Erectile Dysfunction

Good afternoon Nairalanders, pls I need your advice. I’m married 28 years, no children yet. Newly wedded, I have a problem. I don’t last long on bed. I cum very quickly and it takes a long time like 4 hours for me to get another erection and most times it’s not very hard like my first erection.

I was told the nitric oxide in my body is low. Pls I need help. How do I boost my nitric oxide in my body or if there are any supplements let me buy.

I’m afraid if I don’t do anything now my wife might eventually cheat in the future. I no longer have my morning erection like some guys do. I have exercise, did ginger, garlic, bitter Kola nothing seems to be working.

What can I do to remedy my situation. Pls no talk of hospital health wise I’m very okay. No diabetics or anything no infection pls help me so I can save my marriage and my myself.

Erectile Dysfunction – Health – Nigeria (

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