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1.1 Background of the study

       The development of human and material resources has been the focus of concern of recent, towards the development of a nation. This is due to the fact that the growth of tangible capital stock of a nation depends to a considerate degree on human capital development. Without adequate investment in developing the human and material resources of the education sector, the possibility of the growth of any nation might be hampered. Education is the vital instrument for social and economic mobility at the personal level and an instrument for transformation of society at the national level (Okpala, 2006)

       The major concern of the researcher is on the availability of human and material resources in secondary school as both of them are the major ingredients to determine the effectiveness and performance of the school. Resources, according to Flippo (2003) mean anything that can give help or support when needed in order to achieve a goal or objective by an individual, group of individuals or an organization. Thus, educational resources according to Flippo (2003) mean those things that are needed to help or support in achieving educational goals and objectives. Irondi (2009) maintains that educational resources are made up of human, financial and materials resources. He adds that human resources are made up of school administrators, the same people teachers, bursars typists, Clarks, messengers, cleaners, watchman, cooks, drivers, librarians, gardeners etc. Human resources in secondary school are made up of both skilled and unskilled workers.

       Castetter (2006) opined that there is no organization that can function properly without adequate and qualified personnel. He maintains that the quality of the personnel determines the quality of the school products. Adequate provision of human resources in schools will help to produce quality students and will help to promote good schools administration. It is the responsibility of the school and the government to provide human resources to secondary school.

       Adeogun (2009) notes that it is the responsibility of the school administration and the state government to ensure that adequate materials resources are made available to the concerned school. This will enable the schools to equip their students effectively and produce good performance on the part of both teachers and students; there is need for the provision of adequate human and materials resources in our secondary schools. Adequately of the human resources according to Adeogun (2009) means having the right quantity and quality of staff in an organization. According to Nwana (2003), teacher quantity refers total number of teachers in the school system and for teachers to be effective; they must be adequate in number.

       Lassa (2008) asserted that the success of any human endeavor, secondary school inclusive, is closely related to be quality of personnel who perform the tasks. He added that the extent to which public education succeeds will depend to a large extent, upon the quality of the personnel engaged in the educational process and upon the effectiveness with which they discharge individual and group responsibilities. He also pointed out that among all the ingredients needed in making secondary education succeed, is the competency of the personnel charged with the task of effecting desirable changes in children. In another view, Nwana (2003) found out that the adequacy in the number of teaching staff and availability of teaching materials influence the overall efficiency and effectiveness of an educational institution. This implies that for secondary schools to be effective and efficient, there is need to for the provision of adequate human and materials resources consequently, this study will assess the availability of human and materials resources in teaching senor secondary District I, Lagos State.

1.2  Statement of the problem

       The availability of human and material resources in secondary schools is crucial and government of the state has been consistent in ensuring that these educational resources are available for schools. Inspite of the effort of the government to provide the schools with both human and materials resources, most secondary schools have still not met the academic standard and are struggling good student performance. Report from past researchers reveal that government secondary schools lack adequate infrastructural facilities like laboratories, libraries and ICT centres and those affect the performance and productivity of schools.

       Also, poor administration in most secondary schools leads to bad maintenance of human and material resources in school. Good supply of materials like textbooks and other instructional materials may be mismanaged by school administrators, principals and teachers. Moreso, many secondary schools lack textbooks in the four care subjects, that is, English, Mathematics, Basic Science and Technology. Lack of textual materials and instructional materials like teachers guide, hand books, manuals have affected quality delivery of the curriculum. Thus, the main thrust of this study shall be assess how effective is the availability of human and material resources in teaching senior secondary school in Lagos State.

1.3  Objectives of the study

       The main objective of the study is to assess the availability of human and material resources in teaching senor school. The specific objectives shall include;

i.     To establish a relationship between availability of human and material resources and student performance in secondary school.

ii.    To identify the various human and materials needed in secondary schools in Lagos State.

iii.    To ascertain the effect of quality teachers and staff on student academic performance in secondary school in Lagos State.

iv.    To examine the influence of good classroom library and laboratories on student performance in science and art subjects.

v.    To identify the problems affecting the availability of human and material resources in secondary school.

vi.    To make necessary recommendations based on the findings to be made.

