The Inefficiency Of The National Identity Management Commission

Over the years, Nigerians have had lots of complains and worries since the hurried implementation of the National Identification number and it’s commission, but little or nothing have been done to curtail or see to these complains.

1. The commission is seen as a revenue generating commission. Irrespective of the fact that the commission is sponsored by the Federal government and it’s website fully funded, they still charge the masses some levies on different occasions, either to make corrections to any of your bio-data errors.

The levies is thrown to the masses even when those errors could be typography error from their staff. One would have been given a chance to make a one-time correction or modification to it’s bio-data before the compulsory charges.

The agency is completely bridled with corruption. The Staff and it’s vendors or front-end partners (FEPs) will charge Nigerians before giving them forms to apply. Most times, the staff will complain of a network shutdown and this could continue for weeks.Before anyone could achieve their aim at the commission, you must be very patience or be willing to give kickbacks to set your needs as a priority.

The commission should look deeply and penalized those involved in these extortions.

Many people are yet to receive their plastic cards while some get it at a platter. As a citizen of this country, there are certain things that we’re not supposed to struggle to have. If the government wants to have its own ID cards .. They should make it readily available to posses.

2. The national identification cards was supposed to be the only means of identification at banks and alcoholic stores. It was supposed to serve as a purposed of identifying one’s age to acquire certain things as opening of bank accounts, consent age for admission into the university, Registering for voter’s card and driving license, etc.

But that’s more a less a nightmare as banks will easily accept voter’s card for the opening of a bank account. There would’ve been no need for a biometric verification number as this would’ve been etched on the National ID card. Because of their inefficiency, BVN seems more valuable than the ID number of the national identification card/paper.

Many people are fed up with the commission and it’s failure and exaction with menace.

3. Having a national IDcard would’ve been a thing of joy to carry the card around. But will that safe us from the police at night hours? Will it help the police to combat crimes? We should be given the opportunity to make changes to our home addresses as we move from one place to another, perhaps, this could help the police to trace criminals. Using the tracking number on the NaIDcard

Most people are still using the address of their previous homes as at when they registered for the NaIDcard. I’ve relocated to many states and I’ve changed many addresses. Yet the address on my Bio-data with the government is pointing to a house that have been demolished and not existing.

If the government isn’t ready to make the commission function enough to serve the people, they should not implement laws that will frustrate the masses.

The Inefficiency Of The National Identity Management Commission By Jasonjnr – Crime – Nigeria (

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