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1.1 Background of Study

Inland waterways are any navigable or potentially navigable body of water, such as a river, channel, canal, or other routes for travel by water away from the coast or shore line. It usually refers to the bodies of water in the interior parts of a country or region. Inland Water Transport therefore refers to movement of goods or persons via inland water (canals, rivers, lakes etc.) between inland ports or quays and wharfs. Inland waterways constitute of natural or artificial navigable inland

body of water, or system of interconnected bodies of water, used for transportation, may include a lake, river, canal, or any combination of these.

The existence of waterways has been an important factor in the development of

regions; waterways have served first as paths of exploration and new settlement

and later as avenues of commerce and trade. Although slower than rail, road, and air transport, water transport is less expensive and accommodates such bulk

cargoes as coal, ores, grain, and lumber. Navigation on waterways may be

improved by the construction of canals, dams, locks, levees, and dikes.

Inland waterways vary in size from shallow barge-carrying rivers and canals to the deep seaways that accommodate oceangoing vessels. Waterways are often of international importance, either because they border or run through more than one country or because other nations wish to use them for trade; a number of these waterways have been internationalized. For purposes of navigation, irrigation, and flood control, humans have changed the natural flow of waterways. The

consequences of such changes have often led to excessive erosion or an increase in flooding.

In order for an inland waterway to be navigable, it must meet several criteria like:

 The waterway must be deep enough to allow the draft depth of the vessels

using it.

 The waterway must be wide enough to allow passage for the beam width of

the vessels using it. The waterway must be free of barriers to navigation

such as waterfalls and rapids, or have a way around them (such as canal

locks and boat lifts)

 The current of the waterway must be mild enough to allow vessels to make


An efficient Inland Water Transport (IWT) system plays a critical and positive role

in the economic life of any country. Every country should realize the importance of the relationship between good and functional multimodal IWT systems in their economic development. IWT cost effectiveness and development of remote communities in several countries and in Nigeria in particular cannot be over emphasized. In many instances these advantages can be gained with little or no improvement to existing waterways (World Bank, 2002). There is this belief that the use of IWT in Nigeria has not yet reached its full potential due to lack of adequate investment in the sector over many years. All year round use of larger vessels may have been impeded in some channels by monsoon-related draft reductions and lack of adequate depths and absence of navigational aids.

Throughout the world, most waterways tend to be owned and administered as

public goods. Cost recovery mechanisms typically include a range of vessel

licensing fees, river port dues, navigation fees, and lock and other sundry charges.

These revenues are rarely sufficient to cover all the costs of public resources, but

these costs are usually very small compared with other modes in absolute terms

and in proportion to traffic handled. The effective utilization of inland waterway

transport generally depends on investment in and upkeep of the navigation

infrastructure (dredging, navigation aids, locks, etc.); together with an institutional regime that encourages an efficient and competitive private barging industry. The future of inland waterway transport must depend principally on its performance in serving transport markets. It is not in the interest of any country to over invest where demand by suitable traffic is lacking or to force usage of inland waterways against customer preference. Nonetheless, even though waterways generally need much less capital investment and maintenance than other transport modes, they have been rather neglected in many countries including Nigeria, despite evident demand, potentials and utilization. This is a pity, not only because of the economic advantages of efficient barge services in appropriate markets, but also because of the lesser environmental impacts from inland water transport than from competing modes. Apart from larger-scale commercial barging, inland waterways are oftenthe first link in the transport chains faced by poor riparian communities. Large numbers of country boats in certain regions are crucial to the livelihoods of ordinary citizens as they depend on IWT for their livelihood and their access to health, education, and social services.

In Nigeria, the National Transport Policy (1993) recognized the IWT as the

cheapest transport mode in the areas of mass bulk commodity movement over long distances as well as an efficient mode of transportation of persons especially for some rural communities in the Niger Delta, coastal areas and other parts of Nigeria. The National Transport Policy (1993) therefore recognized the need for the development of the nation’s vast network of inland waterways in a multimodal fashion to complement other modes of transportation. Significant underfunding in the IWT sector has caused the infrastructure and floating equipment to deteriorate badly, and reduced the net size of the navigable network considerably. The lack of a multipurpose infrastructure development approach, absence of multimodal development approach, lack of coordination among the various ministries in charge

of infrastructure and inadequate skilled manpower etc also contributes to IWT

decline. For example, many hydropower dams have been built without consulting other interested agencies and without providing ship locks to allow uninterrupted IWT transport. Also bridges constructed across rivers sometimes do not take into consideration the navigation requirements of the rivers. It is important to note that IWT does not have the ability to function optimally as a standalone transport mode. It can only be effectively utilized when developed and operated in a multimodal approach.

