Men, Stop Setting Unnecessary Standards That You Will Never Meet.

I saw this post on Facebook and it makes me question myself asking what “Nigerian men want“. It irks me so bad.

Women have been debased to NOTHING that a chore has become a yardstick in choosing a wife. I keep asking myself if God did not make a mistake to have given the headship to them from the beginning.

And now, I’ll reiterate this here. I also don’t care about the reactions it brings. It’s not my business how you feel but I must say this to men- DO NOT SET UNNECESSARY STANDARDS THAT YOU WON’T MEET. Read that again. Would he have washed the girl’s father’s or mother’s clothes if turns were switched? NO. Many men here won’t either. It degrades them after all. ONLY women should cower and wash g-pee tanks because they want to marry. Marriage only favours the women after all. It’s the women who do these things I blame. You don’t rate yourselves.

If you try this with me, I’ll FAIL your test woefully. It is the audacity to make this a post for me. They make marriage seem so unpalatable and dramatic.

Manners should tell you that you do not sweep when a guest is around. It is ABSOLUTELY rude and that shows that you do not even respect me enough to have kept your abode neat before my arrival. And that to me, is a RED FLAG!

It also tells me that “I am not welcome in your abode”. I am immensely glad that the girl in the story dodged a bullet. Good riddance.

Men, Stop Setting Unnecessary Standards That You Will Never Meet. – Family – Nigeria (

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