Mobile Telecommunication Company called MTN have done little or no good for Nigeria and Nigerians.

MTN have made  billions of dollars from Africas most populous country. Over 80million Nigerians have MTN lines yet what do Nigerians get from MTN, MTN Project Fame where young talented Nigerians are only subjected to Dancing and Singing competition, aired on national television stations where Nigerians watch in millions to further increase the popularity of MTN, so that they can sell more of their products.

DJI,  organises engineering and software competitions that rewards young people in China with tens of thousands of dollars, creates an ecosystem where thousands of role-models spring up and inspire younger ones, plus offer most talented amongst young engineers with job opportunities in DJI and other Chinese tech companies. DJI started in 2006, MTN started operations way before DJI.

In many countries multibillion-dollar companies like MTN start or spear-head sincere efforts to groom young talents in Engineering and IT-craftsmanship, they offer Apprenticeship programs and aggressive internships to creates positive ripples across the country, ripples that will start massive interest in tech-knowhows. But what do we get from MTN in Nigeria, dancing competitions, endorsement of hip-hop artists to further attract millions of youngsters into things that have no tangible value to GDP, household income and per-capita income

The question now is this; MTN have had a lot of advantages to amass wealth in Nigeria for over two decades, of what use is MTN to Nigeria apart from paying taxes.

MTN makes a bulk of its profit from Africa in Nigeria. MTNs activities towards corporate social responsibilities and national development in Nigeria are selfish, self-serving, eye-service oriented, and needs much to be deserved. I don’t know whether we can use the word, ‘’evil’’ for now but that would be decided later.

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