa
  95. Assessment of the environmental impacts of dark fire tobacco farming in songea rural district
  96. Predicting grazing conflicts based on limited resources in northern kenya
  97. The effects of potassium chloride application rates on potato growth, weight and yield in saboti sub county, kenya
  98. Effects of different levels of fertilizer combination on growth, quality and yield of rhodes grass (chloris gayana) cultivars in kithoka, meru county, kenya
  99. Effect of different spacing intervals on growth and yield of cowpea varieties in kilifi county, kenya
  100. Effects of fertilization and spacing on growth and grain yields of finger millet (eleusine coracana l.) In ainamoi, kericho county
  101. Effects of intercropping cowpeas with maize and phosphorous levels on growth and yields of cowpeas in meru county
  102. Livestock-based risk management and coping mechanism to drought among pastoralists: a case study of handeni district, tanga
  103. Participatory approach and development planning process in maswa district, shinyanga – tanzania
  104. Assessment of utilization of client service charter in local government authorities: a case of morogoro municipality, tanzania
  105. Contribution of entrepreneurship on women’s well-being in tanzania: a case of arumeru district
  106. Effects of climate change on household water sources in benue state, nigeria
  107. Effectiveness of farmer field schools in promoting adoption of best agricultural practices by smallholder coffee farmers in kenya
  108. Influence of selected factors on rabbit production among smallholder farmers in subukia, nakuru county, kenya
  109. Home delivery and risks of fistula in mufindi district, tanzania
  110. The use of cellphones in communication and dissemination of market information for beef cattle smallholders in mpwapwa district, tanzania
  111. Gender analysis in the sunflower value chain: a case of mvomero district, tanzania
  112. Socio – economic factors influencing primary school education attainment in kisarawe district
  113. The house hold income status and malaria control measures and practices in bagamoyo district
  114. Members’ participation and financial performance of wheat producers’ cooperative societies in southern ethiopia
  115. The contribution of village community banks to income poverty alleviation in rufiji delta
  116. Effect of domestic water supply on poverty in kilolo district, iringa tanzania
  117. Community’s perception and attitude on implementation of poverty reduction programme (mkuza) in zanzibar
  118. Influence of village community banks on livelihood outcomes in rorya district, tanzania
  119. Impact of religiosity on income growth in two church communities in mwanza city, tanzania
  120. Socioeconomic factors affecting efficient utilization of micro credit among women in morogoro municipality
  121. Gender-based factors explaining disparities in expenditure of income from tobacco in urambo district, tanzania
  122. Microcredit and maize productivity: the case of village saving loans (vsl) in the southern uluguru mountains, tanzania
  123. Performance of women in adult education: a case of intergrated community based adult education (icbae) programme in morogoro rural district
  124. Institutional factors that influence the survival of traditional irrigation schemes in nyandira, mvomero district, morogoro-tanzania
  125. Implications of market access for household livelihood security in tanzania: a case of bagamoyo district
  126. Effectiveness of climate change mitigation interventions on crop productivity in morogoro district, tanzania
  127. Socio-economic importance of local chicken production in peri-urban areas of kinondoni district, tanzania
  128. Factors contributing to women involvement in the marching trade in moshi municipality
  129. Effects of hiv/aids on rural women’s production activities in mvomero district
  130. Causes of food insecurity and coping strategies in tanzania: a case of smallholder farmers in chamwino district
  131. Impact of valley bottom cultivation (vinyungu) on poverty alleviation in mtitu river basin, kilolo district, iringa, tanzania