Given Nigeria’s highly limited and congested transport environment, where the

opportunity cost of the transport is high, IWT is an extreme case of inefficiency

and neglect of a valuable resource. It is therefore, urgent to establish IWT sub sector development strategy. Inland Water Transport systems in Nigeria have not yet reached their full potential despite the nation being generously endowed with navigable and potentially navigable inland waterways but has experienced latent capacity and inadequate investment. In all regions of Nigeria, IWT has been neglected and remains outside the mainstream transport development planning, often overshadowed by other sectors such as road transport, aviation etc.

Prior to independence in 1960, and thereafter, efforts have been made by the

Federal Government of Nigeria to develop and provide IWT services through the

defunct Inland Waterways Department (IWD) with limited success. Also, some

state governments with networks of inland waterways notably Rivers State, Lagos State, etc have also made some efforts towards IWT development in their

respective states with limited and unsustainable success too. Most of the efforts

that have been made by the Federal Government of Nigeria to develop IWT

infrastructure have been concentrated on the Lower River Niger and River Benue until recently when the National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA) was created; an agency of the Federal Government of Nigeria and successor to the defunct Inland Waterways Department (IWD) which initiated the construction of river ports and jetties in the Niger Delta and other locations outside the Lower

River Niger and River Benue.

However, one major short coming of IWT development in Nigeria is its lack of a multimodal approach and neglect of IWT market development.

Non sustainability of IWT services by different level of governments and private concerns in Nigeria has resulted to the ugly state of IWT irrespective of its glaring

importance in development of the economy; which leads to the calls for a paradigm shift in IWT development efforts and operations in Nigeria. This calls for the adoption of new attitudes, policies, programs, guidelines, acts and regulations corresponding to international best practices and success stories.

Sustainable development of a multimodal Inland Water Transport (IWT) requires the improvement or further development of navigation and its related

infrastructure, while minimizing negative effects on other waterways functions and maximizing environmental benefits. The fundamental basis for sustainability is that proposed development or management actions should sustain those critical processes that are necessary for the sustainable and competitive development of IWT and services. Decisions concerning a choice of transportation mode have historically focused on economic issues. Unfortunately, the economic competition

between various transport modes is often based on financial costs, and not

economic costs. The latter approach leads to more objective conclusions, which is important for achieving sound strategic planning. This reinforces the need for judicious and efficient use of available scarce resources provided for IWT

development and services. Also, IWT need to be competitive in order to be

sustainable and attractive to private investments.

Consequently, the judicious and efficient use of scarce resources provided for

efficient IWT development and operations in Nigeria must be reflected in how the IWT development and operations are planned for the future. Efficient technical and policy frameworks must also be established to ensure decisions that promote the sustainability of the IWT systems and the environment in which they are placed.

Sustainable development of IWT in Nigeria will require that our efforts should

mirror international best practices and success stories. Also, other national vices

should be eliminated from the sector.

In the light of this, this research evaluates the inland waterways development in

Nigeria with special emphasis on; infrastructure, markets, multimodality, social

and culture, fleet size and job creation.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The importance of Nigeria’s vast network of inland waterways to the socioeconomic, commercial and industrial development of the nation cannot be overemphasized.

In some parts of Nigeria, especially in the rural parts of the coast and

Niger Delta, inland waterways is the only available means of transport and their

socio-economic well being could be greatly hampered if the state of inland

waterways in the area is poor.

Nigeria has the second longest length of waterway in Africa. It has 8,600

kilometers of inland waterways and an extensive coastline of about 852 kilometers.

Nigeria centers on its longest rivers; Rivers Niger and Benue, which cut across the

country into the cardinal east, west and north sections. The two waters run into

each other at Lokoja and flow into the Atlantic Ocean. The coastal waterways

extended from Badagry region through Warri to Calabar. However, water transport

scores a distant second to road transport with an average share of about 1.6% of

Nigerian gross domestic product i.e. internally generated cargoes. Although water

transport is slow and while unsuitable for passenger movement, an efficient coastal

and inland waterways operation and system generally can minimize the pressure on

a country’s rail and road transport infrastructure. This would be of more optimum

benefits in the transportation of tones of agriculture products from the middle belts area to the Delta areas via this medium and vice-versa ; hopefully bringing about

the fall in food prices in the regions, likewise other coastal areas generated cargo

and passenger movements from and to where they are of more value and demand.

This states that Nigerian inland waterways despites its great potentials are under

prioritized and highly underdeveloped. The Federal Government currently hopes to reverse this by signing N34.8b contract for the dredging at the lower Niger which covers about 572 kilometers of waterways that stretches from Warri in Delta State to Baro in Niger State in the estimated projects which is expected to be concluded

by 2010. Likewise the states in conjunction with Local Government of Lagos and

especially Imo who geared in dredging the River Nworie, although the vision is

never realized up till this moment.

