If you love a woman and she is not loyal to you don’t marry her, lack of loyalty is lack of respect. Respect. Julius Agu, a legendry comedian in Nigeria recently said he and his wife are no more, so I read. Recently, basket mouth announced the separation between he and his wife.


You can be very funny, with money and attract a woman in your life, that’s fine but it is simply not enough.

Our Forefathers

Our fore-fathers married many women and all they recorded near zero divorce, they were so highly respected. What happened to men who claim to be more aware, and civilised and tech oriented, what happened. Why is it that men nowadays are so prone to acute depression and undue-pressure that bears down on their health

I think I know why

Men have simply given up their masculinity in the chasing of so-called early fantasies of love, romance and other nonsense. You see teenage boys who should be busy investing in themselves, learning businesses, apprenticeship, learning how to communicate, become sociologically  relevant, learn skills, and go to serious work on Instagram, tiktok, youtube, snapchat, clubs, parties, and their parents see nothing wrong, and they party into their twenties and thirties and wake up to eat to realise they had followed a hugely wrong path and in most cases are already neck-deep in the waters

Because men of our time now over-inflate the vaue of women far above themselves, and feel that chasing women have a strong thing to do with their self worth and value, and they end up dedicating a criminally significant part of their lives chasing women, ending up with nothing and in most cases with no women.

A man should focus on building himself spiritually, physically, mentally, intellectually, financially, economically, sociologically, and then woman will be attracted. The pursuit of women at the early stage of a man’s life is already a lost journey. Then demand loyalty, demand respect, don’t spend a second with a woman who disrespects you, tolerate no feminism in your relationship. Two captains can only lead a ship that will capsize. Serving her breakfast on bed in the morning, giving her your card to shop whatever she wants, joint accounts, running a business together, opening the door for her to enter a car, and all those nonsense feminist practices of men of this era is simply surrendering your masculinity, and creating a dangerous foundation that may come after you.

Marry a woman you love but first marry a woman who is loyal to you, and her loyalty to you should be greater than the love you have for her, and you should love her enough to want to marry her.

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