  132. Impact of soil erosion control practices on household food security and income. A case of east usambara highlands, tanzania
  133. Assessment of child abuse among street children: a case study of dar es salaam city, tanzania
  134. Socio-economic impact of free range local chickens vaccinated against newcastle disease in rural community of mvomero district, morogoro region
  135. Community health fund and quality health services in morogoro district, tanzania
  136. Contribution of farmer groups to household income in iramba district, tanzania
  137. Factors influencing adoption of conservation agriculture in south uluguru mountains in morogoro region, tanzania
  138. Assessement of social support projects for vulnerable groups towards poverty reduction: a case study of tasaf in bukoba district
  139. Access to and adoption of improved seeds by smallholder farmers in tanzania: cases of maize and rice seeds in mbeya and morogoro regions
  140. Role of water user associations in the management of water use conflicts: a case of ilonga sub-catchment in wami-ruvu basin, tanzania
  141. Participation in delivering agricultural services to smallholder farmers in tanzania: the case of agricultural inputs in hai district, kilimanjaro region
  142. Gender analysis in rice production in kyela district, mbeya region- tanzania
  143. The contribution of mama lishe activities towards household poverty alleviation in morogoro municipality, tanzania
  144. Impact of hiv/aids on household livelihoods in dar es salaam city, tanzania
  145. Husbands’ response to accompany their pregnant wives for hiv/aids test in antenatal clinics in morogoro municipality, tanzania
  146. School based reproductive health education programmes and teenage pregnancy in mtwara region, tanzania
  147. A study of contribution of micro-finance institutions in poverty alleviation through women income generating activities in kilosa district, morogoro tanzania
  148. Effectiveness and sustainability of conservation agriculture technologies in mvomero district, morogoro, tanzania
  149. Adoption of conservation agricultural practices among smallholder farmers: a case study of uluguru mountains, morogoro district
  150. Gender analysis on milk value chain: a case of tanga city and iringa municipality
  151. Microcredits and rural livelihood for sustainable conservation of biodiversity: a case study of cocoba in mahale ecosystem, kigoma-tanzania
  152. Factors influencing nutritional status of children below five years in mbarali district, mbeya region, tanzania
  153. The contribution of hiv/aids on family dissolution in makete district, tanzania
  154. Members’ satisfaction with health services delivered by community health insurance fund (chif) in kyela district, tanzania
  155. Economic, social and cultural determinants of access to primary education among disabled children: a case of dodoma and chamwino districts, tanzania
  156. Cultural dimensions and perfomance of women’s entrepreneurial initiatives: a case of mvomero district, tanzania
  157. Socio-economic values and genetic diversity of indigenous cattle in mara region, tanzania
  158. Factors influencing ownership of modern houses among households in iringa district, tanzania
  159. Farmers’attitude towards warehouse receipt system in newala district
  160. Community attitudes towards preventive measures for hiv/aids infections in morogoro municipality, tanzania
  161. Domestic violence and household income poverty in babati district, manyara region, tanzania
  162. Family planning among catholics and anglicans in dodoma municipality
  163. Nutritional health status of rural women practising agriculture in babati district council
  164. Impact of pig keeping on farmers’ livelihoods outcomes: a case of mbeya region, tanzania
  165. Assessment of the implementation of primary education development plan (2002-06) in mbarali district council, mbeya region, tanzania
  166. The contribution of special program on food security in kilosa district, tanzania
  167. Socio-culture determinants of fertility in morogoro district, tanzania
  168. Women’s economic empowerment: a case of selected tanzania social action fund (tasaf) iii project in morogoro district, tanzania