1.4  Research questions

       The following question shall be considered in the study:

i.     Does any relationship exist between availability of number and material resources and student performance in secondary school? 

ii.    What are the various human and materials needed in secondary schools?

iii.    Does quality teachers and staff has any effect on student academic performance in secondary schools?

iv.    Does good classrooms, library and laboratories influences student performance in science and art subjects?

v.    What are the problems that affect the availability of human and material resources in secondary schools?

1.5  Research hypotheses

       The hypotheses formulated for the study shall include;

H01: Quality teachers and staff does not has any effect on student academic performance in secondary school

H02: Good classrooms, library and laboratories do not have any influence on student performance in science and art subjects.

1.6  Significance of the study ­

This study will have theoretical importance for academic as it will contribute to the body of literature on availability of human and material resources and student performance in schools. The data to be generated and information gathered from the field survey and library research shall become important sources of information and references for students in universities and other institutions of higher learning. It will also be useful for independent studies carried out by institutions that conduct educational related research.

Secondly, the study will have practical importance for education administrators at all levels in schools as it will give them an insight on the relevant of human and material resources. This study will equally be importance to government policy makers by helping them to make sound and intelligent policies that will ensure even development in the education sector.

1.7  Assumptions of the study

       The following are the assumption of the study;

i.     Human and material resources significantly affect student performance.

ii.    The instruments to be used in gathering data are valid and reliable.

iii.    The variables to be used in the study are appropriate and suitable.

iv.    The results of the study can be generalized.

1.8  Scope and limitations of the study

Geographically, this study shall be limited to secondary schools in Lagos state. The study shall focus on the availability of human material resources in teaching secondary schools. This implies that issues relating to the various types of human and material resources, the importance of human and material resources to secondary school, the factor affecting the provision of human and material resources in secondary school shall be extensively discussed.

The following limitations were envisaged to be encountered by the researcher, first of all, poor attitude of the respondents toward questionnaires respond. The researcher had the problem of getting relevant information for the study due to the unwillingness of most teachers and staff of secondary schools to divulge information on the availability of human and material resources. Secondly, high cost of transportation fares to and from the case study. The researcher had difficulty in moving to and from the case study since Lagos as a whole is very large. Moreso, scanty research resources affected the researcher. The availability of relevant research materials to enrich the literature review was scanty. However, it should be noted that these limitations will not in any way hamper the achievement of the research objectives.

1.9  Historical background of Lagos State

       Lagos state is an administrative division in Nigeria, located in the South Western part of the country. The smallest in area of Nigeria’s state, Lagos State is arguably the most economically important state of the country, containing Lagos, the nation’s largest urban area. The actual population total is disputed between the official Nigerian census of 2006 and a much higher figure claimed by the Lagos State Government. Lagos State is located in the South-Western part of the Nigerian federation. On the North and East, it is bounded by Ogun State. In the west it shares boundaries with the Republic of Benin. Behind its southern borders lies the Atlantic Ocean, 22 percent of its 3,577km2 are lagoons and creeks.

Lagos State was created on May 27, 1967 by virtue of State (creation and transitional provision) Decree No 14 states. Prior to this, Lagos municipality had been administered by the federal government through the Federal Ministry of Lagos Affairs as regional authority, while the Lagos City Council (LCC) governed the city of Lagos. Equally, the metropolitan areas (colony provience) of Ikeja, Agege, MushimIkorodu, and Badagry were administered by the western region. The state took off as an administrative entity on April 11, 1968 with Lagos Island serving the dual role of being the state and federal capital. However, with the creation of the federal capital territory of Abuja in 1976, Lagos Island ceased to be the capital of the state which was moved to Ikeja. Equally, with the formal relocation of the seat of the federal government  to Abika pm 12 December, 1991, Lagos Island ceased to be Nigeria’s political capital. Nevertheless, Lagos remains the center of commerce for the country (

1.10      Definition of terms

Human resources: This is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization. It involves the knowledge; the individuals embody and can contribute to an organization.

