My Family Is At The Verge Of Destruction

My entire family which includes my brothers’ wives and their kids and my sisters’ families was once a peaceful and an enviable large family but right now, the devil wants to destroy the family through our wives.

My wife and my younger brother’s wife who were once greatest friends are now mortal enemies, they don’t talk nor regard themselves as humans, this enmity has lingered for long despite me and my brother’s efforts and that of my entire family, both extended, to resolve the issues between them, over the years but all to no avail.

It becomes worse by the day as we have tried everything humanly possible that is within our reach to quell the situation, but no success.
It is that bad that as I’m typing this, their enmity is starting to effect me and my brother’s relationship, as my younger brother no longer calls nor chats me as he normally does. Even if I called nor chatted him, he won’t pick up and neither the missed calls nor the chats would be returned.

I want to try something different, a totally different approach in tackling the situation, that’s why I brought it here. I don’t want anything to come in between me and my brother nor my family. I don’t want anything to happen to neither my brother’s wife nor my wife because the heart of man is evil, that’s why I’m seeking for a resolution to the ugly situation.

please all your opinions will help a great deal in approaching it from a different perspective.
please save my family.

Obim, My wife is actually the cause of the whole drama,
She accused my brother’s wife of having extramarital affair with me due to how close I was with her as a result of the love they(my wife and her) had for each other. It lead to a very heated quarrelling and the lady vowed never to forgive my wife in her life time and my wife whole heartedly accepted the conquest. Obim said if that will keep her away from me that it’s a welcome development.

Now, how it’s affecting my family is that my kids no longer go on vacation to their place likewise their kids no longer come over to my house during vacation and many more troubles it has caused my entire family.
Initially, My brother understood that it was one of the wahalas associated with women but I’m surprised and confused about his recent change in attitude.

My Family Is At The Verge Of Destruction – Family – Nigeria (

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