  169. The negative economic importance of malaria on households. A case of morogoro rural and peri urban area.
  170. Perception of people towards voluntary hiv/aids test in ilala municipality
  171. Dynamics of juvenile delinquency and crimes in arusha city
  172. Co-ordination of agricultural related policies to enhance agricultural planning process at village and district levels: a case study of bukoba rural district
  173. Socio-economic impact of free range local chickens vaccinated against newcastle disease in mtwara rural district, mtwara region
  174. Climate change, gender roles and perceived biting risk from tsetse flies: a case of communities neighboring ikorongo and grumeti game reserves in serengeti district, tanzania
  175. Participation of rural communities in the national poverty reduction strategies: a case of gairo division in kilosa district
  176. The role of lake manyara national park outreach programmeson socio-economies of local communities in monduli district, tanzania
  177. Determinants of community participation in planning hiv and aids interventions under national multisectoral strategic framework in mtwara region, tanzania
  178. Food insecurity and coping strategies of farm households in kahama district, tanzania
  179. Women’s empowerment and fertility in rural tanzania: a case of igunga district
  180. Can organic far ming be an alternative to improve well-being of smallholder farmers in disadvantaged areas? A case study of morogoro region, tanzania
  181. Market chain analysis of african indigenous vegetables (aivs) in tanzania: a case study of african eggplant (solanum aethiopicum) in kahama district
  182. The role of men in achieving women’s economic empowerment in butiama district, mara region tanzania
  183. Does participation in cooperatives empower women entrepreneurs economically? A case study of savings and credit cooperative societies in mvomero district, tanzania
  184. Fostering collective action in conflict management for sustainable land use planning in ulanga district, morogoro region
  185. Perception of farmers on effectiveness of agricultural extension agents in knowledge transfer to maize growers in kilindi district
  186. Adoption of improved technologies in coconut production by smallholder farmers in west district, zanzibar
  187. Economic and social factors associated with malaria prevalence in mtwara district, tanzania
  188. Sustainability of ngo supported water supply projects: the case of elct konde diocese shallow wells project in mbozi district, tanzania
  189. The contribution of vocational education to youth employment: a case study of veta and non veta graduates in morogoro region
  190. Parents’ income and primary school students performance in tabora region
  191. Sexual behaviour and risk of sexually transmitted diseases among moshi rural district secondary school students in kilimanjaro region, tanzania
  192. Determinants of voting in morogoro municipality
  193. Association between some socio-cultural factors and academic perfomance in primary education in namtumbo district, tanzania
  194. Cultural drivers of zoonotic diseases and impact of the diseases on poverty in ngorongoro district, tanzania
  195. Factors affecting adoption of artificial insemination technology by dairy farmers in kinondoni district
  196. Transfer and utilisation of selected agro-pastoralists’ livestock indigenous production innovations in tanzania: a case of hanang district
  197. Hunter-gatherers’ coping strategies on climate change in iramba and mbulu districts, tanzania
  198. Factors affecting market access among spice farmers in zanzibar
  199. Media and sexual behaviour of secondary school students: a case of arusha municipality
  200. Community participation in water development projects in mbeya district, tanzania
  201. Sustainability of water projects: a case of selected projects in iringa district, tanzania
  202. Assessment of students’ academic performance under secondary education development plan (sedp i) implementation: the case of nyamagana district, tanzania.
  203. Adaptive capacity to climate change and food security among artisanal fisher folk in rorya district, tanzania
  204. Consumers demand for traditionally processed cashewnuts: a case of morogoro and coast region -tanzania
  205. Members’ participation and financial performance of wheat producers’ cooperative societies in southern ethiopia
  206. Contribution of women’s income generating activities to household income in kigoma urban district, kigoma region, tanzania
  207. Harmonizing the factors constraining accessibility of credit to women entreprenuers in tanzania: a case of morogoro district
  208. Perceived effect of corruption on the quality of public health services in mbeya urban district, tanzania
  209. Land use plan and farmers-pastoralists conflict in mvomero district: it’s implications on household food production
  210. Contribution of rural electrification to household income in moshi district, tanzania
  211. Social influence on continuation of adopted agricultural technologies: a case of hima project kilolo district
  212. Parents’ participation in adolescents’ home based hiv/aids prevention education: a case study of musoma municipality, mara region, tanzania
  213. Assessment of students’ academic performance under secondary education development plan (sedp i) implementation: the case of nyamagana district, tanzania
  214. Land tenure system and income poverty reduction among female headed households in morogoro district, tanzania
  215. Local government authority support to informal sector and performance of the sector in tanzania: a case of food vending in songea rural and urban districts
  216. Energy sources for cooking and the determinants of their choices in rural areas of tanzania
  217. Influence of information access on adoption of improved sweetpotato varieties in migori county, kenya
  218. Why the search for global newsflow balance should begin at home
  219. Assessment of primary cocoa beans processing methods in owan west local government area of edo state, nigeria