Materials resources: This involves facilities that are use to develop and add values to people. In this context, materials resources include the physical assets like laboratories, libraries, instructional tools, writing materials, classrooms etc, use to develop students academic performance.

Student academic performance: This refers to how students deal with their studies and how they cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers.

Teachers: Those are those persons who help others to learn new things.

The quality of every society is largely predicated on the quality of its educational system. In the light of the apparent constraints on educational resources their efficient utilization for maximum result need not be overemphasized.Adebayo (2001) posit, that there has to be administration in any organization as long as an organization consists of people brought together in hierarchical set-up making use of tools, equipment, human and material resources, all in the quest of attaining the goals for which the organization is established.

The administration of a school institution has the responsibility for bringing together various resources and allocating them effectively to accomplish the general goals of the institution (National Teachers Institute (NTI, 2006). Nigeria, like other nations of the world has an obligation to prepare her citizens for life in a world that is characterized by rapid social, economic, political and technological changes. The relevant levels of government have been investing a substantive resource in setting up educational institutions for this purpose (NOUN, 2010). 

A school is an institution designed for the attitude modification and teaching of students under the direction of teachers. It is a place or institution for teaching and learning established for the purpose of education (Musgrave,1978) Nearly all countries have systems of formal education, which is universally compulsory. A school system is an establishment including the plant and equipment for providing education from kindergarten through high school (NOUN, 2008). The primary goal of any school system is to provide the society with the requisite manpower for development and to enhance quality of the living conditions of their products. The democratization of education in the country has led to remarkable increase in the number of schools all over the nation that almost every community in Nigeria has either a primary or secondary schools or both while some have tertiary institutions which people recognize as places of acquiring relevant knowledge. 

Musgrave (1978) opined that a school as institutions for teaching and learning has various goals and objectives that include the following:

(i)     Cognitive goals: The school is expected to produce individuals equipped with empirical knowledge and mastery of technology.

(ii)    Moral or Value goals: The school is expected to produce citizens which are equipped with the proper values for their participation in the development of the society.

(iii)   Integrative goals: The school is expected to produce well adjusted individuals, skilled in inter-personal relationship.

(v)  Social mobility goals: The school is expected to promote upward mobility and social betterment of the individual. The social mobility goals are capable of overcoming the disadvantages of poverty, social, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

Every educational system at every level depends heavily on teachers for the execution of its programmes. Maintaining and improving educational standards is only possible through teachers. A teacher is a person who teaches or instructs and provide education for learners thereby helping them to acquire new knowledge and making them useful to themselves and the society. The teacher is a crucial component of any educational system because no organized education can take place without the teachers. The teachers implement educational policies, the curriculum and play significant roles in the attainment of the objectives of any educational system. 

A teachers role may vary among cultures, they may provide instruction in literacy and numeracy, craftsmanship or vocational training, arts, religion and civic community roles. These roles make a teacher the greatest aid to learning and the most indispensible entity in the school which should be comprehensively trained and supported to flawlessly and proficiently perform the teaching duty.

The utilization of teachers to achieve maximum result is dependent on the availability and accessibility of school materials. To aid the utilization of teachers, they should be availed the opportunity for in-service training for career improvement and development. Such in-service training will enable teachers renew their knowledge for effectiveness on their jobs and enable teachers to be efficient and be properly utilized in the school system to fast tract the achievement of the educational goals.. 

Okendu (2012) assert that idea that human and material resources are to be assembled together by educational administration, within the school system for effective teaching and learning cannot be over emphasized. It is supported on this ground that, in secondary schools, the principals play the role of administrators and that of supervisors, even instructors and they also participate in teaching activities when necessary. All staff, teaching and non-teaching should be made to realize their responsibilities of improving and developing instruction in the school system. This is possible through harnessing the available resources allocated to the schools to realize the goals of education.

All materials and non-material factors that are necessary and are contributive to the attainment of goals in any institution are regarded as resources. The human component of resources interacts with certain facilities and equipment at certain time to bring about production of output. The quality and quantity of this output are to a greater extent dependent on the quality and quantity of resource input and the manner of processing. By implication therefore input and output are significantly responsive to administration. Administrators of institutions have role to play in ensuring effectiveness and efficiency within and outside the institution, not only in the procurement or acquisition of resources but also in their organization, coordination, control and maintenance. 