The enormous coastal trade opportunities it present for indigenous shipping

companies in Nigeria overtime failed due to shipping policy in place over the

years, directed on such trade. Several policies initiatives are currently directed on

the operation and the management at the inland waterways such as the coastal and

inland shipping (cabotage) Act passed 2003. However, it is not enough a thing to

initiate policies whereas the management administration or rather the expected

enforcement pattern of such policies is not inputted.

The Nigeria population of some 140 million (census 2006), at present about 160

million, has been forecasted to increase to some 200 to 240 million by 2030 and

for 2050 a population of over 300 million has even stated. In addition, there is an ongoing shift from southerly located industries to more central locations. Finally, the agricultural sector is expected to be substantially improved in the near future.

As a consequence, the requirements in Nigeria will tremendously increase in the

coming decades necessitating the Government of Nigeria to strongly develop a

multi-modal system for overland transport including the Inland Waterway

Transport modes.

However, there is no coordinated documented information on the state and

development of inland waterways in Nigeria, hence the research topic; “Evaluative

study of the development of inland waterways in Nigeria.”

1.3. Objectives of the Study

The aim of the study is to evaluate the inland waterway development in Nigeria.

Specifically, we set the following objectives:

i. To evaluate the extent of Government commitment to the development of

inland water transport in Nigeria ii. To determine the extent of implementation of inland water policies by

NIWA management.

iii. To establish the extent to which ferries/boat are employed in water transport

in the study area.

iv. To determine the impact of NIWA activities on ferry operations in the study


v. To ascertain the extent of the impact of the activities of NIWA to the

inhabitants in the study area.

vi. To ascertain if there are significant differences in the extent of

implementation of inland water policies by the NIWA management among

the various jetties or ports sampled for the study.

vii. To determine if there are significant differences in the level of development

in the inland water ways transport in the study area.

1.4 Research Questions

i. What is the extent of Government commitment on the development of inland

water transport in Nigeria?

ii. What is the extent of implementation of inland water policies by NIWA


iii. What is the extent to which ferries/boat are employed in water transport in

the study area?

iv. What is impact of NIWA activities on ferry operation in the study area?

v. What is the extent of the impact of the activities of NIWA to the inhabitants

in the study area?

vi. Are there significant differences in the extent of implementation of inland

water ways policies by the NIWA management among the various jetties or

ports sampled for the study?

vii. Finally, are there significant differences in the level of development in the

inland water ways transport in the study area

1.5 Hypotheses for the Study

The following null hypotheses are formulated for the study:

o H01: There is no significant Government commitment to the development of

inland water transport in Nigeria

o H02: There is no significant implementation of inland water policies by

NIWA management.

o H03: The extent to which ferries\boats are employed in water transport in the

study area is not significant.

o H04: There is no significant impact of NIWA activities on ferry operations in

the study area.

o H05: The extent of the impact of the activities of NIWA does not

significantly enhance the welfare of the inhabitants in the study area.

o H06: There are no significant differences in the extent of implementation of

inland water policies by NIWA management among the various jetties or

ports sampled in the study area.

o H07: There are no significant differences in the level of development in the

inland waterways transport in the study area.

1.6 Significance of the Study

Findings in this study will be of immense benefit to the following; Researchers,

Inland waterways operators and user, policy makers, Nigeria inland water

authority, the inhabitants of coastal regions and to all other modes of transport

operators and customers as suggested thus:

 The outcome of this research will expose the prevailing problems truncating

the development IWT in Nigeria.

 The findings in this study will add to the existing literature for use by


 The research will expose the level of backwardness in the Nigeria inland

waterways system; hence provide road map to appropriate measures to

remedy the situation.

 The operators and users of the IWT will be educated through this research to

know what is obtainable in other countries where inland waterway transport

thrives. This will enhance their level preparedness to adjust to the

anticipated positive changes in the Nigeria IWT.

 It will also serve as a tool for policy makers to evolve suitable policies and

programs that will lead to the rapid development of IWT in Nigeria, thereby

enabling IWT to effectively contribute its quota to the socio-economic,

commercial and industrial growth in Nigeria

 The study will help address the issue of non multimodality utilization in the

Nigeria IWT; hence suggest ways the various modes of transport could be

integrated with IWT for effective and efficient transportation of goods and


 The study will make available through case studies the best practices in

inland waterways operations in other advanced countries which our country

could emulate and introduce through sound policies to the nation lessons

learnt from the experiences of countries that have successfully developed

their IWT sector.

1.7. The Scope of Study

The study was carried out only in the three states of Nigeria that constitute the

geopolitical zones of the country that inland water transport is a major means of

transport. The states are Bayelsa, Lagos and Kogi.


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