  220. Women and power transformation in rural households in saki west local government area of oyo state
  221. Awareness and participation of farmers in extension activities of agricultural media resources and extension centre in ogun state
  222. Effect of simli radion on the adoption of agriculture innovations in the kumbungu district of ghana
  223. Underlying constructs of farmers’ perceptions and adoption decision towards genetically modified crops among smallholder farmers in northern ghana
  224. Communication media usage and uptake patterns of inoculant technology in tolon district and savelegu municipal of the northern region, ghana
  225. Information dissemination strategies and its effect on adoption of urea deep placement technology under rice cultivation at irrigation schemes in northern region
  226. Analysis of farmers’ perceptions and adoption behaviour towards improved maize technology among maize farmers in the bawku west district of the upper east region
  227. University-community engagement and development planning in ghana: the experience of university for development studies
  228. Effects of climate change coping and adaptation strategies on food security among smallholder maize farmers in the tolon district and savelugu municipal
  229. Socio-economic determinants of ict usage among rural crop farmers in the northern region of ghana
  230. Communication channel preference and its relationship with accessibility to information
  231. Analysis of technology transfer process and its implication on adoption of improved palm oil processing technology by women in ho district
  232. Knowledge levels of farmers and use of integrated pest management practices in hohoe municipality
  233. Watermelon (citrullus lanatus) value chain and smallholder livelihood improvement in the upper east region of ghana
  234. Livelihood diversification among rural households in southwestern nigeria
  235. Effects of development partnership in higher education project on welfare status of rural women processors in oyo and osun states, nigeria
  236. Content analysis of newspaper coverage and farmers’ readership of agricultural news in nigeria
  237. Constraints to the adoption of the yam minisett technology in the northern region, ghana.
  238. Effects of migration on the livelihood of rural households in the kpando district of the volta region
  239. Assessment of farmers’awareness and adaptation measures to climate change in the northern zone of sokoto state agricultural development project
  240. Factors influencing adoption of faro 52 rice package by farmers in selected local government areas of niger state, nigeria
  241. Adoption of mucuna {mucuna utilis) as soil management crop in republic of benin.
  242. Extension, credit and adoption: a case study of farmer production plot farmers in the central region of ghana
  243. Coverage of gender roles in agriculture in four nigerian newspapers (2000-2004)
  244. Effects of development partnership in higher education project on welfare status of rural women processors in oyo and osun states, nigeria
  245. Constraints to production, processing and marketing of sweet-potato in selected communities inoffa local government area, kwara state nigeria
  246. Assessment of field maintenance practices of coffea arablca among coffee farmers in taraba state, nigeria
  247. Farmers perception of the relevance of agriculture technologies in south-western nigeria
  248. Utilization of organic farming practices and materials by small scale farmers in ogun state nigeria
  249. Performance of non-governmental organisations in agricultural extension service delivery in the upper west region of ghana
  250. Role of extension in food security and livelihood in developing countries
  251. Cassava farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate change in abia state, nigeria
  252. Assessment of the effects of selected rural development interventions on rural women in imo state, nigeria
  253. Analysis of farmers use of electronic wallet growth enhancement support scheme in imo state, nigeria
  254. Farmers’ knowledge level of precautionary measures in agro-chemicals usage on cocoa production in osun and edo states, nigeria
  255. Analysis of response capacity of rural households to selected poverty intervention programmes in imo state, nigeria
  256. Food security; improving food security and livelihoods
  257. Identification of constraints and effective educational strategies influencing the professional competencies of agricultural extension officers in oyo and ogun states nigeria
  258. Importance of agricultural journalism
  259. Contribution of community and social development project (csdp) to participatory rural development in selected local government areas, ondo state, nigeria.
  260. Sustainable food and nutrition security: building bridges between durable agricultural practices and the markets
  261. Analysis of determinants of effectiveness of extension agents in the ebonyi state agricultural extension service
  262. Assessment of the implementation of advisory services and input support components by fadama iii beneficiaries in oyo state
  263. Nigeria: positioning rural economy for implementation of sustainable development goals
  264. As an extension agent, how you can motivate the rural people to accept the new innovation or package you brought to them
  265. The perception of landmark university students on taking farming as a means of future livelihood
  266. Agricultural youth sensitive policies: the way forward in enhancing youths inclination towards agriculture
  267. Food security: a means to sustainable economic growth
  268. Utilization of improved cocoyam production technologies among the women farmers in ikwuano lga of abia state
  269. Accessibility and relevance of information and communication technologies (icts) among cassava farmers in nigeria
  270. Economic analysis of layer productions in jalingo local government area of taraba state nigeria


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