The concept of scarce resources is an economic one that attempts to rationalize spending in order to avoid waste. Educational wastages imply the inefficient utilization of education resources to achieve the educational goals. Observably, educational wastages include sickness/ill health, school drop outs, repeaters, non employment of school leavers, brain drain, and under utilization of various educational resources etc. In a School system, wastages can be reduced through the establishment of health/medical unit to monitor the students’ health, award of bursaries and scholarships to enable drop outs complete their studies, provision of relevant instructional materials to schools, organizing conferences, seminars and workshops for serving teachers on the improvement of teaching methods and techniques (Asabiaka, 2008).

Education resources refer to all human, material, non material audio-visual school environment and community materials available in an academic environment to facilitate school administration and simplify the teachinglearning process. They also include other fundamental materials used in the school to make teaching very easy and learning more meaningful and comprehensible to the learners. Education resources covers all those materials human and non human, drawn or photographed, built manually or electronically operated, books and all forms of related materials used in teaching and learning process (NTI,2006)

Education resources includes the teachers in the school, human beings in the community, real objects, specimen or models, chalk and display boards, school buildings and layout, the community at large and other fundamental materials like pencils, pens, exercise books etc which the learners are expected to have at any point in time to facilitate learning (NOUN, 2009).Education resources are no doubt important in the development of a conducive teaching-learning environment. The use of these resources could give more valuable and powerful direction to the teacher than any personal efforts without the materials.

In  school administration, education resources are not only limited but can be effectively and efficiently managed when  management activities are properly harmonized,organized,coordinated and controlled by the school management team. This is in agreement with Blunt’s (1990) opinion that: it is not the availability of these resources alone that guarantees effective performance of school, but their adequacy and effective utilization. However, No matter how well packaged a school administration or a school system is at any level of education, without adequate and efficient utilization of the available resources, the system may fail to achieve its desired results.

Adequate and apposite resources are vital in the administration of a school. The proper management and use of these resources will not only boost the morale of human resources who coordinates other activities in the school system but also ensure the attainment of goals. Meanwhile, shortage or inadequacy of these resources is inimical to goal achievement of school administration. Accessibility of education resources makes school management effective and efficient thereby enhancing the output of the education system. Effective school administration leads to efficient instructional process which will yield a quality output.

Agabi (2012) observed that, the resources provided by Government for execution of education projects in Nigeria are inadequate and irregular as highlighted by the frequency of industrial actions in the education sector.Moreso, due to the general level of poverty in the country, the contribution of communities and households to educational provision have been negligible. Consequently, the best alternative is prudence in the use of available resources. This is because when a given level of resources is efficiently utilized, more services are provided through balance usage and adequate maintenance of the available facilities than when inefficiency, on-utilization, under-utilization and over utilization abounds.

Classification of Education Resources

 (a)   Material/Physical Resources

These are the tangible resources that can easily be seen and observed in any institution. The physical resources include the structure, the machines, raw materials, vehicles, and other tools, which can facilitate organizations activities and processes. The physical resources may not be the same in all organization. In educational system, the physical resources would include the classrooms/lecture rooms, staff offices, vehicles, health centers, library, laboratory, and so on, which directly or indirectly contribute to the achievement of goals.

Material/Physical Resource Management in School:

School physical resource management has a direct impact on the learning environment and is a key determinant of educational outcomes. It is therefore critical that school physical resource management practices align with the school improvement plan by linking school assets to basic education service delivery standards and strategies. Facility maintenance entails providing clean and safe environment for teaching and learning. It also involves provision of adequate facilities for teaching and learning.

 According to Asabiaka (2008) the following type of maintenance should be adopted in the facility maintenance plan. These are preventive, routine, emergency repairs, and predictive maintenance. 

(i)     Preventive maintenance – This is a type of maintenance carried out on school facilities to avoid breakdown and ensure optimal performance of the facility. Up to date information about the facility is required to serve as a guide for the maintenance team. Preventive maintenance saves cost and time. It is usually an integral part of the management practice in societies where maintenance culture is well established. Decisions on preventive maintenance are collectively made and implemented. 

