Men Are Afraid Of Successful Women.

“Men are afraid of successful women”

I wonder why men allowed this lie to go unchallenged for so long.

That is, they deceived so many women to believe that a man will see a woman making ground breaking achievements in her industry and be afraid of her success, instead he will go and chase one broke, unemployed and uninspiring woman.

Which successful woman in this world is single because men are afraid of her?

Watch women claim now that they know someone, not them oh. Someone.

I can tell you for free that a woman will buy Toyota Big for nothing and starts talking down on men that don’t have cars, becomes unnecessary rude to everyone around her and when people avoid her, she’ll say it’s because she’s successful.

No one is avoiding you because you are successful, they are avoiding you because of your bad attitude. There are women that are more successful than you that are happily married.

Why your own dey different?

Men are not afraid of successful women. Men are afraid of women with bad attitude, successful or not.

Men Are Afraid Of Successful Women. – Family – Nigeria (

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