(ii)    Routine maintenance- This is carried out periodically as scheduled by the school managers. Facilities may be serviced monthly, quarterly or even annually depending on the agreed schedule. Manufacturers guide provide information on the nature and maintenance intervals. School managers comply with these guides to avoid breakdown of the equipment. 

(iii)   Emergency Repairs- This is very common in the management of school facilities in societies where maintenance culture is not well established. It takes place when a facility breaks down and urgent measures or steps had to be taken to remedy the situation. In this regard, collective decision-making may not be possible because there may be limited time to bring together all the necessary individuals to make decisions. It is also expensive because due to lack of maintenance, the extent of damage may demand total replacement of the facility or high cost of repair. In some cases, the breakdown may cause injury or even death to staff and or students of the school. The resultant effect may be high insurance premium or prevent the use of the facility for teaching and learning until repair had been effected. School managers should proactively develop and implement facilities management plan for addressing facility needs. 

(iv)   Predictive Maintenance-This involves the use of computer software’s to predict equipment failure based on age, user demand and performance measures. 

(b) Financial Resources

Financial resources are the funds required for the smooth operations of a school and are regarded as the life-wire of any system. It is indeed a more critical facet with which other factors of administrations are created, maintained and sustained. In school administration, funds are necessary for the procurement of facilities, equipment, electronics and communication gadget needed for effective performance. Apart from this, funds are needed to pay the salaries of administrative, academic and non-academic staff. A robust financial allocation for school administration would not only enhance goals attainment but its sustainability. Plan and policy implementation are responsive to funds availability. Funds are needed for the acquisition of fixed and current assets and to settle current liabilities and expenditures incurred in the course of administration. 

Financial Management in Schools.

Financial management covers such areas as the procurement of funds, their allocation, monitoring their use in the interest of accountability and producing financial reports for the relevant stakeholders. Effective financial management ensures that: 

•       All financial regulations and procedures are complied with, 

•       All financial transactions are recorded accurately, 

•       Adequate controls are in place to ensure that expenditures do not exceed income, and 

•       Only authorized expenditures are incurred. 

Financial management is, therefore, an integral part of the responsibility as an education manager

because, without good financial management practices, schools would find it difficult to achieve their goals.

Role of School Administrators in Financial Management:

The ultimate accountability for the effective management of school finances lies with the office of the manager.

As an education manager, you should: 

•       Allocate funds to various activities in accordance with the budget; 

•       Authorize the disbursement of school funds; 

•       Administer school funds both lawfully and morally; 

•       Determine a school budget in consultation with other stakeholders such as heads of department, senior teachers and the Board of Governors; and 

•       Ensure that the school has the funds it needs and that those funds are  used effectively and efficiently.

(c)     Time Resources

Time is a unique resource and is considered as one of the scarce resources known to man. (Adedeji; 1998).Time is the most expensive of all resources due to its non-recoverable nature. Time utilization refers to the proper allocation of time to the various stages and tasks of administrative activities. The application of hours of duty to organizational activities is to ensure equal combination of time with other resources. The use of time is one of the parameters to measure an effective school administration. In a school system, time is managed through the use of a time table. Consequently, time management stands as an effective tool necessary for the organizations effectiveness in realization of set out objectives and goals (Ugwulashi,2012).

Significance of Time Management in School Administration.

Proper time management in the workplace has a number of positive effects, ranging from making you a more focused and valuable employee to reducing the stress of your job. Time is a precious commodity on any job. Employers appreciate employees who can get the maximum amount of good work done in the minimum amount of time.

(i)     Setting Priorities and Goals

Prioritizing and setting goals are very effective time management skills that can be practice at work every day. The concepts help in setting a scale of preference by identifying the tasks or workload that need to be done first before other schedules of lower importance. It makes it easier to keep track of any due dates that are mandated for the accomplishment of any giving task. Prioritizing and setting goals in a school system can assist the staff in becoming a more productive employee by ensuring that all of the work items are addressed in a timely manner (Kalu, 2012).

(ii)    General Life Improvement

Another positive side effect of practicing time management is that it helps to improve work – life balance. The skills that are learnt and use at work can also translate into personal life improvement. Individuals will be better able to prioritize daily tasks, create a workable schedule for busy times and also have some time to relax. A less hectic home life can help improve one’s professional performance.

(iii)   Reducing Stress and Negativity

Two things that can severely impact on work performance are stress and negativity. Practicing good timemanagement techniques helps to reduce stress by keeping work on schedule and in good shape to meet approaching deadlines. When a staff is less stressed, he/she is also less likely to feel negatively about the job. Having a negative attitude at work can hurt ones career because employers want personnel who are enthusiastic about their work. Because proper time management helps you accomplish more in the allotted time, it can help you adopt a more positive attitude in the workplace.

(iv).  Productivity and Performance.

Time management in the school environment increases productivity. With higher focus on projects and timelines employees will find more efficient ways to complete tasks. Also employees who have a hard time in finding solutions for completing tasks will seek help sooner instead of later. Employee Performance will increase as a result of increased productivity. 

(v). Developing Employees

Practicing good time management helps staff perform better at his job because he less likely to feel the stress and pressure of bumping up against important deadlines. Leaders who are strong at managing time will have the ability to schedule the rights tasks with the right time frames. Also leaders can make sure that their employees understand that tasks are expected to be completed and without excuses. These can actually train and developed staff at the same time. The new employee will learn the process along with what are the expectations of a leader. The extra time given to developing colleagues will have a positive impact on the entire school.

Time management philosophy tends to x-ray the importance and appropriate utilization of time as a resource in accomplishing organization objectives and goals. Managing time appropriately leads to achieving results easily with limited resources (Ugwulashi,2012).

(d)    Human Resources

Human resource constitutes a vital vein of any institution. The human resource in the school system includes teachers, support staff in the school, students, parents, community members and a host of other interest and social groups. Human resources is  responsible for planning, organizing, coordinating, controlling, manipulating and maintaining  other forms of resources, its administrative and forecasting ability  placed it ahead of other forms of resources.

The availability of human resources is not only required in school administration, but their quality and quantity must be considered if effective and efficient administration is to be guaranteed. According to Likert (1969) all activities of any institution are initiated by the persons that make up that institution. Plant, offices, computer, automated equipments and all inputs that an institution uses are unproductive except for human effort and direction.

Elwood and James (1996) observed that in governing human resources three major trends are typically considered, they include:

a.     Demographies. The characteristics of a population/workforce for example age, gender or social class. The type of trend may have an effect in relation to pension offering, insurance packages etc.

b.     Divesirty.The variation within the population/workplace changes in the society now mean that a larger proportion of organization is made up of “baby boomers or old workers in comparison to thirty years ago. Advocates of workplace divert advocates an employee base that is a minor reflection of the make- up of the society in so far as race, gender, sexual orientation etc.

c.     Skills and Qualification: As industries move from manual to more managerial profession, so does the need for more highly skilled graduates. If the market is tight (i.e. not enough staff for the job) employers must compete for employees by offering financial rewards, community investments etc.

Every aspect of an institution’s activities is determined by the competence, motivation and general effectiveness of its human resource. It is noteworthy that the quality of human resources in any educational system determines to a great extent the quality of the system itself and professional staff in particular are crucial to the formulation and successful implementation of the education policies and programmes in any country. (Nakpodia,2010).

Relevance of Human Resources Management (HRM) in School Administration.

A school cannot build a good team of working professionals without good Human Resources. The key functions of the Human Resources Management (HRM) team include recruiting people, training them, performance appraisals, motivating employees as well as workplace communication, workplace safety, and much more. The beneficial effects of these functions are discussed thus:

  • Recruitment and Training: This is one of the major responsibilities of the human resource management team. The HR managers come up with plans and strategies for hiring the right kind of people. They design the criteria which is best suited for a specific job description. Their other tasks related to recruitment include formulating the obligations of an employee and the scope of tasks assigned to him or her. Based on these two factors, the contract of an employee with the company is prepared.


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